Cosechar in english


pronunciation: hɑrvəst part of speech: noun
In gestures

cosechar = reap ; harvest. 

Example: Women suffragists reaped an unexpected publicity bonanza when the 1913 national suffrage parade in Washington was broken up by a drunken mob.Example: Entire families or groups of families cooperate in growing and harvesting food.


» cosechar beneficiosreap + benefitsreap + returnsreap + rewardsharvest + rewards .

Example: A library which opts to join a network may reap the benefit of advantages in terms of: efficiency, productivity, currency, control, costs.

Example: These new consortial arrangements are based upon a spirit of cooperation and trust that has the potential to reap returns well beyond the initial aspirations of the participants.

Example: The first countries to enter the information society will reap the greatests rewards whereas countries which temporise or favour half-hearted solutions could, in less than a decade, face disastrous declines in investment and a squeeze on jobs.

Example: The internet has given the ability to attract a never-ending number of potential clients, and by setting up solid business practices you can harvest the rewards.

» cosechar laurelesreap + Posesivo + laurelswin + (Posesivo) laurels .

Example: Such awards are a big motivation to strive hard and keep improving my game and reap laurels for my country.

Example: In India, a woman javelin champion, who has won laurels at the national level, was 'tortured' for allegedly practising witchcraft.

» cosechas lo que siembrasyou (shall) reap what you sowthe chickens come home to roost [Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"]what goes around comes aroundif you dance, you must pay the piperas you sow, so shall you reap .

Example: A popular teaching of the New Testament is the principle that 'you reap what you sow'.

Example: These particular chickens do come home to roost = Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost".

Example: If there's one place where what goes around comes around, it's the United States Senate.

Example: And as the old saying goes: 'If you dance, you must pay the piper' .

Example: The article 'as you sow, so shall you reap: understanding the value of information' addresses the common problem of how to establish the value of the library and the information it provides in the eyes of the parent organisation.

Cosechar synonyms

crop in spanish: cultivo, pronunciation: krɑp part of speech: noun glean in spanish: espigar, pronunciation: glin part of speech: verb reap in spanish: recoger, pronunciation: rip part of speech: verb harvesting in spanish: cosecha, pronunciation: hɑrvəstɪŋ part of speech: noun harvest time in spanish: tiempo de cosecha, pronunciation: hɑrvəsttaɪm part of speech: noun harvest home in spanish: cosecha en casa, pronunciation: hɑrvəsthoʊm part of speech: noun
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