Correlativo in english


pronunciation: kɔrələtɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

correlativo = consecutive ; successive. 

Example: This is used for the linking of consecutive UDC class numbers.Example: The order thus determined embodies 'context dependency', each term in the string sets each successive term in context.


» no correlativonon-consecutive .

Example: The + (plus sign) can be used for adding non-consecutive UDC class numbers.

Correlativo synonyms

reciprocal in spanish: recíproco, pronunciation: rɪsɪprəkəl part of speech: adjective correlate in spanish: correlación, pronunciation: kɔrəleɪt part of speech: verb, noun related in spanish: relacionado, pronunciation: rɪleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective correlated in spanish: correlacionado, pronunciation: kɔrəleɪtəd part of speech: adjective related to in spanish: relacionado con, pronunciation: rɪleɪtɪdtu part of speech: adjective
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