Correr in english


pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

correr1 = running ; jogging ; run. 

Example: Thus in games, manipulatory skills are often exercised and extended, as for example in games that involve running, climbing or making objects -- bows and arrows, catapults, clothes for dolls, and so on.Example: Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease are discussed, as well as how development of coronary disease can be attenuated or arrested by a prolonged routine of jogging.Example: Knowing they weren't supposed to be were they where, they decided to run instead of stopping and getting in trouble with the civilian authorities.


» salir a corrergo for + a runjoggo for + a joggo jogginggo running .

Example: I went for a run with my friend last Saturday and we ran for ages.

Example: Anyone jog at night before hitting the hay -- is it good for sleep or you become too awake?.

Example: As a fat guy, I'm happy to say that I've never had someone laugh or snicker when I go for a jog or to the gym.

Example: I tend to prefer jogging at night, though I know plenty of people like to go jogging before work in the morning.

Example: Some people go running whichever time best fits their schedules.

» zapatillas de correrrunning shoes .

Example: As I walk through the door of the first sporting goods store, I look for the running shoes I want.

correr2 = race. 

Example: These companies have been racing to define the information superhighway for themselves, and to stake a claim in what they view as the economic engine of the information age.


» acercarse corriendorun up to .

Example: Police say a man was within his rights to shoot and kill a dog that ran up to him.

» adelantar corriendoscutter + pastrush + past .

Example: Stay on the right-hand side to allow those in a hurry to scutter past on the lef.

Example: A man rushed past me off the tube so vigorously that he ripped 3 buttons off my coat.

» andar corriendo de alquí para alláscutter aroundscutter about .

Example: I think a lot of players confuse good footwork with constantly scuttering around the court.

Example: A small eccentric motor makes the bristles vibrate, causing the robot to scutter about randomly on a smooth surface.

» andar corriendo de aquí para alláscutter .

Example: Protecting the yard was a greyhound called Rover that used to scutter and vomit all over the place.

» atravesar corriendorun across .

Example: As today's example we have two Brits who have decided to spend the summer and fall running across America.

» correr a refugiarsescurry for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» correr a toda máquinarun + flat outrun like + the clappers .

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

» correr a toda mecharun like + the clappersrun + flat out .

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr a toda pastillarun like + the clappersrun + flat out .

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr a toda prisascurryrace .

Example: The fastest moving insect is the large tropical cockroach -- it scurries at speeds of up to 2.3 feet per second.

Example: These companies have been racing to define the information superhighway for themselves, and to stake a claim in what they view as the economic engine of the information age.

» correr a toda prisa de arriba para abajorace up and down .

Example: These are the same morons that race up and down streets on quads and dirt bikes and the police do nothing about it.

» correr a toda velocidadsprintrun like + the clapperscareerrun + flat out .

Example: Ammar Yaser remembers sprinting across the campus of Baghdad University in the hours after Saddam Hussein's government collapsed.

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: Juxtaposing harrowing scenes of a family in grief with high comedy, this film does not so much tread a delicate line between these two modes as career wildly between them like a drunken mourner.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr buscando cobijoscramble for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + safetyscurry for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» correr buscando protecciónscramble for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + safetyscurry for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» correr buscando resguardoscramble for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + safetyscurry for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» correr campo a travéscross-country running .

Example: When people think of cross-country running, they often picture a group of skinny people sweating profusely as they compete for first place.

» correr como alma que lleva el diablorun for + Posesivo + liferun like + hellrun like + the devilrun + hell for leather .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: He set explosives around where he thought the entrance to the cave would be, lit the match, and then ran like hell!.

Example: We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.

Example: Rugby is not just a game of two teams running hell for leather into each other; the game we coach is more like a physical game of chess.

» correr como locorun like + the clappersrun + flat out .

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr como una balarun like + the windrun like + the clappersrun + flat out .

Example: A wolf can run like the wind or be as still as a stone.

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr como una flecharun like + the windrun + flat out .

Example: A wolf can run like the wind or be as still as a stone.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr como una liebrerun like + the windrun like + the clappersrun + flat out .

Example: A wolf can run like the wind or be as still as a stone.

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr como un condenadorun like + the clappersrun + flat out .

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr como un descosidorun for + Posesivo + liferun like + hellrun like + the devilrun like + the clappers .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: He set explosives around where he thought the entrance to the cave would be, lit the match, and then ran like hell!.

Example: We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

» correr como un galgorun like + the windrun like + the clappersrun + flat out .

Example: A wolf can run like the wind or be as still as a stone.

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» correr como un pollo sin cabezarun (a)round like + a headless chicken .

Example: I wasn't a technically gifted footballer; I would waste my energy running around like a headless chicken chasing the ball.

» correr con excesiva pronaciónoverpronate  .

Example: This is a controversial finding as it has been assumed for many years that it is injurious to run in shoes without the necessary support if you overrpronate.

» correr con excesiva supinaciónoversupinate  .

Example: If the foot rolls outward more than the necessary amount of 15 degrees, then it oversupinates.

» correr con pronaciónpronate .

Example: The important thing to know is that all feet pronate and supinate, but abnormal feet do one of these things too much or at the wrong time.

» correr con supinaciónsupinate .

Example: The important thing to know is that all feet pronate and supinate, but abnormal feet do one of these things too much or at the wrong time.

» correr de acá para allárush around .

Example: Perhaps instead of arguing, and rushing around in the dark, the time has come to follow our Danish and American friends and begin to find out what we are doing.

» correr de aquí para allárush aroundrun + here and thererun aroundscutter aboutscutter aroundscutter .

Example: Perhaps instead of arguing, and rushing around in the dark, the time has come to follow our Danish and American friends and begin to find out what we are doing.

Example: The wedding day morning is usually a whirr of activity -- everybody running here and there.

Example: This saves clients' time in running around and lessens the possibility of them 'dropping out'.

Example: A small eccentric motor makes the bristles vibrate, causing the robot to scutter about randomly on a smooth surface.

Example: I think a lot of players confuse good footwork with constantly scuttering around the court.

Example: Protecting the yard was a greyhound called Rover that used to scutter and vomit all over the place.

» correr de prisascurry .

Example: The fastest moving insect is the large tropical cockroach -- it scurries at speeds of up to 2.3 feet per second.

» correr desaforadamenterun for + Posesivo + liferun like + hellrun like + the devilrun + hell for leather .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: He set explosives around where he thought the entrance to the cave would be, lit the match, and then ran like hell!.

Example: We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.

Example: Rugby is not just a game of two teams running hell for leather into each other; the game we coach is more like a physical game of chess.

» correr descalzorun + barefoot .

Example: In fact, until relatively recently most runners ran barefoot or wore minimal footwear such as thin moccasins or sandals.

» correr desnudo en un lugar públicostreak .

Example: I was around when streaking and shooting the moon in public places was the latest fad so doing it is not a problem.

» correr de un sitio para otrorush around .

Example: Perhaps instead of arguing, and rushing around in the dark, the time has come to follow our Danish and American friends and begin to find out what we are doing.

» correr en busca de refugioscurry for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» correr haciarun up to .

Example: Police say a man was within his rights to shoot and kill a dog that ran up to him.

» correr más deprisa queoutrun  .

Example: But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.

» correr mundosee + lifesee + the world .

Example: Their initial idea was 'to see life, see the world'.

Example: Their initial idea was 'to see life, see the world'.

» correr para abrirslide + Nombre + open .

Example: If the window is unlocked you simply slide it open.

» correr para cerrarslide + Nombre + closed .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» correr para cobijarsescramble for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + safetyscurry for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» correr para protegersescramble for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + safetyscurry for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» correr para resguardarsescramble for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + safetyscurry for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» correr que se las pelarun for + Posesivo + liferun like + hellrun like + the devilrun + hell for leather .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: He set explosives around where he thought the entrance to the cave would be, lit the match, and then ran like hell!.

Example: We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.

Example: Rugby is not just a game of two teams running hell for leather into each other; the game we coach is more like a physical game of chess.

» cruzar corriendorun across .

Example: As today's example we have two Brits who have decided to spend the summer and fall running across America.

» de bulla y corriendoin a rushin a hurry .

Example: In a rush to computerize records, records managers may overlook the need to establish a sound basis for manual filing systems.

Example: Unfortunately, the basic problem was to get the file cleaned up in a hurry, and nobody was particularly concerned with research.

» deprisa y corriendoin a hurryin a rush .

Example: Unfortunately, the basic problem was to get the file cleaned up in a hurry, and nobody was particularly concerned with research.

Example: In a rush to computerize records, records managers may overlook the need to establish a sound basis for manual filing systems.

» echar a correrboltmake + a bolt fortake off + runningtake to + Posesivo + heelsrun offtear outdo + a runnershow + a clean pair of heels .

Example: These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.

Example: Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.

Example: But luckily the animals were all fairly timid and with a holler they would take off running.

Example: When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.

Example: She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.

Example: He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.

Example: When they lost their jobs and the money dried up, some decided they had no choice but to do a runner.

Example: The performance -- shattering in the 1950's -- is now less impressive, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to most cars on the road.

» entrar corriendorun into .

Example: In one scene, while Nancy is being chased by him, she runs into her house, spun around and slammed the door shut and bolted it closed.

» entrar y salir corriendorun in and out .

Example: Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.

» ir a corrergo for + a rungo for + a jogjoggo jogginggo running .

Example: I went for a run with my friend last Saturday and we ran for ages.

Example: As a fat guy, I'm happy to say that I've never had someone laugh or snicker when I go for a jog or to the gym.

Example: Anyone jog at night before hitting the hay -- is it good for sleep or you become too awake?.

Example: I tend to prefer jogging at night, though I know plenty of people like to go jogging before work in the morning.

Example: Some people go running whichever time best fits their schedules.

» ir corriendohot-foot it to .

Example: Read on for 10 eco-friendly things that you can do with lemons, then hot-foot it to your local farmers' market to stock up.

» ir corriendo adash off torun off to .

Example: Why are some people always dashing off to meetings, but I only have the sessions and the exhibition to attend?.

Example: This is the legislative equivalent of running off to Canada to avoid the draft and is considered dereliction of duty.

» ir corriendo de aquí para alláscutter aroundscutter aboutscutter .

Example: I think a lot of players confuse good footwork with constantly scuttering around the court.

Example: A small eccentric motor makes the bristles vibrate, causing the robot to scutter about randomly on a smooth surface.

Example: Protecting the yard was a greyhound called Rover that used to scutter and vomit all over the place.

» ir de bulla y corriendobe in a rush .

Example: Today, I was in a rush and forgot to flush the toilet after taking a huge dump.

» irse corriendodash offshoot offzoom off (to)fly offdart out (of) .

Example: One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.

Example: The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.

Example: Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.

Example: In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.

Example: It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.

» llevar al hospital de bulla y corriendorush + Nombre + to (the) hospitalrace + Nombre + to the hospital .

Example: Sarah was rushed to the hospital early this morning with a ruptured appendix and peritonitis.

Example: We raced her to the hospital, where she received anti-venom, morphine and fluids.

» llevar al hospital de prisa y corriendorace + Nombre + to the hospitalrush + Nombre + to (the) hospital .

Example: We raced her to the hospital, where she received anti-venom, morphine and fluids.

Example: Sarah was rushed to the hospital early this morning with a ruptured appendix and peritonitis.

» llevar de bulla y corriendo arush + Nombre + to .

Example: Fortunately the local policewoman saw the incident and rushed him to the vet's.

» llevar the prisa y corriendo arush + Nombre + to .

Example: Fortunately the local policewoman saw the incident and rushed him to the vet's.

» máquina de correr estáticatreadmill .

Example: At the end of experiment half of the rats from each group performed a treadmill running till exhaustion.

» pasar corriendorush throughscutter + pastrush + past .

Example: When the car ahead of hers chose to stop at the yellow light rather than rush through, she came unstitched.

Example: Stay on the right-hand side to allow those in a hurry to scutter past on the lef.

Example: A man rushed past me off the tube so vigorously that he ripped 3 buttons off my coat.

» pasar corriendo al lado derun + past .

Example: I hate it when I run past a door and the handle decides to grab my jumper.

» pasar corriendo delante derun + past .

Example: I hate it when I run past a door and the handle decides to grab my jumper.

» quitarse de en medio de bulla y corriendorun for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverscurry for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» quitarse del medio de bulla y corriendoscramble for + safety .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

» salir corriendoleg itrun offrun awayboltmake + a bolt fordash offtake offshoot offtake off + runningtake to + Posesivo + heelstear outzoom off (to)fly offdart out (of)make + a run for itrush offdo + a runnershow + a clean pair of heelsscutter awayscutter out ofscutter offrun out (of) .

Example: The book 'Legging it' overviews trends in male and female dress from the Middle Ages to the present, concentrating on leg coverings: breeches, trousers, stockings'.

Example: She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.

Example: Street boys like Slake, a dodger used to running away, do not, even when they are myopic and dreamers, allow themselves to bump into lampposts.

Example: These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.

Example: Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.

Example: One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.

Example: No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.

Example: The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.

Example: But luckily the animals were all fairly timid and with a holler they would take off running.

Example: When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.

Example: He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.

Example: Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.

Example: In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.

Example: It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.

Example: She steeled herself against the heavy rain, had her keys ready for the door, and made a run for it.

Example: 'Yippie!," shouted Lilli and rushed off home.

Example: When they lost their jobs and the money dried up, some decided they had no choice but to do a runner.

Example: The performance -- shattering in the 1950's -- is now less impressive, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to most cars on the road.

Example: This caught Naomi off guard, so Seiko took the opportunity to scutter away, giggling all the while, leaving Naomi absolutely dumbfounded.

Example: Cockroaches scuttering across the counter cause me to scutter out of the door!.

Example: I got out very carefully but they scuttered off into the bushes and when I went to look for them they flew off in a panic.

Example: Some Dalmatians run out of the house as soon as they see the door open because they are excited, others do it out of habit.

» salir corriendo a la callerun into + the street .

Example: She ran into the street stark naked, waving her arms wildly and screaming at the top of her voice, 'Stop, stop!'.

» salir corriendo detrás derun after .

Example: The other day when I flounced out of the living room after a bicker with my father, she ran after me and hugged me tightly.

» salir corriendo por la puertarun out of + the door .

Example: All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.

» salir corriendo trasrun after .

Example: The other day when I flounced out of the living room after a bicker with my father, she ran after me and hugged me tightly.

» volver corriendoscurry back .

Example: He looked up and descried a gym class, all wet and draggled, scurrying back across the sodden football field.

correr3 = flow. 

Example: At this disclosure, a flush flowed from Leforte's cheeks to her neck.


» abrir una puerta corriéndolaslide + a door open .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» cerrar una puerta corriéndolaslide + a door closed .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» color que se correrunning colour .

Example: This article presents a steam chamber to dissolve stubborn adhesives, to fix running colours and for other purposes pertaining to restoration.

» con el correr del tiempoover the yearsin the process of timewith the passage of time .

Example: Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents.

Example: For we see that all things which, in the process of time, being created by the work of Divine Providence, were produced by the operation of God.

Example: Such recommendations can be viewed as attempts to shortcircuit a system which has creaked more noticeably with the passage of time.

» corre el rumor de querumour has it that(the) word on the street is thatword has it that .

Example: Rumor has it that she 'tolerates' Mathilda Panopoulos, having tried many times to engage her in meaningful dialogue only to find her 'hopelessly set in her opinions'.

Example: Word on the street is that the hottest thing when it comes to fashion for men right now is pantyhose.

Example: He's a scary kid -- word has it that he burned down his old school and then was kicked out of every other school in his home state.

» corre la voz de querumour has it that(the) word on the street is thatword has it that .

Example: Rumor has it that she 'tolerates' Mathilda Panopoulos, having tried many times to engage her in meaningful dialogue only to find her 'hopelessly set in her opinions'.

Example: Word on the street is that the hottest thing when it comes to fashion for men right now is pantyhose.

Example: He's a scary kid -- word has it that he burned down his old school and then was kicked out of every other school in his home state.

» correr el cerrojoslide + the bolt .

Example: Once they'd brought the portmanteau and the valise inside, the butler shut the door, and slid the bolt.

» correr la impresiónslur + the impression .

Example: But the early cylinder machines worked less accurately than the platens, tending to slur the impression and batter the type.

» correr las cortinaspull back + the curtainsdraw + the curtains opendraw + the curtains closedopen + the curtainsclose + the curtains .

Example: When I pull back the curtains Easter morning in my hotel room, I'll be looking out into beautiful, downtown Seattle.

Example: To my utmost surprise, when I drew the curtains open, it was not rain but the sounds of the angry waves.

Example: As dusk began to fall, you drew the curtains closed and switched on the lights.

Example: His only wish was that one day he would open the curtains and find that the cranes had gone.

Example: We will soon be able to control the heating and even close the curtains in our home by giving voice commands.

» correr la vozspread + the newsspread + the wordpass + the word .

Example: They have been doing their best to try to spread the news the genocide in Sri Lanka.

Example: It is divided into sections on the definition of information literacy, spreading the word outside the library profession, publications for librarians and information literacy in schools.

Example: If you agree with our cause, we would appreciate you passing the word.

» correr los visillospull back + the net curtains .

Example: I aired the room when we arrived and pulled back the net curtains to let the light in.

» correr ríos de tintaspill + vast quantities of inka lot + be written aboutmuch + be written about .

Example: Social workers, for example, have spilt vast quantities of ink in trying to specify an academic content to their profession which will mark them off as a distinct discipline with a distinct subject-matter.

Example: A lot has been written about the plunge in consumer confidence since that day.

Example: Much has been written about why females don't play the same games or as many digital games as males do.

» correr una cortina de humoblow + a smokescreenput up + a smokescreenthrow (in) + a red herringthrow + a dead cat on the table [Usado generalmente en política para referirse a una cuestión que trae a colación para distraer a la oposición del tema engorroso que se está debatiendo] .

Example: Meanwhile, Russia give arms and nuclear scientists to Iran and Syria, while blowing a smokescreen at the U.N. with a bunch of rhetoric.

Example: Critics who claim the bill promotes religion instead of science either haven't read the bill or are putting up a smokescreen to divert attention from their goal to censor dissenting scientific views.

Example: It was you who would always throw a red herring to diver attention on some matters that you, your son and your brothers were involved in.

Example: There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.

» correr una puerta para abrirlaslide + a door open .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» correr una puerta para cerrarlaslide + a door closed .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» correr un poco de vientobe breezy .

Example: Grab a jacket before heading out, it's going to be breezy and a bit chilly.

» correr un tupido velo sobredraw + a veil overpaper over + the cracks .

Example: In the latter case, France that had a vested interest in drawing a veil over the murderous events of 1915-1916.

Example: There are fears that the recent encouraging economic data papers over the cracks of some of the real issues at the heart of China's economy.

» correr un velo sobre Algosweep + Algo + under the carpetsweep + Algo + under the rug .

Example: Even after some employees complained, the management treated the matter as a minor issue and swept it under the carpet.

Example: If only we could sweep it under the rug and pretend like it never happened.

» correr un velo sobre las cosassweep + things under the rugsweep + things under the carpet .

Example: 'Spick and Span' is a comedy that examines how individuals cope with death in a society that likes to sweep things under the rug = "De punta en blanco" es una comedia que examina cómo los individuos se enfrentan a la muerte en una sociedad que prefiere ocultar las cosas.

Example: The difference between a democratic state and a non-transparent state is that a democratic state does not sweep things under the carpet.

» corría el rumor de querumour had it thatword had it that .

Example: Rumour had it that he was being wooed by Technicomm, Inc.

Example: Word had it that the village was among the most feared over claims of witchcraft practices.

» corría la voz de querumour had it thatword had it that .

Example: Rumour had it that he was being wooed by Technicomm, Inc.

Example: Word had it that the village was among the most feared over claims of witchcraft practices.

» dejar el agua correrlet bygones be bygonesbe (all) water under the bridge .

Example: And then the young librarian, as in a dream, heard from the lips of her supervisor the words, 'Jeanne, please let bygones be bygones and put this year's evaluation behind you. I'll try to make it up to you next year'.

Example: Although she was unwilling to disclose details of the incident she did stress it was all water under the bridge now.

» hacer correr la sangreshed + blood .

Example: Do not stand idly by while your neighbor's blood is shed.

» hacer correr la vozspread + the wordspread + the good wordpass on + the good wordspread + the newspass + the word .

Example: It is divided into sections on the definition of information literacy, spreading the word outside the library profession, publications for librarians and information literacy in schools.

Example: The article 'Spreading the good word' studies the dissemination and relevance of research in the library-information field.

Example: Please keep me informed of e-democracy-related happenings in your community and nation so I can continue to pass on the good word to those around the world working to make a difference with ICTs in everyday politics and democracy.

Example: They have been doing their best to try to spread the news the genocide in Sri Lanka.

Example: If you agree with our cause, we would appreciate you passing the word.

» ir a corrergo for + a rungo for + a jogjoggo jogginggo running .

Example: I went for a run with my friend last Saturday and we ran for ages.

Example: As a fat guy, I'm happy to say that I've never had someone laugh or snicker when I go for a jog or to the gym.

Example: Anyone jog at night before hitting the hay -- is it good for sleep or you become too awake?.

Example: I tend to prefer jogging at night, though I know plenty of people like to go jogging before work in the morning.

Example: Some people go running whichever time best fits their schedules.

» que no se corresmudge-proof .

Example: Our waterproof and sm

Correr synonyms

test in spanish: prueba, pronunciation: test part of speech: noun go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb work in spanish: trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrk part of speech: noun, verb lead in spanish: dirigir, pronunciation: led part of speech: verb, noun play in spanish: jugar, pronunciation: pleɪ part of speech: verb, noun drive in spanish: conducir, pronunciation: draɪv part of speech: noun, verb force in spanish: fuerza, pronunciation: fɔrs part of speech: noun course in spanish: curso, pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: noun pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun range in spanish: distancia, pronunciation: reɪndʒ part of speech: noun function in spanish: función, pronunciation: fʌŋkʃən part of speech: noun race in spanish: carrera, pronunciation: reɪs part of speech: noun lean in spanish: apoyarse, pronunciation: lin part of speech: adjective, verb bleed in spanish: sangrar, pronunciation: blid part of speech: verb flow in spanish: fluir, pronunciation: floʊ part of speech: noun move in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: muv part of speech: verb, noun discharge in spanish: descarga, pronunciation: dɪstʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb trial in spanish: juicio, pronunciation: traɪəl part of speech: noun endure in spanish: soportar, pronunciation: endjʊr part of speech: verb campaign in spanish: Campaña, pronunciation: kæmpeɪn part of speech: noun guide in spanish: guía, pronunciation: gaɪd part of speech: noun, verb carry in spanish: llevar, pronunciation: kæri part of speech: verb extend in spanish: ampliar, pronunciation: ɪkstend part of speech: verb prevail in spanish: prevalecer, pronunciation: prɪveɪl part of speech: verb ram in spanish: RAM, pronunciation: ræm part of speech: noun tally in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: tæli part of speech: noun hunt in spanish: cazar, pronunciation: hʌnt part of speech: noun, verb streak in spanish: racha, pronunciation: strik part of speech: noun persist in spanish: persistir, pronunciation: pɜrsɪst part of speech: verb tend in spanish: tender, pronunciation: tend part of speech: verb ladder in spanish: escalera, pronunciation: lædɜr part of speech: noun melt in spanish: derretir, pronunciation: melt part of speech: noun, verb unravel in spanish: desenmarañar, pronunciation: ənrævəl part of speech: verb consort in spanish: consorte, pronunciation: kənsɔrt part of speech: noun ply in spanish: capa, pronunciation: plaɪ part of speech: verb, noun incline in spanish: inclinación, pronunciation: ɪnklaɪn part of speech: noun, verb lam in spanish: justicia, pronunciation: læm part of speech: noun running in spanish: corriendo, pronunciation: rʌnɪŋ part of speech: noun operate in spanish: funcionar, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪt part of speech: verb ravel in spanish: enmarañar, pronunciation: rævəl part of speech: noun bunk in spanish: litera, pronunciation: bʌŋk part of speech: noun rill in spanish: riachuelo, pronunciation: rɪl part of speech: noun rivulet in spanish: riachuelo, pronunciation: rɪvjulɪt part of speech: noun runnel in spanish: arroyo, pronunciation: rʌnəl part of speech: noun outpouring in spanish: efusión, pronunciation: aʊtpɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun scarper in spanish: escarpador, pronunciation: skɑrpɜr part of speech: verb die hard in spanish: morir duro, pronunciation: daɪhɑrd part of speech: verb run away in spanish: huir, pronunciation: rʌnəweɪ part of speech: verb break away in spanish: separarse, pronunciation: breɪkəweɪ part of speech: verb streamlet in spanish: arroyuelo, pronunciation: strimlət part of speech: noun footrace in spanish: Carrera a pie, pronunciation: fʊtreɪs part of speech: noun running game in spanish: juego de correr, pronunciation: rʌnɪŋgeɪm part of speech: noun track down in spanish: rastrear, pronunciation: trækdaʊn part of speech: verb black market in spanish: mercado negro, pronunciation: blækmɑrkət part of speech: noun, verb melt down in spanish: fundir, pronunciation: meltdaʊn part of speech: verb run for in spanish: corre por, pronunciation: rʌnfɔr part of speech: verb hunt down in spanish: perseguir, pronunciation: hʌntdaʊn part of speech: verb foot race in spanish: Carrera a pie, pronunciation: fʊtreɪs part of speech: noun turn tail in spanish: huir, pronunciation: tɜrnteɪl part of speech: verb running play in spanish: juego corriente, pronunciation: rʌnɪŋpleɪ part of speech: noun
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