Corruptela in english


pronunciation: kɜrʌpʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

corruptela = depravation. 

Example: Poverty and depravation impacts on those directly affected and also influences the well being of the whole macro structure of the nation.

Corruptela synonyms

depravity in spanish: depravación, pronunciation: dɪprævəti part of speech: noun degeneracy in spanish: degeneración, pronunciation: dɪdʒenɜrəsi part of speech: noun putrescence in spanish: putrefacción, pronunciation: pjutrəsəns part of speech: noun rottenness in spanish: podredumbre, pronunciation: rɑtənɪs part of speech: noun corruptness in spanish: corrupción, pronunciation: kɜrʌptnəs part of speech: noun putridness in spanish: putridez, pronunciation: pjutrɪdnes part of speech: noun
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