Corrosión in english


pronunciation: kɜroʊʒən part of speech: noun
In gestures

corrosión = corrosion. 

Example: The second title may be indexed under: wire, rope, lubrication, corrosion, protection.


» resistente a la corrosiónrust-proof .

Example: Stainless steel, gold, silver, platinum and aluminum are all rust-proof metals.

» tratar contra la corrosiónrust-proof .

Example: If your motorhome hasn't been rust-proofed, it will probably already be starting to rust, even if it's only one year old.

Corrosión synonyms

erosion in spanish: erosión, pronunciation: ɪroʊʒən part of speech: noun corroding in spanish: corroer, pronunciation: kɜroʊdɪŋ part of speech: noun
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