Correlación in english


pronunciation: kɔrəleɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

correlación = correlation ; correlate. 

Example: The choice of call number and its correlation with physical documents is the responsibility of the cataloger.Example: Our study attempted to evaluate the socio-professional correlates of insomnia by comparing a group of insomniacs to a group of good sleepers.


» análisis de correlacióncorrelation analysis .

Example: Correlation analysis indicates that instruction is positively linked to both the amount of use given to electronic technology and the satisfaction with the results of that use = El análisis de correlación indica que la instrucción está positivamente ligada tanto al tiempo de uso dedicado a la tecnología electrónica como a la satisfacción con los resultados de ese uso.

» coeficiente de correlacióncorrelation coefficient .

Example: These and various correlation coefficients are discussed and the type of conclusions to be drawn are pointed out.

» coeficiente de correlación de PearsonPearson correlation coefficient .

Example: The Pearson correlation coefficient has been calculated to find out the correlation and to test the null hypothesis that there is no correlation among publishing in journals, citing from journals and use of journals by a defined set of researchers.

» coeficiente de la correlación de los cosenoscosine correlation coefficient .

Example: A query is treated in the same way, and the query vector is then compared with the document vectors, using the cosine correlation coefficient to give a measure of the extent to which they coincide.

» correlación de PearsonPearson's correlation .

Example: All of the Pearson's correlations between independent variables were less than 0.5.

» función de la correlación de los cosenoscosine correlation function .

Example: In the SMART experiments, the cosine correlation function was found to give somewhat better results.

» sin guardar una correlaciónuncorrelated .

Example: This technique can be used to derive either orthogonal or uncorrelated dimensions for any type of input data.

» tener correlación conbear + correlation with .

Example: It is interesting to note that these ten divisions bear a certain correlation, admittedly only a broad one, with the idea of Fundamental Disciplines, mentioned earlier in this course.

Correlación synonyms

correlation coefficient in spanish: coeficiente de correlación, pronunciation: kɔrəleɪʃənkoʊəfɪʃənt part of speech: noun correlativity in spanish: correlatividad, pronunciation: kɔrələtɪvɪti part of speech: noun correlational statistics in spanish: estadística correlacional, pronunciation: kɔrəlæʃənəlstətɪstɪks part of speech: noun coefficient of correlation in spanish: coeficiente de correlación, pronunciation: koʊəfɪʃəntʌvkɔrəleɪʃən part of speech: noun
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