Corriente in english


pronunciation: kɜrənt part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

corriente1 = tide ; draught [draft, -USA] ; groundswell ; flow ; stream. 

Example: What has happened is that yet another institution has so overlapped with our own that we are being swept along on the tide of the technological revolution.Example: Perhaps the sociological light was extinguished by the political draught of the time.Example: The groundswell of movement towards integrating previously unrelated technologies and markets is now gathering a reasonable head of steam.Example: The vocabulary used in conjunction with PRECIS is split in two sections, one part for Entities (or things) and the other for Attributes (properties of things, for example colour, weight; activities of things, for example flow, and properties of activities, for example, slow, turbulent).Example: Voters felt the stream of news coming out of London had little to do with ordinary people.


» camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corrienteif you snooze you lose .

Example: Sweetie, you know how the sales go, if you snooze you lose.

» con corrientes de airedraughty [drafty, -USA] .

Example: They worked in cold, draughty, badly-lit rooms and suffered from tyrannical supervisors.

» corriente abajodownstream .

Example: The boat continued to float idly downstream, the men resting on their oars.

» corriente + arrastrarwash up .

Example: Wreckage from the space station Mir that plunged into the Pacific Ocean this week could wash up on Pacific islands, experts believe.

» corriente arribaupstream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

» corriente de aguawater body [waterbody] .

Example: These two documents cover all categories of water bodies including springs and lakes, marine coastal areas, and groundwater.

» corriente de aireair currentdraught [draft, -USA] .

Example: The decapitated ants, on the contrary, were insensitive to the air current.

Example: Perhaps the sociological light was extinguished by the political draught of the time.

» corriente de aire fríocold air draught .

Example: Try to save on heating bills by eliminating cold air draughts from windows and doors.

» corriente de chorro, lajet stream, the .

Example: The jet stream, one of the most dramatic forces of nature, was discovered during World War II when aviators first tried to cross the Pacific.

» corriente del marsea current .

Example: The sea current enters the Adriatic along the Albanian coastline, and flows along the Croatian coastline in a northwesterly direction.

» corriente en chorro, lajet stream, the .

Example: The jet stream, one of the most dramatic forces of nature, was discovered during World War II when aviators first tried to cross the Pacific.

» corriente marinamarine currentsea current .

Example: Most of the technology operates by responding to marine current flow in either rotational or oscillatory fashion.

Example: The sea current enters the Adriatic along the Albanian coastline, and flows along the Croatian coastline in a northwesterly direction.

» corriente oceánicaocean current .

Example: Wind-driven ocean currents behave in ways that, at first appearance do not make sense.

» corriente sanguínea, labloodstream, the .

Example: The longer a fart is held in, the larger the proportion of inert nitrogen it contains, because the other gases tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine.

» dejarse arrastrar por la corrientego with + the flow (of things)go along with + the flowfollow + the crowdswim with + the currentride + the currentswim with + the tidego with + the currentgo with + the tidego with + the streamswim with + the stream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

Example: Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.

Example: It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.

» dejarse llevar por la corrientego with + the flow (of things)go along with + the flowfollow + the crowdswim with + the currentswim with + the flowswim with + the flowride + the currentswim with + the tidego with + the currentgo with + the tidego with + the streamswim with + the stream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

Example: Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.

Example: It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.

» ir con la corrientego with + the flow (of things)go along with + the flowfollow + the crowdswim with + the currentswim with + the flowswim with + the tidego with + the currentgo with + the tidego with + the streamswim with + the stream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

Example: Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.

Example: It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.

» ir contra corrienteswim against + the tideswim against + the currentswim against + the flowhead into + the currentgo against + the tidego against + the currentgo against + the streamswim against + the stream .

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: And she is the ultimate model for every woman who has to swim against the current.

Example: If you want to become a leader, swim against the flow and be a non-conformist.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: When going against the tide, one must not be afraid of isolation.

Example: For Bruce Brown, going against the current comes naturally.

Example: Give it a name if you will, but we need to go against the stream.

Example: This unique style will appeal to the individual who wants to stand out, make a statement and swim against the stream.

» ir (en) contra (de) la corrientego against + the flowswim against + the tideswim against + the currentswim against + the flowhead into + the currentgo against + the tidego against + the currentgo against + the streamswim against + the stream .

Example: The article is entitled 'Going with the flow: many business are going against it'.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: And she is the ultimate model for every woman who has to swim against the current.

Example: If you want to become a leader, swim against the flow and be a non-conformist.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: When going against the tide, one must not be afraid of isolation.

Example: For Bruce Brown, going against the current comes naturally.

Example: Give it a name if you will, but we need to go against the stream.

Example: This unique style will appeal to the individual who wants to stand out, make a statement and swim against the stream.

» llevarle la corriente a Alguienplay along withstring + Nombre + alonghumour [humor, -USA] .

Example: Political parties happily play along with this charade because it enables them to look like they care about the planet.

Example: As soon as I realized it was a scam I decided to string along the scammer to see if they would send me something for proof.

Example: With your recipes I will be able to bake things that I will be able to share with my friends without them having to humor me and say it tastes good when it really tastes like cardboard.

» luchar (en) contra (de) (la) corrientelabour against + the grainturn back + the tidego against + the tidego against + the streamgo against + the flowgo against + the currenthead into + the currentswim against + the currentswim against + the flowswim against + the streamswim against + the tide .

Example: So teachers find themselves laboring against the grain.

Example: Quite frankly, I believe it is too late in the day to turn back the tide; the murky, overwhelming waters are too deep to be rolled back.

Example: When going against the tide, one must not be afraid of isolation.

Example: Give it a name if you will, but we need to go against the stream.

Example: The article is entitled 'Going with the flow: many business are going against it'.

Example: For Bruce Brown, going against the current comes naturally.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: And she is the ultimate model for every woman who has to swim against the current.

Example: If you want to become a leader, swim against the flow and be a non-conformist.

Example: This unique style will appeal to the individual who wants to stand out, make a statement and swim against the stream.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

» seguir la corrientego with + the flow (of things)go along with + the flowfollow + the crowdswim with + the currentswim with + the flowswim with + the tidego with + the currentgo with + the tidego with + the streamswim with + the stream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

Example: Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.

Example: It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.

» seguirle la corriente a Alguienplay along withstring + Nombre + alonghumour [humor, -USA] .

Example: Political parties happily play along with this charade because it enables them to look like they care about the planet.

Example: As soon as I realized it was a scam I decided to string along the scammer to see if they would send me something for proof.

Example: With your recipes I will be able to bake things that I will be able to share with my friends without them having to humor me and say it tastes good when it really tastes like cardboard.

corriente2 = electricity supply ; mains electricity. 

Example: Europe and Australia (where experimental transmissions have been going on for some time) have a 50 Hz electricity supply, 625 line transmissions, and two non-compatible colour systems, PAL and SECAM.Example: Every electrical appliance that connects to mains electricity has a fuse, usually in the plug.


» adaptador de corrientepower adapter [También escrito adaptor]mains adapter [También escrito adaptor] .

Example: It's 30% lighter and 22% thinner than conventional power adapters so it doesn't add extra bulk in your bag .

Example: The battery charger is protected against reverse input and output voltage as it may be used with different mains adapters and the battery could be connected the wrong way round.

» cable con corrientelive wire .

Example: They have launched a campaign to encourage people to report cases of unattended live wires in the city.

» comprobador de corrientecurrent tester .

Example: When satisfied that the power has been cut, remove the light fixture and once again test for power, this time using a current tester.

» corriente alternaalternating current (AC) .

Example: It was known that alternating current (AC) voltage could be varied by use of induction coils, but no practical coil system had been invented.

» corriente eléctricaelectrical currentelectric currentelectrical power .

Example: As the pointer moves, its potential is varied in accordance with a varying electrical current received over wires from a distant station.

Example: At the heart of every computer is a large number of electronic circuits that manipulate electric currents and voltages.

Example: The various faults of electrical power, such as spikes, sags, outages, noise, frequency variations, and static electricity, are defined and described.

» Corriente Eléctrica Ininterrumpida (SAI)Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) .

Example: This article gives instructions for installing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in a mobile library van (bookmobile).

» corte de corrientepower cutpower failureelectricity cutpower outageelectricity outage .

Example: There always exist the possibility of breakdown of machine or failure due to power cut.

Example: Mechanical breakdown or power failure may affect the smooth running of the system but they do not constitute disaster.

Example: Due to almost daily electricity cuts, Palestinian families in Gaza often have to eat their dinner by candlelight.

Example: Learn what to do when there is a power outage and how to respond to alarms that signal stuck elevators or that activate security or sprinkler systems.

Example: The city has gone through a very bad patch of electricity outages and power surges.

» corte de la coriente eléctricapower outage .

Example: Learn what to do when there is a power outage and how to respond to alarms that signal stuck elevators or that activate security or sprinkler systems.

» corte de la corriente eléctricapower failurepower cutelectricity cutelectricity outage .

Example: Mechanical breakdown or power failure may affect the smooth running of the system but they do not constitute disaster.

Example: There always exist the possibility of breakdown of machine or failure due to power cut.

Example: Due to almost daily electricity cuts, Palestinian families in Gaza often have to eat their dinner by candlelight.

Example: The city has gone through a very bad patch of electricity outages and power surges.

» interruptor de la corrienteelectric switch .

Example: 'Don't turn on the light,' John objected peevishly as she moved toward the electric switch.

» regulador de corrientecurrent regulator .

Example: The purpose of a current regulator is to provide a constant current regardless of changes in the input voltage or load current.

» seguridad contra corrientes eléctricaselectrical security .

Example: It presents a checklist of some of the major considerations in assessing the environmental, fire and electrical security of equipment areas in libraries.

» toma de corrienteoutletsocketsocket outletlight socket .

Example: The archictet's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.

Example: One must also not forget the need for television aerials and the related sockets.

Example: Heavy-current electrical appliances (e.g. washers/dryers, dehumidifiers and electric kettles) should be supplied from individual socket outlets.

Example: In olden days, women of ill-repute would put a red light bulb in their front porch light socket.

» transformador de corrientemains adapter [También escrito adaptor]power adapter [También escrito adaptor] .

Example: The battery charger is protected against reverse input and output voltage as it may be used with different mains adapters and the battery could be connected the wrong way round.

Example: It's 30% lighter and 22% thinner than conventional power adapters so it doesn't add extra bulk in your bag .

corriente3 = stream ; trend ; strand ; current ; movement. 

Example: If no such standards can be observed then, it would seem, romantic fiction along with westerns and detective stories must be regarded as some sort of cul-de-sac and rather stagnant backwater quite separate from the main stream of 'literature'.Example: Current trends favour cataloguing practices which can be applied to a variety of library materials.Example: This article gives a brief history of the two main strands in the development of bibliotherapy, or healing through books, in the USA.Example: This article examines the political shoals, currents, and rip tides associated with off campus library programmes and suggests that awareness and involvement are key ways to avoid running aground.Example: The cathedral-like hush contrasted strangely with the clamor and movement outside.


» al corrientein steppaid-upin good standingau courant [Expresión de origen francés] .

Example: There are two forms of data transmission: (a) asynchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are not in step); (b) synchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are in step).

Example: Nominators must be paid-up members in good standing for the year of the election.

Example: Nominators must be paid-up members in good standing for the year of the election.

Example: The sources which one can use to stay 'au courant' as a reader's advisor are discussed in a later chapter.

» al corriente dein step with .

Example: The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.

» contracorrientecross-current .

Example: This article examines cross-currents which pit the interests of special collections librarians against those of general, academic librarians.

» corriente de pensamientotrend of thoughtstream of consciousness .

Example: The question of ideological thought (in the sense of a veiled interest-determined trend of thought) is again rearing its head in present times.

Example: This is an instance of the effort to integrate the history of the Holocaust into the general stream of historical consciousness.

» corriente dominantemainstream .

Example: It was therefore seen as a role to be undertaken by all librarians and not some kind of special services tacked on and separate from the mainstream of library activities.

» corriente, lothe normal run of .

Example: Although of variable quality, these were all a cut above the normal run of superhero comics.

» corriente principalmainstream .

Example: It was therefore seen as a role to be undertaken by all librarians and not some kind of special services tacked on and separate from the mainstream of library activities.

» dejarse arrastrar por la corrientego with + the flow (of things)go along with + the flowfollow + the crowdswim with + the currentride + the currentswim with + the tidego with + the currentgo with + the tidego with + the streamswim with + the stream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

Example: Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.

Example: It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.

» dejarse llevar por la corrientego with + the flow (of things)go along with + the flowfollow + the crowdswim with + the currentswim with + the flowswim with + the flowride + the currentswim with + the tidego with + the currentgo with + the tidego with + the streamswim with + the stream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

Example: Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.

Example: It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.

» en la corriente principal dein the mainstream of .

Example: It was evident that aspects of industrial relations feature on courses in a variety of firms, but set firmly in the mainstream of management theory.

» estar al corrientemonitor + developmentsbe in the swim (of things)be in the swing of things .

Example: Users of federal statistics have to rely on a wide variety of sources to monitor developments = Los usuarios de las estadísticas federales tienen que utilizar una amplia variedad de fuentes para estar al día.

Example: Maria would constantly complain to me that she was bored and
that she had once been in the swim of things in the literary world of London.

Example: That first week is hard, but as soon as it is over you are going to be in the swing of things and you are going to see results.

» estar al corriente (de)stay + current (with) .

Example: With the abundance of information available on every topic, it can be an overwhelming task to stay current on any topic, whether for work or personal purpose.

» ir con la corrientego with + the flow (of things)go along with + the flowfollow + the crowdswim with + the currentswim with + the flowswim with + the tidego with + the currentgo with + the tidego with + the streamswim with + the stream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

Example: Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.

Example: It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.

» llevarle la corriente a Alguienplay along withstring + Nombre + alonghumour [humor, -USA] .

Example: Political parties happily play along with this charade because it enables them to look like they care about the planet.

Example: As soon as I realized it was a scam I decided to string along the scammer to see if they would send me something for proof.

Example: With your recipes I will be able to bake things that I will be able to share with my friends without them having to humor me and say it tastes good when it really tastes like cardboard.

» mantener al corrientekeep + Nombre + in the loop .

Example: If your friend is important to you, make time for her and keep her in the loop regarding everyday issues.

» mantenerse al corrientekeep + current .

Example: All librarians working in public service positions should keep current in world affairs and special areas of interest in their library.

» mantenerse al corriente dekeep + abreast ofstay + abreast of .

Example: These are designed to include the main points of interest on any issue to the general reader who wishes to keep abreast of current events without having to refer to any further documentation.

Example: This strategy enables companies to learn of new technologies, stay abreast of dynamic changes and trends, and avoid creative stagnancy.

» mantenerse al corriente (de)stay + current (with) .

Example: With the abundance of information available on every topic, it can be an overwhelming task to stay current on any topic, whether for work or personal purpose.

» no estar al corrientebe out of touch .

Example: David Cameron's point-blank refusal to fire him shows how out of touch his government is.

» poner a Alguien al corriente (de/sobre)clue + Alguien + in (on)clue + Alguien + up (on)bring + Alguien + into the swim ofbring + Alguien + up to speed (on)get + Alguien + up to speed (on)fill + Alguien + in (on)tell + Alguien + the scoregive + Alguien + the gen ongen + Alguien + up (about/on)put + Alguien + in the picture (about)put + Alguien + up to speed (on/with) .

Example: This monthly series is for the 20-something woman who wishes she had a couple of big sisters to clue her in on the ins and outs of life after college.

Example: It appeared this was something she had not clued her up on.

Example: The author discusses the importance of bringing end-users out of the cubbyhole and into the swim of research.

Example: The article has the title 'Bringing staff up to speed'.

Example: If someone can get me up to speed on this I can have a stab at writing it up for others to follow.

Example: 'Perhaps at the same time you could fill me in on some of our procedures,' he said and sat down.

Example: Someone needs to have a chinwag with them and tell them the score.

Example: She said she lived in Kendal and had never heard of us so I gave her the gen on what a fun bunch we all are.

Example: We were captivated by their infectious enthusiasm so we genned them up on Kenya and life in the colonies.

Example: This article puts the reader in the picture about the use of robots.

Example: She was way behind academically but her teacher has been an essential part in the difficult task of putting her up to speed with the rest of her classmates.

» ponerse al corrientecome up to + speedget into + the swing (of things)get into + the swim (of things)get into + the flow (of things)get into + the spirit of things .

Example: Jump-start your learning experience by participating in 1 or 2 half-day seminars that will help you come up to speed on the new vocabularies, processes and architectures underlying effective content management.

Example: While it may be hard to get into the swing of things, after a couple weeks you will be used to it and enjoying all the added benefits!.

Example: Neglecting to help new executives get into the swim of things quickly can incur enormous organizational costs.

Example: The team took a while to get into the flow of things but have been gaining steam and are now flying high, after winning six of their last seven outings.

Example: Everyone got into the spirit of things quickly, some removing shirts, or loosening buttons, removing jackets, dancing or even showing comical underwear.

» ponerse al corriente decatch up withcatch up on .

Example: The information centre is now catching up with the belief of its 1984 architect that it would be an electronic library.

Example: Non-book materials will need positive discrimination to catch up on the neglect in the past.

» ponerse al corriente (de/sobre)get up to + speed on .

Example: This workshop has been designed for new librarians, vendors, and publishers who want to get up to speed on current serials acquisitions practice.

» puesta al corrienteupdate [up-date] [Documento que pone al día el contenido de una publicación periódica] .

Example: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

» seguir la corrientego with + the flow (of things)go along with + the flowfollow + the crowdswim with + the currentswim with + the flowswim with + the tidego with + the currentgo with + the tidego with + the streamswim with + the stream .

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

Example: A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.

Example: Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.

Example: There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.

Example: Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.

Example: It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.

» seguirle la corriente a Alguienplay along withstring + Nombre + alonghumour [humor, -USA] .

Example: Political parties happily play along with this charade because it enables them to look like they care about the planet.

Example: As soon as I realized it was a scam I decided to string along the scammer to see if they would send me something for proof.

Example: With your recipes I will be able to bake things that I will be able to share with my friends without them having to humor me and say it tastes good when it really tastes like cardboard.

» volver a ponerse al corrienteget back in(to) + the swim (of things)be back in(to) the swim (of things)get back in(to) + the swing (of things) .

Example: I was just out of practice and unsure of how to best get back in the swim of things.

Example: I heard from a mutual friend recently that he is doing pretty well but it will be a while before he is back in the swim of things.

Example: It was hard to start with as I got tired easily and had also lost a lot of confidence, but I soon got back into the swing of things.

corriente4 = ordinary ; plain ; run-of-the-mill ; everyday. 

Example: Control is exercised over which terms are used, but otherwise the terms are ordinary words.Example: He went on to explain that while there were no unsightly slums, there was a fairly large district of rather nondescript homes intermingled with plain two- and three-family brick and frame dwellings, principally in the eastern reaches of the city.Example: Guides are almost always worth thinking of as the first type of bibliography to search when it is a quick check of run-of-the-mill bibliographical facts which is required.Example: We have too much invested, and the new systems too intimately integrated into the everyday operation of the library, for us to assume any longer that we can temper their influence on emerging standards.


» agua corrienterunning water .

Example: The 'sweated' rags were pounded to a pulp (or stuff) by water-powered hammers, impurities being carried off through filters by running water.

» catalogación corrientecurrent cataloguing [Catalogación prioritaria del nuevo material que adquiere la biblioteca dejando en segundo plano la catalogación del material ya existente] .

Example: By 1980 we hoped to have all current cataloging in machine-readable form.

» común y corrienteunremarkable .

Example: This dish, billed as the house specialty, was just an unremarkable griddled steak topped with some green bell peppers and green onions.

» corriente y molienterun-of-the-mill .

Example: Guides are almost always worth thinking of as the first type of bibliography to search when it is a quick check of run-of-the-mill bibliographical facts which is required.

» cuenta corrientecurrent accountchecking accountdeposit account .

Example: Despite growth in export volume in recent years, there has been a widening of the national current account deficit from 8.8% to over 20%.

Example: Until then, automatic payments will continue to be charged to your checking account or credit card.

Example: Just about everybody needs a deposit account to receive pay, pensions and other income and to draw out cash and pay bills.

» de uso corrientein everyday use .

Example: There are about 3000 nickel-containing alloys in everyday use.

» día corrienteordinary day .

Example: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.

» ducha de agua corrienterunning shower .

Example: The camp area has two ablution blocks with solar lights, hot and cold running showers, and flushing toilets.

» en el uso corrientein everyday use .

Example: In everyday use, defeatism has negative connotation, and is often linked to treason and pessimism.

» gente común y corriente, lacommon people, the .

Example: The book focuses on images where hideous atrocities -- e.g., murder, blasphemy, wanton destruction and even cannibalism -- are shown to be part of the daily life of the common people of Paris during the revolution.

» gente corriente, laordinary people .

Example: For the majority of ordinary people the European Community remains a remote bureaucratic organization.

» hombre corriente, elcommon man, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Librarians in turn were forced to assess their successes and failures in reaching the common man.

» normal y corrienteunremarkable .

Example: This dish, billed as the house specialty, was just an unremarkable griddled steak topped with some green bell peppers and green onions.

» ser algo muy corrientebe an everyday occurrencebe nothing out of the ordinary .

Example: People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.

Example: Language confusion is nothing out of the ordinary in Switzerland, which has four official languages.

» ser moneda corrientebe an everyday occurrencebe nothing out of the ordinary .

Example: People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.

Example: Language confusion is nothing out of the ordinary in Switzerland, which has four official languages.

Corriente synonyms

flow in spanish: fluir, pronunciation: floʊ part of speech: noun live in spanish: vivir, pronunciation: laɪv part of speech: verb incumbent in spanish: titular, pronunciation: ɪnkʌmbənt part of speech: adjective, noun contemporary in spanish: contemporáneo, pronunciation: kəntempɜreri part of speech: adjective, noun stream in spanish: corriente, pronunciation: strim part of speech: noun rife in spanish: abundante, pronunciation: raɪf part of speech: adjective prevalent in spanish: predominante, pronunciation: prevələnt part of speech: adjective ongoing in spanish: en marcha, pronunciation: ɑngoʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective underway in spanish: en marcha, pronunciation: əndɜrweɪ part of speech: adjective actual in spanish: real, pronunciation: æktʃəwəl part of speech: adjective topical in spanish: actual, pronunciation: tɑpəkəl part of speech: adjective prevailing in spanish: predominante, pronunciation: prɪveɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective up-to-date in spanish: A hoy, pronunciation: ʌptoʊdeɪt part of speech: adjective latest in spanish: último, pronunciation: leɪtəst part of speech: adjective up-to-the-minute in spanish: hasta el minuto, pronunciation: ʌptoʊðəmɪnət part of speech: adjective electric current in spanish: corriente eléctrica, pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkkɜrənt part of speech: noun
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