Cortedad in english


pronunciation: kɔrtez part of speech: noun
In gestures

cortedad = shortness. 

Example: Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.

Cortedad synonyms

cortes in spanish: cortes, pronunciation: kɔrts part of speech: noun hernan cortes in spanish: hernan cortes, pronunciation: hɜrnənkɔrts part of speech: noun hernando cortez in spanish: hernando cortez, pronunciation: hɜrnɑndoʊkɔrtez part of speech: noun hernando cortes in spanish: hernando cortes, pronunciation: hɜrnɑndoʊkɔrts part of speech: noun hernan cortez in spanish: Hernán Cortez, pronunciation: hɜrnənkɔrtez part of speech: noun
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