Cósmico in english


pronunciation: kɑzmɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cósmico = cosmic. 

Example: Ranganathan considered librarianship as a social institution linking cosmic and personal dharma.


» aerogeología cósmicacosmic aerogeology .

Example: The Scientific Research Institute of cosmic aerogeology has set up an automated information retrieval system on remote exploration.

» colisión cósmicacosmic collision .

Example: Scientists now believe that cosmic collision shaped our solar system.

» guerra cósmicacosmic war .

Example: Religion has also provided the metaphor of cosmic war -- an image of spiritual struggle between good and bad that every religion has within its repository of symbols.

» ley cósmicacosmic law .

Example: Cai's works, many of which prominently feature gunpowder, emphasize the cosmic laws of opposition between creation and destruction, yin and yang.

» polvo cósmicocosmic dustspace dust .

Example: Cosmic dust is made up of left over particles that have been around since the formation of our solar system.

Example: The oldest space dust yet found on Earth suggests that the ancient atmosphere of Earth had significantly more oxygen than previously thought.

» rayo cósmicocosmic ray .

Example: Rapid electrical counting appeared soon after the physicists found it desirable to count cosmic rays.

Cósmico synonyms

big in spanish: grande, pronunciation: bɪg part of speech: adjective large in spanish: grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective
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