Correteo in english


pronunciation: skæmpɜr part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

corretear = scamper ; scurry ; run around ; scutter ; scutter about ; scutter around. 

Example: Arboreal animals spend most of their time scampering around in trees rather than on the ground, in the air, or water.Example: The fastest moving insect is the large tropical cockroach -- it scurries at speeds of up to 2.3 feet per second.Example: This saves clients' time in running around and lessens the possibility of them 'dropping out'.Example: Protecting the yard was a greyhound called Rover that used to scutter and vomit all over the place.Example: A small eccentric motor makes the bristles vibrate, causing the robot to scutter about randomly on a smooth surface.Example: I think a lot of players confuse good footwork with constantly scuttering around the court.


» corretear de aquí para allárun aroundscutterscutter aboutscutter around .

Example: This saves clients' time in running around and lessens the possibility of them 'dropping out'.

Example: Protecting the yard was a greyhound called Rover that used to scutter and vomit all over the place.

Example: A small eccentric motor makes the bristles vibrate, causing the robot to scutter about randomly on a smooth surface.

Example: I think a lot of players confuse good footwork with constantly scuttering around the court.

correteo = scutter ; scuttle ; scurry. 

Example: She slipped away out of the room with a scutter like a rat running.Example: Once in a while I could hear a scuttle from somewhere in the room, which made me believe I wasn't alone.Example: Suddenly they heard a scurry of rushing feet and turned just in time to see her bounding up to greet them.

Correteo synonyms

scramble in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: skræmbəl part of speech: noun scuttle in spanish: escotilla, pronunciation: skʌtəl part of speech: verb scurry in spanish: escabullen, pronunciation: skɜri part of speech: verb, noun skitter in spanish: pasar rozando el agua, pronunciation: skɪtɜr part of speech: verb
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