Cortesía in english


pronunciation: kɜrtəsi part of speech: noun
In gestures

cortesía = courtesy ; politeness ; civility. 

Example: Why dont't they give these people some lessons in common courtesy?.Example: These messages were examined for 'friendly' features, such as politeness, specificity, constructiveness and helpfulness, and for 'unfriendly' features, like the use of cryptic codes or vocabulary, or language which users might find threatening, domineering, or emotive.Example: Matters of civility rather than criminality are the focus of the discussion.


» autobús de cortesíacourtesy bus .

Example: All courtesy buses depart the club on the hour every hour every day -- from 9am until close.

» coche de cortesíacourtesy car .

Example: We don't provide a courtesy car in the event your car is written off or stolen.

» con cortesíacourteously .

Example: He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.

» cortesía decourtesy of .

Example: The aim of this project is to create a network of computer centres, where members of the public are given free access to microcomputers, courtesy of those willing to volunteer their time and equipment.

» espejo de cortesíavanity mirror .

Example: While you may think that an item can give life to the bathroom, it may not complement other items when placed next to the vanity mirror, medicine cabinet or side table.

» falta de cortesíadiscourtesy [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: A recent study found 79 percent of Americans believe discourtesy has become a prevalent problem.

» hoja de cortesíafly-leaf [fly-leaves, -pl.] .

Example: These books he bound up in three volumes, and on the fly leaf of the first volume wrote his name.

» hojas de cortesíaendpapers [En encuadernación, hojas en blanco que se colocan al final de las hojas impresas de una obra antes de la cubierta] .

Example: Working from the inside outwards, there will probably be one or two leaves of blank paper at each end of the book, which are of a different colour or texture from the printed leaves; these are the endpapers, which were added by the binder.

» por cortesía decourtesy of .

Example: The aim of this project is to create a network of computer centres, where members of the public are given free access to microcomputers, courtesy of those willing to volunteer their time and equipment.

» reglas de cortesíaetiquette .

Example: The rapid and sustained growth of the Internet has lent a new importance to the development of such network etiquettes (or 'netiquettes').

» reglas de cortesía en Internetnetiquette [En Internet, reglas de cortesía que los usuarios deben observar] .

Example: The rapid and sustained growth of the Internet has lent a new importance to the development of such network etiquettes (or 'netiquettes').

» ser cortesía de la casabe on the house .

Example: When we asked for the check at the end of a long lunch, we were told all meals that day were on the house.

» título de cortesíacourtesy title .

Example: There are several different kinds of courtesy titles in the British peerage.

» tratamiento de cortesíacourtesy title .

Example: There are several different kinds of courtesy titles in the British peerage.

» vehículo de cortesíacourtesy vehicle .

Example: We have a wide range of courtesy vehicles that we lend to customers free of charge if you are having your vehicle serviced or worked on by us.

Cortesía synonyms

good manners in spanish: Buenos modales, pronunciation: gʊdmænɜrz part of speech: noun
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