Corrupción in english


pronunciation: kɜrʌpʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

corrupción = corruption ; depravation. 

Example: For example, the Library of Congress established names of indigenous American and African peoples are very often derogatory corruptions of their real names.Example: Poverty and depravation impacts on those directly affected and also influences the well being of the whole macro structure of the nation.


» corrupción de datosdata corruption [En informática, estado de deterioro de la información contenida en un fichero lo que hace que sea imposible su lectura] .

Example: Some attempts have been made to use video tape, but the results have been poor, with data losses and corruption.

» corrupción de la policíapolice corruption .

Example: Drug traffic has contributed to police corruption.

» corrupción del gobiernogovernment corruption .

Example: Over the years, while other local papers were reproducing press releases and flattering the authorities, Zeta was investigating drug trafficking, migrant smuggling, and government corruption -- and naming names.

» corrupción moralmoral corruption .

Example: Machiavelli argued that the social benefits of stability and security can be achieved even in the face of moral corruption.

» escándalo de corrupcióncorruption scandal .

Example: These politicians have no sense of shame -- this is the worst ever corruption scandal I have heard.

» persona que desvela escándalos o corrupciónmuckraker  .

Example: The influence of muckrakers has been so great that, paradoxically, they seem easy to ignore in constructing a history of the academic field of communication.

» por encima de la corrupciónabove corruption .

Example: Andreas Papandreou was convinced that his power was inheritable and Mitsotakis was not 'above corruption'.

» revelación de escándalos o corrupciónmuckraking .

Example: Muckraking has usually been associated with liberal reform movements.

Corrupción synonyms

depravity in spanish: depravación, pronunciation: dɪprævəti part of speech: noun degeneracy in spanish: degeneración, pronunciation: dɪdʒenɜrəsi part of speech: noun putrescence in spanish: putrefacción, pronunciation: pjutrəsəns part of speech: noun rottenness in spanish: podredumbre, pronunciation: rɑtənɪs part of speech: noun corruptness in spanish: corrupción, pronunciation: kɜrʌptnəs part of speech: noun putridness in spanish: putridez, pronunciation: pjutrɪdnes part of speech: noun
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