Cortina in english


pronunciation: kɜrtən part of speech: noun
In gestures

cortina = curtain ; drape ; draping. 

Example: Zilg claims that his book 'Du Pont: Behind the Nylon curtain', which is highly critical of Du Pont, was allowed to go out of print prematurely as a direct result of pressure being brought to bear on the publisher by Du Pont = Zilg claims that his book 'Du Pont: Behind the Nylon curtain', which is highly critical of Du Pont, was allowed to go out of print prematurely as a direct result of pressure being brought to bear on the publisher by Du Pont.Example: By effective use of drapes and blinds, books can be protected from damage through exposure to ultraviolet light.Example: Above the columns, weighing a total of 37000 kgs, is the impressive draping, decorated with festoons that seem to flutter in the breeze.


» abrir las cortinaspull back + the curtainsdraw + the curtains openopen + the curtains .

Example: When I pull back the curtains Easter morning in my hotel room, I'll be looking out into beautiful, downtown Seattle.

Example: To my utmost surprise, when I drew the curtains open, it was not rain but the sounds of the angry waves.

Example: His only wish was that one day he would open the curtains and find that the cranes had gone.

» apartar las cortinaspull back + the curtainsdraw + the curtains openopen + the curtains .

Example: When I pull back the curtains Easter morning in my hotel room, I'll be looking out into beautiful, downtown Seattle.

Example: To my utmost surprise, when I drew the curtains open, it was not rain but the sounds of the angry waves.

Example: His only wish was that one day he would open the curtains and find that the cranes had gone.

» barra de cortinacurtain pole .

Example: Unlike curtain rails, curtain poles do not have so many wall brackets.

» cerrar las cortinasdraw + the curtains closedclose + the curtains .

Example: As dusk began to fall, you drew the curtains closed and switched on the lights.

Example: We will soon be able to control the heating and even close the curtains in our home by giving voice commands.

» cinta para recoger la cortinatie-backcurtain tie-back .

Example: Give your room a stylish look by making plaited tie-backs for your curtains.

Example: This video describes the proper way to measure and install for curtain tie-back hooks.

» correr las cortinaspull back + the curtainsdraw + the curtains opendraw + the curtains closedopen + the curtainsclose + the curtains .

Example: When I pull back the curtains Easter morning in my hotel room, I'll be looking out into beautiful, downtown Seattle.

Example: To my utmost surprise, when I drew the curtains open, it was not rain but the sounds of the angry waves.

Example: As dusk began to fall, you drew the curtains closed and switched on the lights.

Example: His only wish was that one day he would open the curtains and find that the cranes had gone.

Example: We will soon be able to control the heating and even close the curtains in our home by giving voice commands.

» correr una cortina de humoblow + a smokescreenput up + a smokescreenthrow (in) + a red herringthrow + a dead cat on the table [Usado generalmente en política para referirse a una cuestión que trae a colación para distraer a la oposición del tema engorroso que se está debatiendo] .

Example: Meanwhile, Russia give arms and nuclear scientists to Iran and Syria, while blowing a smokescreen at the U.N. with a bunch of rhetoric.

Example: Critics who claim the bill promotes religion instead of science either haven't read the bill or are putting up a smokescreen to divert attention from their goal to censor dissenting scientific views.

Example: It was you who would always throw a red herring to diver attention on some matters that you, your son and your brothers were involved in.

Example: There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.

» cortina de bambúbead curtain .

Example: Bead curtains, so popular in the sixties, are back again.

» cortina de bañoshower curtainshower liner .

Example: He was puzzled by the annoying tendency of shower curtains to billow in during a shower and stick to the leg or arm of the person attempting to bathe.

Example: Your shower liner is the most likely source of mustiness in your bathroom.

» cortina de duchashower curtainshower liner .

Example: He was puzzled by the annoying tendency of shower curtains to billow in during a shower and stick to the leg or arm of the person attempting to bathe.

Example: Your shower liner is the most likely source of mustiness in your bathroom.

» cortina de hierro, lairon curtain, the .

Example: The article 'Online behind the iron curtain' summarises the state of data base access in the socialist countries.

» cortina de humosmokescreen [También escrita separada smoke screen]pall of smokesmoke pallsmoke and mirrors [Expresión cuyo origen se encuentra en el mundo del ilusionismo practicado por los magos]red herring [Algo que distrae del tema que se debate]dead cat [Usado generalmente en política para referirse a una cuestión que trae a colación para distraer a la oposición del tema engorroso que se está debatiendo] .

Example: Librarians were forced to put up a rhetorical smokescreen which only partially succeeded in hiding the library's true nature.

Example: The drought was exacerbated by huge conflagrations of the rainforests, emitting extensive palls of smoke covering the whole region.

Example: Smoke palls occurr more often in the tropical regions where deep convection is most common.

Example: The truth is that the government has relied for years on smoke and mirrors to create the illusion of sound finances in the face of a serious budget deficit.

Example: They present the teacher with plenty of opportunities for 'red herrings,' which the students can be allowed to follow when the teacher judges the time is right.

Example: There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.

» cortina de tirasbead curtain .

Example: Bead curtains, so popular in the sixties, are back again.

» dividir con una cortinacurtain off .

Example: The van has an area that can be curtained off for private interviews.

» levantar una cortina de humoput up + a smokescreenblow + a smokescreenthrow (in) + a red herringthrow + a dead cat on the table [Usado generalmente en política para referirse a una cuestión que trae a colación para distraer a la oposición del tema engorroso que se está debatiendo] .

Example: Critics who claim the bill promotes religion instead of science either haven't read the bill or are putting up a smokescreen to divert attention from their goal to censor dissenting scientific views.

Example: Meanwhile, Russia give arms and nuclear scientists to Iran and Syria, while blowing a smokescreen at the U.N. with a bunch of rhetoric.

Example: It was you who would always throw a red herring to diver attention on some matters that you, your son and your brothers were involved in.

Example: There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.

» muro cortinacurtain wall .

Example: An undisputed advantage of a ventilated curtain wall is acoustic isolation.

» pared cortinacurtain wall .

Example: An undisputed advantage of a ventilated curtain wall is acoustic isolation.

» raíl de cortinacurtain rail .

Example: Unlike curtain rails, curtain poles do not have so many wall brackets.

» separar con una cortinacurtain off .

Example: The van has an area that can be curtained off for private interviews.

Cortina synonyms

mantle in spanish: manto, pronunciation: mæntəl part of speech: noun pall in spanish: féretro, pronunciation: pɑl part of speech: noun drape in spanish: cubrir, pronunciation: dreɪp part of speech: noun, verb drapery in spanish: pañería, pronunciation: dreɪpɜri part of speech: noun
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