Correspondencia in english


pronunciation: kɔrəspɑndəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

correspondencia1 = match ; consonance ; correspondence. 

Example: When documents relevant to a request have been located, a match has been achieved between the information requested and the information retrieved.Example: The system is designed to ensure consonance between the indexer and the user.Example: Throughout, the key issue addressed is the correspondence problem, ie how to associate visual events with words and vice versa.


» correspondencia absolutaperfect match .

Example: The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.

» correspondencia de rasgosfeature matching [Función usada en el 'reconocimiento de imágenes por ordenador' computer vision para identificar similitudes entre objetos] .

Example: In feature matching, the computer uses certain attributes, e.g. the number of edges, corners, enclosed spaces, etc. to overcome problems of variability of size and orientation of objects which should belong to the same category.

» falta de correspondenciamismatch  .

Example: The electron microscope is a clear case of extreme mismatch between the number of citations received and the impact of the instrument in a wide area of science.

» guardar correspondenciabear + correspondence (to) .

Example: However, many librarians remain unconvinced that the global citation data from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) bears enough correspondence to their local situation to be useful.

» tener correspondenciabear + correspondence (to) .

Example: However, many librarians remain unconvinced that the global citation data from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) bears enough correspondence to their local situation to be useful.

correspondencia2 = correspondence ; mailing. 

Example: Almost all papers, notes reviews, corrections and correspondence published in many scientific and other journals contain citations to associated works.Example: Many publishers seem fixated on the term 'acquisitions librarian' for promotional mailings.


» amigo por correspondenciapenfriend [pen-friend]pen-pal [penpal] .

Example: The story relates the experiences of a young conscript whose desire for an amorous adventure with one of his many female penfriends results in a loveless and unhappy marriage.

Example: The author describes the setting up and running of a pen-pal club which allowed users to find pen-pals who were members of public libraries.

» autor para correspondenciacorresponding author .

Example: The person who begins the manuscript submission process is by default the 'corresponding author,' but this can be changed.

» correspondencia comercialbusiness correspondence .

Example: These model letters are not only for business correspondence, but also cover different topics such as invitations, sympathy, and congratulations to friends.

» curso por correspondenciacorrespondence course .

Example: The author focuses on some of the barriers encountered in accesing the course materials used in correspondence courses on library and information science.

» dirección para correspondenciamailing address .

Example: The directory includes names of contact people, mailing addresses, phone, e-mail and FAX numbers.

» lista de correspondenciamailing list [Sistema que permite a todas las personas que se han suscrito a una lista de interés reciban los mensajes emitidos por cualquier miembro de la lista posibilitando la discusión de temas de su interés] .

Example: A listserv (a.k.a mailing list and discussion list) is a system that allows people to send e-mail to one address, whereupon their message is copied and sent to all of the other subscribers to the mailing list thus making it possible to participate in discussions.

Correspondencia synonyms

balance in spanish: equilibrar, pronunciation: bæləns part of speech: noun map in spanish: mapa, pronunciation: mæp part of speech: noun agreement in spanish: acuerdo, pronunciation: əgrimənt part of speech: noun symmetry in spanish: simetría, pronunciation: sɪmətri part of speech: noun parallelism in spanish: paralelismo, pronunciation: perəlelɪzəm part of speech: noun mapping in spanish: cartografía, pronunciation: mæpɪŋ part of speech: noun symmetricalness in spanish: simetría, pronunciation: sɪmetrɪkəlnəs part of speech: noun proportionateness in spanish: proporcionalidad, pronunciation: prəpɔrʃənətnəs part of speech: noun commensurateness in spanish: comensidad, pronunciation: kəmenʃɜrətnəs part of speech: noun
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