Correo in english


pronunciation: meɪl part of speech: noun
In gestures

correo = post, the ; mail. 

Example: The vast majority of bibliographic records are still transferred by sending reels of tape through the post.Example: As a communications device, Internet allows you to reach your fellow librarians with messages and documents independent of the constraints of mail, telegraph, or fax.


» apartado de correosP.O. Boxpost office box .

Example: For access and price information, contact Mead Data Central at 9393 Springboro Pike, P.O. Box 933, Dayton, OH 45401 or telephone 513-865-6800.

Example: The results revealed that students considered notices in their university post office boxes to be the best way of informing them of activities.

» bombardeo del correo electrónicomail bombing [En el correo electrónico, envío masivo de anuncios publicitarios a una persona causando frecuentemente el bloqueo del mismo] .

Example: This article lists some of these threats to privacy and security, including spamming, mail bombing, worms, trojans, cookies, viruses, crackers, etc..

» buzón de correosmailboxmaildroppost box .

Example: Anthony read the handwritten note he found in his mailbox from the principal of the high school at which he had been employed as head of the school media program for one month.

Example: Choosing a maildrop service is an important decision and we will handle your affairs with the discretion and care you deserve.

Example: I don't think that post boxes will become redundant.

» buzón de correos de la callepillar box [De los que suelen situarse en las esquinas de las calles] .

Example: Trollope is credited with the introduction of the pillar box to Britain.

» cancelador de correo publicitario no solicitadocancelbot [En Internet, programa que borra los mensajes de correo publicitario que una persona no ha solicitado y no desea recibir] .

Example: Spambots and cancelbots are specially written software to counter the practice of spamming by either marking spammed messages across the Internet (Spambots) or deleting them altogether (cancelbots).

» capaz de usar el correo electrónicoe-mail literate .

Example: As the general public becomes increasingly e-mail literate, e-mail reference will most likely be considered an essential service of public library reference departments.

» catálogo comercial de compra por correomail order catalogue .

Example: Telephone books, office files, and mail order catalogs are all examples of commonly used databases.

» clasificación del correomail sorting .

Example: For example, in mail sorting, the sorter simply tells the computer the destination of an item on a conveyor belt, and that item is automatically directed into the appropriate slot.

» compañía de correos, teléfonos y telecomunicacionesPTT (Posts, Telephones and Telecommunications) [Siglas usadas para referirse a todos aquellas empresas que en un país se encargan de ofrecer servicios de correos, teléfonos y telecomunicaciones] .

Example: This article discusses how the PTTs (Postal, Telegraphs and Telecommunications administrations) handle information requests, charging policies, and user problems.

» compra por correomail-order .

Example: The cheapest of these machines costs under $100 and they can be bought in stores, supermarkets and by mail-order.

» con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónicoe-mail literate .

Example: As the general public becomes increasingly e-mail literate, e-mail reference will most likely be considered an essential service of public library reference departments.

» correo aéreoairmail [air mail] .

Example: Documents (normally photocopies) are usually delivered by airmail or by courier, sometimes by fax.

» correo basurajunk mailspam [En Internet, correo que se recibe principalmente debido a que un pirata de las redes han suscrito sin permiso al usuario en cuestión a muchas listas de correo]junk e-mail .

Example: Despite the hype surrounding the World Wide Web, e-mail remains the most commonly used element of the Internet, but has begun to be suffer from the junk mail problem.

Example: Spam is any electronic message mass-posted on the Internet that forces itself on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it.

Example: Recent statistics about the volume of junk e-mail are so astounding as to leave any reasonable person gobsmacked.

» correo certificadoregistered mail .

Example: A 'registered mail' facility notifies the sender when his message has been received.

» correo con dirección erróneamisdirected mail .

Example: In my own system, its use causes an enormous amount of misdirected mail.

» correo de primera clasefirst class post [En el Reino Unido, el servicio postal funciona a dos niveles dependiendo de la rapidez que el cliente desee] .

Example: A study of the whole system of electronic mail suggests that even at the peak rate, Teletex on PSS will be considerably cheaper than first class post.

» correo-ee-mail (electronic mail) .

Example: The advantages and problems of e-mail for library applications are also examined.

» correo electrónicoe-mail (electronic mail) .

Example: The advantages and problems of e-mail for library applications are also examined.

» correo electrónico en masabulk e-mails .

Example: She frequently sends bulk e-mails to the teenagers in her community, thus 'gently' reminding them to visit the site.

» correo exprésexpress mail .

Example: Some mechanisms to resolve this problem include electronic mail, express mail, telefacsimile communication and local area networks.

» correo por vía terrestresurface mail .

Example: As an example, assume that the library has several subscriptions to Musical Librarianship and that one copy is sent airmail and the remaining copies are sent by surface mail.

» correo postalpostal mail .

Example: Library to client services allow users to request searches from their own homes and offices and receive search results in hard copy via the postal mail or electronically.

» correo publicitario no solicitadojunk mailspam [En Internet, correo que se recibe principalmente debido a que un pirata de las redes han suscrito sin permiso al usuario en cuestión a muchas listas de correo] .

Example: Despite the hype surrounding the World Wide Web, e-mail remains the most commonly used element of the Internet, but has begun to be suffer from the junk mail problem.

Example: Spam is any electronic message mass-posted on the Internet that forces itself on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it.

» correo tortugasnail mail [En Internet, término peyorativo para referirse al correo normal por su lentitud frente a la rapidez del correo electrónico] .

Example: Snail mail is a pejorative term to refer to the postal service, used for sending hardcopy, books, etc., to imply slowness relative to e-mail.

» cuenta de correo electrónicoemail account .

Example: University or industrial employment contracts seldom promise email accounts, space on servers, or other access rights.

» cuestionario por correopostal questionnaire .

Example: Librarians were canvassed for their opinions using a postal questionnaire.

» depósito de correospostal depot .

Example: Two men have been arrested after a raid on a postal depot in Northern Ireland in which a worker was shot dead.

» diligencia del correomail coachpost coach .

Example: In 1771 he robbed a mail coach, was tried and hung and gibbeted for two years in these woods.

Example: Post coaches back then were not infrequently stopped by highwaymen or even ambushed.

» dirección de correomailing addressmaildrop address .

Example: The directory includes names of contact people, mailing addresses, phone, e-mail and FAX numbers.

Example: If you find the address is a 'maildrop address,' this may make the company difficult to trace should they not be legitimate.

» dirección de correo electrónicoemail address .

Example: Details posted included dates of birth, home address, email address, place of work along with the information about family and friends.

» empleado de correospost office clerk .

Example: The task of post office clerks is to deal directly with clients of the post office by rendering services such as selling stamps, receiving postal articles and handling saving accounts.

» empresa dedicada a la venta por correomail order company .

Example: Applications include home banking, booking holidays and theatre tickets and ordering from mail order companies.

» encargado del correomail clerk .

Example: 'Just one letter today!' the mail clerk announced as she handed an envelope to Assistant Professor of Library Science Leslie Remington.

» encuesta por correomail survey .

Example: A mail survey was sent to state statistical agencies to determine how the cuts have affected their services.

» enviar por correomailsend through + the mailpost .

Example: This hold slip can be used to mail the document to the borrower.

Example: A lengthy list may be printed off-line and sent through the mail, rather than have the user maintain a lonely vigil at the terminal.

Example: You could put the search result in an envelope and post it if you wish.

» enviar por correo aéreoair-mail .

Example: The user can instruct the computer to save the results of a search and print them out off-line, to be air-mailed as soon as ready.

» enviar por correo electrónicoe-mail [email] .

Example: Any feasible reference question is answered in 15 minutes and e-mailed within a day.

» enviar un correo electrónicoe-mail [email] .

Example: Any feasible reference question is answered in 15 minutes and e-mailed within a day.

» enviar un mensaje a una lista de correopost + a message .

Example: This paper provides basic instructions on how to subscribe to electronic mailing lists, how to post messages and how to unsubscribe, along with tips for the beginner.

» envío de correo electrónico en masabulk e-mailing .

Example: More importantly, it is only a stopgap measure that can easily be overcome by new bulk e-mailing strategy and technology.

» envío de correo publicitario no solicitadospamming [En Internet, correo que se recibe principalmente debido a que un pirata de las redes han suscrito sin permiso al usuario en cuestión a muchas listas de correo] .

Example: Some Internet users have found their daily electronic mail swamped with large numbers of unwanted messages (spamming) caused by a type of computer vandal (hacker) called a mail bomber who places its victims on a large number of mailing lists.

» envío de correos electrónicose-mailing .

Example: The writer provides a number of suggestions to increase the effectiveness of e-mailing.

» envío directo por correodirect mail .

Example: To facilitate communication, I wish there were a tear-off sheet on every direct mail.

» estafeta de correosmaildrop .

Example: Choosing a maildrop service is an important decision and we will handle your affairs with the discretion and care you deserve.

» familiarizado con el correo electrónicoe-mail literate .

Example: As the general public becomes increasingly e-mail literate, e-mail reference will most likely be considered an essential service of public library reference departments.

» firma de correo electrónicoe-mail signature .

Example: Still another librarian includes the Website address as part of her e-mail signature = Además, otra bibliotecaria incluye la dirección de la página web en su firma de correo electrónico.

» inundación del correo electrónicomail bombing [En el correo electrónico, envío masivo de anuncios publicitarios a una persona causando frecuentemente el bloqueo del mismo] .

Example: This article lists some of these threats to privacy and security, including spamming, mail bombing, worms, trojans, cookies, viruses, crackers, etc..

» jefa de oficina de correospostmistress  .

Example: These figures of 'authority', the local postman, the vicar, the village postmistress and schoolmaster were fast disappearing from the rural scene.

» jefe de oficina de correospostmaster  .

Example: This mini-pack could be used by 'individuals in the community who are called upon to give information, such as parish clerks, the clergy, postmasters, trade union officials, mobile librarians, as well as people acting as village links'.

» lista de correomailing list [Sistema que permite a todas las personas que se han suscrito a una lista de interés reciban los mensajes emitidos por cualquier miembro de la lista posibilitando la discusión de temas de su interés]listserv(er) [list-serv(er)] [Sistema que permite a todas las personas que se han suscrito a una lista de interés reciban los mensajes emitidos por cualquier miembro de la lista posibilitando la discusión de temas de su interés]distribution liste-mail listelectronic distribution list .

Example: A listserv (a.k.a mailing list and discussion list) is a system that allows people to send e-mail to one address, whereupon their message is copied and sent to all of the other subscribers to the mailing list thus making it possible to participate in discussions.

Example: A listserv (a.k.a mailing list and discussion list) is a system that allows people to send e-mail to one address, whereupon their message is copied and sent to all of the other subscribers to the mailing list thus making it possible to participate in discussions.

Example: This is a compilation of distribution lists and electronic serials which are of interest to librar professionals.

Example: This paper discusses the various Internet search tools such as File Transfer Protocol, search engines, and e-mail lists, with medical information examples.

Example: Electronic distribution lists and newsgroups have been widely used by scholars and librarians to find specific information, keep abreast of current events and communicate within a specific discipline.

» lista de correo electrónicoelectronic mailing list .

Example: This paper provides basic instructions on how to subscribe to electronic mailing lists, how to post messages and how to unsubscribe, along with tips for the beginner.

» lista de correo moderadamoderated mailing listmoderated listserv .

Example: The association has a WWW home page and operates a moderated mailing list.

Example: The latter can be alleviated by joining moderated listservs who research access.

» mandar por correo electrónicoe-mail [email] .

Example: Any feasible reference question is answered in 15 minutes and e-mailed within a day.

» mandar un correo electrónicoe-mail [email] .

Example: Any feasible reference question is answered in 15 minutes and e-mailed within a day.

» marcador de correo publicitario no solicitadospambot [En Internet, programa que marca los mensajes de correo publicitario que una persona no ha solicitado y no desea recibir] .

Example: Spambots and cancelbots are specially written software to counter the practice of spamming by either marking spammed messages across the Internet (Spambots) or deleting them altogether (Cancelbots).

» oficina de correospost office .

Example: Rural post offices are dropping like flies, taking with them village shops for whom the postal business made the difference between life and death.

» pedir por correosend away for .

Example: I sent away for my grandmother's birth certificate but was disappointed when I received a letter back from state archives stating they could not find one.

» pirata del correo publicitario no solicitadospammer .

Example: There are a number of Web sites which offer spam prevention advice such as the use of filters to automatically eliminate mail from known spammers.

» POP (Protocolo de Correo)POP (Post Office Protocol) [En Internet, stándar utilizado por los programas de gestión de correo electrónico para enviar y recibir mensajes del servidor de correo] .

Example: The Post Office Protocol (POP) can not deliver adequate electronic mail message management for users of TCP/IP networks.

» por correoby postmailed .

Example: Requests supplied from further afield are usually sent and returned by post.

Example: To answer this question, the writer made a spot check of selected schools in Texas by means of a mailed questionnaire.

» programa de correo electrónicoelectronic mail system .

Example: Messaging for ILL is done via the post or though entirely separate and dedicated electronic mail systems.

» sala del correomail room .

Example: The young librarian was immensely depressed as she pattered down the hall towards the mail room.

» saqueador de correomail bomber [En Internet, pirata de redes de comunicación que se dedica a subscribir a usuarios a muchas listas de correos sin el permiso de éstos] .

Example: Some Internet users have found their daily electronic mail swamped with large numbers of unwanted messages (spamming) caused by a type of computer vandal (hacker) called a mail bomber who places its victims on a large number of mailing lists.

» sello de correospostage stamp .

Example: Petty cash may be used for the purchase of small items such as urgently required stationery items or postage stamps.

» servicio de correomail service .

Example: Electronic mail is considered to be a form of electronic communication which is an alternative to physical delivery by private or public mail services = El correo electrónico se considera una forma de comunicación electrónica que supone una alternativa al envío físico mediante servicios de correo públicos o privados.

» servicio de correo electrónicoelectronic mail service .

Example: Electronic mail services have become especially useful to libraries and information centres in the areas of interlibrary loans = Los servicios de correo electrónico se han hecho especialmente útil para las biblitoecas y centros de información en las cuestiones relacionadas con el préstamo bibliotecario.

» servicio de correospostal service .

Example: The postal service must still be interposed between the identification of the existence and the location of a document, and the receipt of the same document.

» servicio de novedades a través del correo electrónicoe-mail alert .

Example: Individuals will be able to request personalized e-mail alerts to the latest scientific and clinical research findings, news, and funding opportunities.

» servicio de referencia por correo electrónicoelectronic mail reference service .

Example: There is a great deal yet to be learned about electronic mail reference service = Queda mucho por conocer sobre el servicio de referencia por correo electrónico.

» tasa de correospostage rate .

Example: This paper discusses the three periodical postage rates in the UK and conditions governing their use.

» vagón del correomail coachpost coach .

Example: In 1771 he robbed a mail coach, was tried and hung and gibbeted for two years in these woods.

Example: Post coaches back then were not infrequently stopped by highwaymen or even ambushed.

» voto por correopostal ballot .

Example: The closing date for the postal ballots for those Section Standing Committees for which there are elections is close of business on Wednesday 14th May.

Correo synonyms

post in spanish: enviar, pronunciation: poʊst part of speech: noun send in spanish: enviar, pronunciation: send part of speech: verb get off in spanish: bajate, pronunciation: getɔf part of speech: verb chain mail in spanish: cadena de correo, pronunciation: tʃeɪnmeɪl part of speech: noun coat of mail in spanish: cota de malla, pronunciation: koʊtʌvmeɪl part of speech: noun postal service in spanish: servicio Postal, pronunciation: poʊstəlsɜrvəs part of speech: noun chain armour in spanish: armadura de cadena, pronunciation: tʃeɪnɑrmɜr part of speech: noun ring armor in spanish: anillo de armadura, pronunciation: rɪŋɑrmɜr part of speech: noun ring mail in spanish: correo de llamada, pronunciation: rɪŋmeɪl part of speech: noun chain armor in spanish: cota de malla, pronunciation: tʃeɪnɑrmɜr part of speech: noun ring armour in spanish: anillo de armadura, pronunciation: rɪŋɑrmɜr part of speech: noun
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