Corrimiento in english


pronunciation: blid part of speech: verb
In gestures



» corrimiento de tierralandslidelandslip .

Example: Flooding, fire, earthquake, collapsed buildings and landslides are the most frequent kinds of disasters to hit libraries: nearly all will lead to wet books.

Example: The victims included men, women and children and they were either washed away in floods or buried in landslips.

Corrimiento synonyms

run in spanish: correr, pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: verb, noun hemorrhage in spanish: hemorragia, pronunciation: hemɜrɪdʒ part of speech: noun leech in spanish: sanguijuela, pronunciation: litʃ part of speech: noun phlebotomize in spanish: hacer una sangría, pronunciation: fliboʊtəmaɪz part of speech: verb shed blood in spanish: derramar sangre, pronunciation: ʃedblʌd part of speech: verb
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