Coseno in english


pronunciation: kəzaɪn part of speech: noun
In gestures

coseno = cosine. 

Example: Cosine normalization plays a considerable role in the disparity seen between the collections = Cosine normalization plays a considerable role in the disparity seen between the collections.


» coeficiente de la correlación de los cosenoscosine correlation coefficient .

Example: A query is treated in the same way, and the query vector is then compared with the document vectors, using the cosine correlation coefficient to give a measure of the extent to which they coincide.

» fórmula del cosenocosine formula .

Example: The author shows that in most practical cases Salton's cosine formula yields a numerical value that is twice Jaccard's index.

» fórmula del coseno de SaltonSalton's cosine formula .

Example: This article shows that in most practical cases Salton's cosine formula yields a numerical value that is twice Jaccard's index.

» función de la correlación de los cosenoscosine correlation function .

Example: In the SMART experiments, the cosine correlation function was found to give somewhat better results.
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