Cortejo in english


pronunciation: kɔrtʃɪp part of speech: noun
In gestures

cortejar = court ; romance. 

Example: In his efforts to broaden the tax base, Groome has been actively courting industry - with some moderate success.Example: Romancing your lifemate is a joy and a privilege.

cortejo1 = entourage ; cortege ; retinue. 

Example: Rumors have begun to circulate about a possible film focusing on Vincent Chase and his entourage.Example: Next day, he drove down to Annapolis followed by a cortege of a dozen cars bearing his numerous family and friends to attend a regatta.Example: The honey bee queen produces pheromones in order to attract a retinue of male workers around her.


» cortejo fúnebrefuneral processionfuneral cortegecortege .

Example: When Queen Victoria died two personal pipers took part in the first stage of her funeral procession.

Example: The funeral cortege was then joined by hundreds of taxis with black ribbons on their aerials.

Example: Women and children wept as the vast cortege, headed by 150 surpliced clergymen wound its way from the church through the streets in which every shop was shuttered.

cortejo2 = courtship. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Courtship and competition on campus: the convergence of university libraries and computing centres'.

Cortejo synonyms

suit in spanish: traje, pronunciation: sut part of speech: noun, verb courting in spanish: cortejando, pronunciation: kɔrtɪŋ part of speech: noun wooing in spanish: galanteo, pronunciation: wuɪŋ part of speech: noun
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