Corto in english


pronunciation: ʃɔrt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cortar Algo = snip + Nombre + off. 

Example: A single hydrogen atom has been snipped off a molecule and then added back on again, marking the first time a single chemical bond has been broken.

cortar = cut off ; crop ; trim ; slash ; chop off ; clip ; dam (up) ; sever ; intersect ; chop down ; shut off ; chop up ; cut down ; fell ; shear ; trim off ; cut + Nombre + up ; split ; shear off ; snip ; hew ; cut up into + strips ; cut ; chop ; pare ; dock ; slit ; slice into ; cut through. 

Example: The spine folds of the assembled sheets were simply cut off, separating all the leaves, which were then attached to each other and to a backing strip by a coating of rubber solution, and cased in the ordinary way.Example: In addition, many of photographs are badly cropped, with the tops of heads, towers, and artworks lopped off.Example: The edges of the leaves may have been trimmed smooth by the binder, or left rough (uncut).Example: Finally, a few copies of an edition seem generally to have slipped through with their cancellanda uncancelled, so that examples of the original settings may sometimes be found (occasionally slashed by the warehouse keeper's shears, deliberate defacement which escaped notice).Example: Others chop off old records to remain within the limits of 680 MB.Example: Some libraries frequently subscribe to specific newspapers in duplicate in order to clip articles and illustrations of interest for particular subject files.Example: But to prevent any meandering at all, or to dam the flow of talk too soon and too often by intruding, generally only frustrates spontaneity = But to prevent any meandering at all, or to dam the flow of talk too soon and too often by intruding, generally only frustrates spontaneity.Example: This art is is mass produced, often mechanically, and thus severed from tradition.Example: Contingency plans can be devised to intersect at several points on this time continuum.Example: Microform catalogs take up less room and are more sound ecologically since you don't have to chop down half of Canada everytime you make a large catalog = Microform catalogs take up less room and are more sound ecologically since you don't have to chop down half of Canada everytime you make a large catalog.Example: Advanced design sprinklers shut off water when the fire is out, reducing the risk of water damage.Example: The writer bemoans record studios' tendency to chop up and fiddle with opera performances.Example: A subsequent owner cut down most of the surrounding woodland and the garden was largely lost.Example: In this study, thirty-four-year-old chestnut trees were felled, measured and weighed to evaluate their aboveground biomass.Example: All the activity on a sheep station was directed to one end: shearing the sheep and sending the wool away to the city.Example: If you repeatedly deadhead - trim off the spent flowers - the plant goes into overdrive.Example: They tortured her into revealing her Pin number and safe code before cutting her up and disposing of her in bin liners.Example: In the mechanised paper fibre process individual pages are soaked and split so that acid-free paper can be put between the two layers.Example: Working at the lumberyard pushing a tree through the buzz saw he accidentally sheared off all ten of his fingers.Example: It's perfect for dead heading dense flowering plant without accidentally snipping the neighboring blooms.Example: Oak was shaped by splitting with wooden wedges, and by hewing with axes or adzes.Example: Cut up the leftovers into strips, stick on skewers and finish quickly on the grill.Example: Collect the seed heads when they are turning brown by cutting them from the plants and drying them on a tray made of very fine wire mesh.Example: This chopping knife is ideal for chopping, dicing and slicing vegetables, meat, herbs and other ingredients.Example: Cut the pineapple, after paring it, into small squares; make a syrup of the sugar, vinegar, and spices, and pour it over the pineaple while boiling hot.Example: Whoever told you about the fine has got their facts wrong, there is no such thing as a fine for docking your dog's tail.Example: I want a sword to slit her end to end and then dice her body into small pieces and leave the bloodied, quivering remains on her front lawn.Example: These over easy eggs have perfect pink yolks that ooze gorgeous yellow all over the plate when sliced into with a fork or crispy toast.Example: The thieves, who seemed to have all the time in the world, used a grinder to cut through three safes built into a wall.


» abrir cortandolancecut + Nombre + opencut throughslit + Nombre + open .

Example: The nodules were lanced and squeezed, and the wounds were treated with copper sulfate and dressed with zinc oxide.

Example: The best way to keep the avocados from browning once cut open is to wrap them in plastic.

Example: The thieves, who seemed to have all the time in the world, used a grinder to cut through three safes built into a wall.

Example: Next, peel the charred skin off of the bell peppers and discard, then slit them open and remove the seeds.

» ¡corta el rollo!put a sock in it! .

Example: Last week's statement should be seen as the last word and a signal for the industry to put a sock in it for a while.

» cortar Algosnip + Nombre + off .

Example: A single hydrogen atom has been snipped off a molecule and then added back on again, marking the first time a single chemical bond has been broken.

» cortar Algo como si fuera mantequillacut through + Nombre + like a (hot) knife through butter .

Example: The branches I was removing had a circumference of approximately 30cm and the chainsaw cut through them like a hot knife through butter.

» cortar Algo de raíznip + Nombre + in the bud .

Example: By spotting problems in the system early, you can 'nip them in the bud'.

» cortar a tajoshack .

Example: He had to rush his nephew to hospital after he was hacked by a machete-wielding mob.

» cortar con barricadasbarricade .

Example: When he looked through his window he saw two coarse man in reflecting traffic jackets barricade the entrance to the dunes with large rocks.

» cortar con el problema de raíznip + the problem in the bud .

Example: In many cases, having a quick word with your academic advisor during their office hours can nip the problem in the bud.

» cortar con motoguadañastrim .

Example: We are fully aware that the quickest and easiest way to clear an area of couch grass is to strim the grass to a height of about 2cm .

» cortar con tijerassnip .

Example: It's perfect for dead heading dense flowering plant without accidentally snipping the neighboring blooms.

» cortar con una sierrasaw .

Example: This book suggests ways for children to work successfully with scraps of wood by carving, sawing, hammering, nailing or gluing pieces together.

» cortar decut + Nombre + away from .

Example: Tugging at them might encourage more fibre to be pulled out, and form more pills, so you are better to very carefully cut them away from the surface of your knit.

» cortar el aguacut off + the watershut off + the water .

Example: You can see that, even if someone were to cut off the water to your bathroom, you could still flush the toilet.

Example: The tenant has until the first week of July to pay the water bill or else the water will be shut off.

» cortar el bacalaocall + the shotsbe the bosscall + the tunerule + the roostrun + the show .

Example: The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.

Example: One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.

Example: As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.

Example: Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.

Example: This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.

» cortar el céspedmow + the lawnmow [Verbo irregular: pasado mowed, participio mowed/mown] .

Example: The most important piece of advice I could ever offer in the way of lawn care is simple -- mow the lawn high.

Example: The results indicate that raking after mowing benefits germination of certain plants, especially legumes, annuals and biennials.

» cortar el cordón umbilicalcut off + the umbilical cord .

Example: If it was just down to finances Northern Ireland would have been cut off the umbilical cord long ago = Si sólo se debiese a cuestiones económica al Norte de Irlanda ya se le hubiese cortado el cordón ubilical hace mucho tiempo.

» cortar el cuelloslit + Posesivo + throat .

Example: These men were telling her they'd slit her throat or rape her little sister if she didn't do what they said.

» cortar el gasshut off + the gas .

Example: A landlord cannot just lock a tenant out, take their property, shut off their electricity, gas, water or other essential services.

» cortar el pescuezoslit + Posesivo + throat .

Example: These men were telling her they'd slit her throat or rape her little sister if she didn't do what they said.

» cortar el rollocut to + the chasecut + the crapcut + the bullshitcut through + the noisecut + the cackle .

Example: This is a dating agency for sugar daddies, sugar babies and singles who are looking to cut to the chase and meet new adult singles online.

Example: I was much older and wiser, so as soon as the recruiter began his spiel, I just told him to cut the crap and give it to me straight.

Example: She then told him to cut the bullshit and get his act together, fast.

Example: Automation tools can help you streamline your workflow and cut through the noise.

Example: We can't deny the fact that it is time to cut the cackle and get down to business.

» cortar en filetesfillet .

Example: When you get the hang of filleting, you can zip through a pile of fish pretty quickly.

» cortar en lonchasslicecut into + slices .

Example: To build an integrated circuit, once the silicon crystals have been grown, these crystals will have to be sliced into wafers.

Example: Season with pepper, then pour the sauce in a saucière to accompany with the breast cut into slices.

» cortar en pedacitoscut up into + small pieces .

Example: The 'sweated' rags were next cut up into small pieces and placed in wooden mortars where they were pounded to a pulp (or stuff) by water-powered hammers.

» cortar en pedazoscut + Nombre + upcut + Nombre + in(to) piecescut + Nombre + in(to) pieces .

Example: They tortured her into revealing her Pin number and safe code before cutting her up and disposing of her in bin liners.

Example: If you like the skin, cut it into pieces with kitchen shears and arrange it on the platter with the sliced meat.

Example: If you like the skin, cut it into pieces with kitchen shears and arrange it on the platter with the sliced meat.

» cortar en rebanadasslicecut into + slices .

Example: To build an integrated circuit, once the silicon crystals have been grown, these crystals will have to be sliced into wafers.

Example: Season with pepper, then pour the sauce in a saucière to accompany with the breast cut into slices.

» cortar en rebanaditassliver .

Example: If you wait to cut, dice, chop or sliver food until just before cooking, you minimize exposure to light and air which destroys valuable vitamins.

» cortar en rodajasslicecut into + slices .

Example: To build an integrated circuit, once the silicon crystals have been grown, these crystals will have to be sliced into wafers.

Example: Season with pepper, then pour the sauce in a saucière to accompany with the breast cut into slices.

» cortar en rodajitassliver .

Example: If you wait to cut, dice, chop or sliver food until just before cooking, you minimize exposure to light and air which destroys valuable vitamins.

» cortar en secokill + Nombre + stone deadknock it on + the head .

Example: Having built up your reputation for over half a century you have managed to kill it stone dead in only a few seconds.

Example: A part of me wanted knock it on the head, but my inner voice was telling me I'd got this far, so I may as well follow it through.

» cortar en tajoshack .

Example: He had to rush his nephew to hospital after he was hacked by a machete-wielding mob.

» cortar en tirasshredcut up into + strips .

Example: If they do muster up the courage to participate, they have learned what it is like to lose: they describe it as being 'slaughtered,' 'blown away,' or 'shredded'.

Example: Cut up the leftovers into strips, stick on skewers and finish quickly on the grill.

» cortar en trocitosdicedice + Nombre + into small pieces .

Example: The best way to avoid crying when dicing an onion is to use a very sharp knife and to move as quickly as safety permits.

Example: I want a sword to slit her end to end and then dice her body into small pieces and leave the bloodied, quivering remains on her front lawn.

» cortar en trozoscut + Nombre + upchop .

Example: They tortured her into revealing her Pin number and safe code before cutting her up and disposing of her in bin liners.

Example: This chopping knife is ideal for chopping, dicing and slicing vegetables, meat, herbs and other ingredients.

» cortar la cabezabeheaddecapitate .

Example: On July 2, 1834, the figurehead of President Andrew Jackson on the U.S. frigate Constitution was beheaded.

Example: Animals were first anesthetized and then decapitated and brains were removed, frozen with dry ice powder, and stored in a deep freezer = Primero se anestesió a los animales y luego se decapitaron y se extrajeron sus cerebros, congelándolos con hielo seco en polvo y guardándolos en un congelador.

» cortar la electricidadshut off + the electricity [También usado en el siguiente orden shut + the electricity off] .

Example: It's illegal for the landlord to shut off the electricity to force a tenant out of the property.

» cortar la hierbamow [Verbo irregular: pasado mowed, participio mowed/mown] .

Example: The results indicate that raking after mowing benefits germination of certain plants, especially legumes, annuals and biennials.

» cortar la luzshut off + the electricity [También usado en el siguiente orden shut + the electricity off] .

Example: It's illegal for the landlord to shut off the electricity to force a tenant out of the property.

» cortar las alaspinion [Generalmente para restringir el vuelo] .

Example: Be sure when pinioning birds, you only pinion one wing and only one wing.

» cortar las flores marchitasdeadhead [Con objeto de que la planta produzca más flores] .

Example: If you repeatedly deadhead - trim off the spent flowers - the plant goes into overdrive.

» cortar las relaciones concut + ties withbreak + ties withsever + Posesivo + ties withsever + Posesivo + links with .

Example: The tough part about cutting ties with a family memmber is the ties are never completely cut.

Example: Adolescents do not seek to break ties with parents or adults so much as to revise their relationships in a more adult direction.

Example: Those civil servants leave the United Kingdom to work in a Community institution automatically sever their ties with their own government service.

Example: SLIS experiences of the immediate past and present han not persuaded them to sever their links with librarianship.

» cortar las uñascut + Posesivo + nails .

Example: But the only way I can slightly cut her nails is if her muzzle is on and she is distracted with treats.

» cortar las uñas del piecut + Posesivo + toenails .

Example: A couple of weeks ago we took her to the vet and they did cut her toenails and she went crazy (crying, shaking, trying to bite).

» cortarle las alas a Alguienclip + Posesivo + wings .

Example: Since arthritis clipped her wings, she spends much of her time at home with a very patient husband, two cats and about five thousand books.

» cortarle los vuelos a Alguienclip + Posesivo + wings .

Example: Since arthritis clipped her wings, she spends much of her time at home with a very patient husband, two cats and about five thousand books.

» cortar llegando al huesocut to + the bone .

Example: He was cut to the bone after a skate fell off a hook above his locker and landed on his right wrist.

» cortar los lazos concut + ties withbreak + ties withsever + Posesivo + ties withsever + Posesivo + links with .

Example: The tough part about cutting ties with a family memmber is the ties are never completely cut.

Example: Adolescents do not seek to break ties with parents or adults so much as to revise their relationships in a more adult direction.

Example: Those civil servants leave the United Kingdom to work in a Community institution automatically sever their ties with their own government service.

Example: SLIS experiences of the immediate past and present han not persuaded them to sever their links with librarianship.

» cortar metalshear [Verbo irregular: pasado sheared y participio pasado shorn] .

Example: All the activity on a sheep station was directed to one end: shearing the sheep and sending the wool away to the city.

» cortar perpendicularmente a la veta de crecimientocut + across the grain .

Example: Fine-grained hardwoods were preferred, nearly always cut across the grain, although the largest size types were sometimes cut on the plank.

» cortar porcut across .

Example: He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.

» cortar por la mitadcut + Nombre + in half .

Example: The article 'Wages, hours, bookfunds take a dive' examines how some authorities are proposing cuts in wages to preserve services; others reducing bookfunds by as much as a quarter, or cutting their opening hours in half.

» cortar por lo sanocut + a Gordian knotcut + Posesivo + losses .

Example: I think we should all take to heart Lady Wootton's classic cutting of this Gordian knot, when she points out that social workers are not medicos, not psychologists, not sociologists, they are essentially experts in communication, performing a 'middleman' role.

Example: Both the newspapers and the unions want to cut their losses by concluding a deal in advance of a court hearing that is scheduled to decide on the original causes of the strike.

» cortar radicalmente conmake + a clean break from/with .

Example: This is the time when new standards were adopted for the accreditation of US library schools thus making a clean break with 19th century unwritten standards.

» cortarsenick + Reflexivocurdle .

Example: And then he had nicked himself shaving, so badly that the styptic pencil had failed immediately to do its appointed task, delaying him so that he had to wolf down his breakfast, the eggs of which had on them a crust which he hated.

Example: Milk and soy milk are curdled intentionally to make cheese and tofu by the addition of enzymes.

» cortarse como la mantequillacut like + butter .

Example: Hair that is wet through and through cuts like butter, a good razor blade will cut through it smoothly and effortlessly.

» cortarse el pelohave + Posesivo + hair cutget hair cut .

Example: I'd been toying with the idea of having my hair cut at a hairdressing academy for a while and took the plunge when my hair got out of control with split ends and whatnot.

Example: It never worried her at all and she just sat in the hairdressers and was good as gold getting her hair cut.

» cortarse las venasslash + Posesivo + wristsslit + Posesivo + wrists .

Example: Whereupon he downed a bottle of eau de cologne, dosed himself with barbiturates and slashed his wrists.

Example: I swear to God I just want to slit my wrists and end this bullshit.

» cortar transversalmentetransect .

Example: The moon's cratered surface is transected by a number of prominent chasms up to 10 kilometres across.

» cortar una esquinacut out + a corner .

Example: Have the landscapers come in, cut out a corner of the driveway, put down new soil and plant more grass.

» cortar un nudo gordianocut + a Gordian knot .

Example: I think we should all take to heart Lady Wootton's classic cutting of this Gordian knot, when she points out that social workers are not medicos, not psychologists, not sociologists, they are essentially experts in communication, performing a 'middleman' role.

» cortar y pegarcut-and-paste .

Example: Obviously, the work-around is to cut-and-paste this into the end of the document, but why did this happen in the first place?.

» cortar y secarcut and dry .

Example: The coconuts are cut and dried until the moisture content of the meat is minimized.

» hacer un frío que corta la carathere + be + a nip in the air .

Example: The wind got up as the day went on and there was a nip in the air.

» máquina de cortar en rebanadasslicer  .

Example: Slicers are placed in three categories based upon slicing volume, hours of use, and types of product being sliced.

» maquinilla de cortar el pelohair clippers .

Example: The suspects stole a laptop and electronic hair clippers and then fled the scene undetected.

» separar cortandocut apart .

Example: Learn how to cut apart a full chicken.

» sin cortaruncut .

Example: The length and breadth of the sheet are taken if possible from an uncut copy of the book = Si es posible, se indicarán la longitud y la anchura del pliego de un ejemplar sin cortar.

» tabla de cortarchopping board .

Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.

» tener tela que cortarhave + a lot on + Posesivo + platehave + Posesivo + hands full .

Example: With Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Iran and North Korea nuclear proliferation and the Palestine-Israel conflict, Obama has a lot in his plate.

Example: Firefighters will again have their hands full as southerly winds pick up in central, northeast and eastern Victoria.

» utensilio para cortarcutting tool .

Example: For example, DIAMONDS could be a NT under cutting tools as well as under GEMS.

corto1 = brief ; short ; skimpy. 

Example: Longer titles since each title can occupy only one line will be truncated and only brief source references are included = Longer titles since each title can occupy only one line will be truncated and only brief source references are included.Example: The 'in' analytic entry consist of two parts: the description of the part, and a short citation of the whole item in which the part is to be found.Example: Wimbledon organisers have imposed a ban on skimpy tennis outfits ahead of this year's tournament.


» a corto plazobefore very longshort term [short-term]in the short runshort-rangeat short noticein the short termshort-runfor the short haulfor the short runover the short runover the short haul .

Example: The moment we compromise among ourselves to adopt rules that are incompatible with ideology then I think we are merely providing the necessity before very long to have these changes brought about.

Example: Whether this is a short term phenomenon or not, remains to be seen.

Example: In the short run, the most likely prospect is for all current systems to continue with electronic formats merely adding to the richness of the human record.

Example: The astute leader will establish short- and long-range goals for the institution, develop specific objectives to accomplish those goals, and activities to meet the objectives.

Example: Each of the experts is available for telephone consultation at short notice.

Example: Controlled vocabulary is the best option in the short term = El vocabulario controlado es la mejor opción a corto plazo.

Example: Findings indicate that the short-run success of methadone programs does not automatically translate into long-run abstinence.

Example: Some jobs are good for the short haul, while others are built for the long run.

Example: I believe the answer to that is still negative, at least for the short run behavior of exchange rates.

Example: The concept is that wages don't change over the short run.

Example: Over the short haul the body might be able to handle high doses of a chemical without it causing damage.

» andar (muy) corto de dinerobe strapped for + cashbe (hard) pressed for + moneybe (hard) pushed for + money .

Example: Public school, strapped for cash, find offers from advertising revenue hard to turn down.

Example: In these difficult times, we all find ourselves hard pressed for money every once in a while.

Example: The mortgage carried him on for seven months, but at the end of that time he was hard pushed for money again.

» andar (muy) corto de tiempobe (hard) pressed for + timebe (hard) pushed for + time .

Example: Spring is the most important planting time here in the west, and nurserymen are hard pressed for time to fill all the orders.

Example: This short adventure is designed for those who are hard pushed for time and want to do something active during their time off.

» arma cortasmall arm .

Example: Every minute someone in the world dies from the use of a small arm or light weapon.

» arroz cortopudding rice .

Example: Rice pudding is traditionally made with pudding rice, milk, cream, and sugar and is sometimes flavoured with vanilla, nutmeg, jam and/or cinnamon.

» arroz de grano cortoshort-grain(ed) rice .

Example: Long-grain rice has a lot of amylose and not much amylopectin while short-grain rice has a good balance of both.

» atar (en) cortorein inkeep + Nombre + in checkhold + Nombre + in checkhold + Nombre + in linekeep + Nombre + in line .

Example: If librarians hope to rein in escalating periodical prices, they must become more assertive consumers.

Example: The article 'Keeping fraudsters in check' describes computerized systems now being developed to help combat fraud.

Example: Inflation may be held in check or even reduced temporarily, but eventually industry must put up prices in order to recover these higher costs.

Example: The library staff consists of 6 professional librarians and 11 clerical workers, all of whom are held firmly in line by the forceful personality of the director, a retired military colonel.

Example: Queen bees use mind control to keep young workers in line by secreting a scent that prevents worker bees from learning, according to new research.

» cambiar a una marcha más cortadownshift .

Example: If you've ever watched an Indy race on TV and see a driver lose control going into corners it's because they downshift too early.

» cambio a una marcha más cortadownshift .

Example: I usually do the first couple downshifts slowly, and get progressively quicker as I get down to corner speed.

» camino más corto, elshortcut .

Example: If they are novices, the search should proceed meticulously, step by step; if they are sophisticated, shortcuts may work.

» camiseta de mangas cortasT-shirt [tee-shirt] .

Example: Some library workers concocted a scheme to advertise the plight of California libraries-through slogan-bearing T-shirts and sweatshirts.

» capa cortacaplet  .

Example: He was wearing a caplet that had a high, lacey collar and bows to tie it shut.

» coger el camino más cortotake + a shortcut .

Example: Never take a shortcut in life, take the long route because you pick up more experiences on the way.

» con un plazo de tiempo muy cortoat (a) very short notice .

Example: I am available weekday evenings and weekends and can work at very short notice.

» con un plazo de tiempo tan cortoat such short notice .

Example: Cancellations after this date cannot be transferred to a future course because places cannot be filled at such short notice.

» corta distancia de desplazamientoeasy travelling distance .

Example: These are useful in showing the reader the resources within easy travelling distance.

» cortas mirasnearsightedness [near-sightedness]myopia .

Example: The nearsightedness in these works is mirrored in contemporary American analysis of events & life.

Example: We have demonstrated that managerial myopia may result in actions that maximize the short-term market value, not the fundamental value, of the firm.

» corto de dinerostrappedcash strappedfinancially strappedshort of money .

Example: This open source book is a welcome relief for strapped college students who are paying $100 and more for textbooks.

Example: As a result, the society's publishing programme went from cash strapped to thriving, even while making the periodical free online.

Example: Many of our group are financially strapped, and that presents a problem but I'm game.

Example: This brings me to the third factoid, the most important of the three: most Americans are more aware of being short of time than short of money.

» corto de estaturashort in stature .

Example: Pye was described as 'short in stature, bushy-eyebrowed, thoughtful, quietly efficient'.

» corto de mirasmyopicshort-sighted [shortsighted] .

Example: Street boys like Slake, a dodger used to running away, do not, even when they are myopic and dreamers, allow themselves to bump into lampposts.

Example: Progressing a stage further, it would be economically short-sighted, to say the least, for a large co-operative network such as OCLC in the United States or BLCMP in the UK, not to take advantage of the MARC service.

» corto de vistanearsighted [near-sighted] .

Example: 'Small, near-sighted, dreaming, bruised, an outlander in the city of his birth,' thirteen-year-old Aremis Slake fled one day to the only refuge he knew, the New York subway system.

» corto tiempobrief time .

Example: Her attitude enabled him, and everyone else on the staff from what he could gather in the brief time he had been there, to establish a pleasant familiarity with her.

» corto y gruesostubby [stubbier -comp., stubbiest -sup.]  .

Example: This insect is a relative of the far more familiar daddy longlegs but its legs are stubby rather than long.

» de corta duraciónshort term [short-term]of short duration .

Example: Whether this is a short term phenomenon or not, remains to be seen.

Example: There are spring freshets caused by heavy rainfalls and melting snows, and torrential floods of short duration caused by cloudbursts.

» de corta estaturashort in stature .

Example: Pye was described as 'short in stature, bushy-eyebrowed, thoughtful, quietly efficient'.

» de mangas cortasshort-sleeved .

Example: This short-sleeved tee shirt is made of 100% preshrunk cotton.

» demasiado cortoall too shorttoo short .

Example: For the typists, the change meant having to undergo a period of training (in some cases, all too short and inadequate training).

Example: Life is too short, and it can be over in a heartbeat.

» de pelo cortoshort-haired .

Example: There I spent a dismal period with the boy's paternal grandfather, a man as wrinkled as a prune, and a brown short-haired dog.

» edición de tiradas cortasshort run publishing .

Example: The contribution desktop publishing and the laser printer can make to short run publishing is contrasted with the high cost of image setting from PostScript files in a highly competitive typesetting market.

» en un corto espacio de tiempoin a short space of time .

Example: This paper reports on how we were able to 'hit the ground running' in building an open access IR in such a short space of time.

» en un corto período de tiempoin a short period of time .

Example: This information can be difficult to read, memorize, and reproduce in a short period of time, such as in the case of recall of hit-and-run accidents.

» en un espacio de tiempo muy cortoin a very short space of time .

Example: Texting is a startling modern phenomenon, one that has gripped the imagination of the UK in a very short space of time.

» en un plazo de tiempo muy cortoin a very short space of time .

Example: Texting is a startling modern phenomenon, one that has gripped the imagination of the UK in a very short space of time.

» en un tiempo relativamente cortoin a relatively short timein a relatively short span of time .

Example: 'We've come a long way in a relatively short time and achieved some wonderful results,' said Perry = "Hemos recorrido un largo camino en un tiempo relativamente corto y hemos logrado unos maravillosos resultados", dijo Perry.

Example: Hurricanes affect large coastal areas and inland in a relatively short span of time.

» escritor de relatos cortosshort story writer .

Example: She is one of Ireland's most accomplished short story writers.

» golpe cortojab [Término del boxeo] .

Example: Learn about the 5 basics types of jabs in boxing.

» hacer más cortomake + Nombre + shorter .

Example: I apologize for the length of this letter but I didn't have time to make it shorter.

» hacerse más cortogrow + shorter .

Example: With days growing shorter, time was precious, and man was reminded of the long darkness ahead.

» lo cortoshortness  .

Example: Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.

» luz cortalow beam .

Example: My headlight flasher does not work, but I can change from high to low beam.

» más bien cortoshortish  .

Example: Hitchens' vigorous defense and vindication of Orwell consists of ten shortish chapters examining his hero's credentials in relation to various matters.

» novela cortanovellanovelette .

Example: This is a novella about the murder of a gay soldier at Fort Bragg.

Example: This philosophic novelette dramatizes the conflict between love and reason in the education of the young, showing the disastrous effects of a rigidly scientific pedagogy.

» onda cortashort wave .

Example: This frequency band, also known as short wave, is one of the suitable bands for long distance communication.

» pelo cortocrop hairstyle [Generalmente para referirse a las mujeres] .

Example: A sexy short crop hairstyle with spiky messy wisps gives this style boyish appeal.

» pitido cortoblip .

Example: I get a blip when I lock the car but no blip when I unlock it, the central locking works but not audible sound.

» quedarse cortostop + short offall + shortfall + short of .

Example: Many attempts to evaluate reference services stop short of developing methods for improving these services = Muchos intentos de evaluar los servicios de referencia no llegan a desarrollar los métodos necesarios para mejorarlos.

Example: He was also to compare us to the most recent ALA standards to see where we fall short.

Example: This, however, falls short of exploiting the full potential of the microcomputer to revolutionize the way in which business documents, memoranda, reports etc. are produced and disseminated.

» relato cortoshort story .

Example: Below is a list of all of the known uncollected short stories by Stephen King.

» siesta cortacatnap .

Example: Catnaps are a great way to catch up on lost sleep or to refresh ourselves.

» solución a corto plazoshort-term solution .

Example: Although microform can provide a short-term solution the long-term one may lie with the electronic journal.

» tirada cortashort run .

Example: Until the middle of the nineteenth century even the larger machine printers kept numbers of iron hand-presses for working short runs.

» tirando a cortoshortish  .

Example: Hitchens' vigorous defense and vindication of Orwell consists of ten shortish chapters examining his hero's credentials in relation to various matters.

» tomar el camino más cortotake + a shortcut .

Example: Never take a shortcut in life, take the long route because you pick up more experiences on the way.

» una distancia cortaa short way to go .

Example: Wear your seatbelt for the entire ride, even if it is just a short way to go.

» vacación cortashort break .

Example: However, short breaks and budget flights are exceptions to the general travel gloom.

corto2 = dim-witted [dimwitted]. 

Example: From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.


» corto de lucesdim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.]  ; dim-witted [dimwitted] .

Example: It's all about the people in charge, are they smart? are they dim?.

Example: From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.

» más corto que las mangas de un chalecoas thick as two (short) planksas shy as shy can beas thick as a brickas daft as a brushknucklehead .

Example: Ashdown, for example, is an out'and'out Nazi, while Menzies'Campbell, who is supposed to be their expert on foreign affairs, is as thick as two planks.

Example: He's as shy as shy can be, but give him a couple of beers and he'll spill his guts about anything.

Example: Her husband is still as thick as a brick and he still thinks he's been the model husband but Rome wasn't built in a day.

Example: His colleagues would say he's as daft as a brush, has bags of energy and enthusiasm but gets the job done.

Example: It takes more courage to say no and stand up for what's right and is best for them, than it does to cave in to knuckleheads like you two.

corto3 = short film. 

Example: With an eclectic mix of high-end quality short films and a devoted audience it is little wonder the event has sold out ever year for the past six years.


» festival de cine cortoshort film festival .

Example: Founded in 1993, Australia's Tropfest has grown to be the largest short film festival in the world.

» festival de cortosshort film festival .

Example: Founded in 1993, Australia's Tropfest has grown to be the largest short film festival in the world.

Corto synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective tender in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: tendɜr part of speech: noun, adjective close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective brief in spanish: breve, pronunciation: brif part of speech: adjective direct in spanish: directo, pronunciation: dɜrekt part of speech: adjective dead in spanish: muerto, pronunciation: ded part of speech: adjective little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb poor in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: pur part of speech: adjective scant in spanish: escaso, pronunciation: skænt part of speech: verb curt in spanish: brusco, pronunciation: kɜrt part of speech: adjective snub in spanish: desaire, pronunciation: snʌb part of speech: noun, verb irascible in spanish: irascible, pronunciation: ɪræsɪbəl part of speech: adjective squat in spanish: agacharse, pronunciation: skwɑt part of speech: adjective, verb brusque in spanish: brusco, pronunciation: brʌsk part of speech: adjective truncate in spanish: truncar, pronunciation: trʌŋkeɪt part of speech: verb, adjective fleeting in spanish: fugaz, pronunciation: flitɪŋ part of speech: adjective impatient in spanish: impaciente, pronunciation: ɪmpeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective fugitive in spanish: fugitivo, pronunciation: fjudʒətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun squab in spanish: pichón, pronunciation: skwɑb part of speech: noun, adjective inadequate in spanish: inadecuado, pronunciation: ɪnædəkwət part of speech: adjective deficient in spanish: deficiente, pronunciation: dɪfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective truncated in spanish: truncado, pronunciation: trʌŋkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective abruptly in spanish: abruptamente, pronunciation: əbrʌptli part of speech: adverb suddenly in spanish: repentinamente, pronunciation: sʌdənli part of speech: adverb shortly in spanish: dentro de poco, pronunciation: ʃɔrtli part of speech: adverb insufficient in spanish: insuficiente, pronunciation: ɪnsəfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective choleric in spanish: colérico, pronunciation: kɑlɜrɪk part of speech: adjective chunky in spanish: fornido, pronunciation: tʃʌŋki part of speech: adjective momentary in spanish: momentáneo, pronunciation: moʊmənteri part of speech: adjective brusk in spanish: crepúsculo, pronunciation: brʌsk part of speech: adjective clipped in spanish: cortado, pronunciation: klɪpt part of speech: adjective short circuit in spanish: cortocircuito, pronunciation: ʃɔrtsɜrkət part of speech: noun improvident in spanish: imprevisor, pronunciation: ɪmprɑvədənt part of speech: adjective abbreviated in spanish: abreviado, pronunciation: əbrivieɪtəd part of speech: adjective shortstop in spanish: campocorto, pronunciation: ʃɔrtstɑp part of speech: noun stubby in spanish: achaparrado, pronunciation: stʌbi part of speech: adjective forgetful in spanish: olvidadizo, pronunciation: fɔrgetfəl part of speech: adjective short-circuit in spanish: cortocircuito, pronunciation: ʃɔrtsɜrkət part of speech: verb shortsighted in spanish: miope, pronunciation: ʃɔrtsaɪtɪd part of speech: adjective short-term in spanish: término corto, pronunciation: ʃɔrttɜrm part of speech: adjective unawares in spanish: inopinadamente, pronunciation: ənəwerz part of speech: adverb curtly in spanish: brevemente, pronunciation: kɜrtli part of speech: adverb dumpy in spanish: regordete, pronunciation: dʌmpi part of speech: adjective stumpy in spanish: achaparrado, pronunciation: stʌmpi part of speech: adjective shortened in spanish: acortado, pronunciation: ʃɔrtənd part of speech: adjective curtal in spanish: curtal, pronunciation: kɜrtəl part of speech: adjective squatty in spanish: agazapado, pronunciation: skwɑti part of speech: adjective hotheaded in spanish: exaltado, pronunciation: hɑθedɪd part of speech: adjective shortest in spanish: más corto, pronunciation: ʃɔrtɪst part of speech: adjective runty in spanish: runty, pronunciation: rʌnti part of speech: adjective short-change in spanish: estafar, pronunciation: ʃɔrttʃeɪndʒ part of speech: verb squabby in spanish: regordete, pronunciation: skwɑbi part of speech: adjective unaccented in spanish: inacentuado, pronunciation: ənəksenɪd part of speech: adjective short-tempered in spanish: mal genio, pronunciation: ʃɔrttempɜrd part of speech: adjective unstressed in spanish: átono, pronunciation: ənstrest part of speech: adjective quick-tempered in spanish: temperamental, pronunciation: kwɪktempɜrd part of speech: adjective ill-natured in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: ɪlnætʃɜrd part of speech: adjective pint-sized in spanish: tamaño de una pinta, pronunciation: paɪntsaɪzd part of speech: adjective shortish in spanish: bajito, pronunciation: ʃɔrtɪʃ part of speech: adjective telescoped in spanish: telescópico, pronunciation: teləskoʊpt part of speech: adjective sawed-off in spanish: aserrado, pronunciation: sɔdɔf part of speech: adjective hot-tempered in spanish: mal genio, pronunciation: hɑttempɜrd part of speech: adjective momentaneous in spanish: momentáneo, pronunciation: moʊmənteɪniəs part of speech: adjective pint-size in spanish: tamaño de una pinta, pronunciation: paɪntsaɪz part of speech: adjective short-range in spanish: corto alcance, pronunciation: ʃɔrtreɪndʒ part of speech: adjective half-length in spanish: medio termino, pronunciation: hæfleŋkθ part of speech: noun, adjective short-run in spanish: A corto plazo, pronunciation: ʃɔrtrʌn part of speech: adjective low-set in spanish: ajuste bajo, pronunciation: loʊset part of speech: adjective unretentive in spanish: no atento, pronunciation: ənrɪtentɪv part of speech: adjective unforesightful in spanish: imprevisible, pronunciation: ənfɔrzitfəl part of speech: adjective short-dated in spanish: corto de fecha, pronunciation: ʃɔrtdeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective unforbearing in spanish: implacable, pronunciation: ənfɔrbɪrɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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