Corregir in english

To correct

pronunciation: tukɜrekt part of speech: none
In gestures

corregirse = clean up + Posesivo + act ; right + Reflexivo ; change + Posesivo + ways ; mend + Posesivo + ways ; mend + Posesivo + ways. 

Example: The article 'NYPL cleans up its act' describes the 4 phases of a project conducted by the Conservation Division of the New York Public Library to improve its collections.Example: From potentate to prisoner: Laurent Gbagbo, the former president, is at last taken out of action but will his country right itself?.Example: I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.Example: The film tells the story of a manipulative schoolgirl who mends her ways when she falls for an older professor.Example: The film tells the story of a manipulative schoolgirl who mends her ways when she falls for an older professor.

corregir = correct ; make + good ; repair ; amend ; set + Nombre + right ; redress ; put + Nombre + right ; right ; edit. 

Example: Packages which have been used will be thoroughly tested in various applications, and any weakness corrected.Example: Any child who comes to school at five years old without certain kinds of literary experience is a deprived child in whose growth there are deficiencies already difficult to make good.Example: In the more common perspective of linear causality, we seek to explain a negative consequence by searching for its root cause and repairing it.Example: This article shows how to amend and cancel orders and how to arrange delivery by telefacsimile.Example: A serious omission or duplication in a page of prose, for instance, might necessitate the rejustification of dozens of lines, whereas if the mistake had been spotted in the stick it could have been set right in a matter of moments.Example: To redress this iniquity women are demanding not only equal pay for equal work, but equal pay for work of equal value.Example: The author emphasises the importance of the early stages of planning, where the seeds of failure are often sown, and mistakes made then will be very difficult to put right later.Example: The author questions whether this is a transitional phenomenon which will be righted later.Example: During the construction of a thesaurus, the computer can be enlisted to sort, merge, edit and compare terms.


» corregir a manohand-correct .

Example: Rather than hand-correcting hundreds of records, have you considered modifying the import filters so that the information is imported more cleanly?.

» corregir deficienciascorrect + deficiencies .

Example: Most men would want to correct the deficiencies in their performance if they agreed that they were deficient and if there appeared to be enough advantage in correcting them to justify the effort.

» corregir el estilocopy edit [copyedit] .

Example: Publishers make sure that all the books they publish are copy edited before being sent to the printer.

» corregir erroresdebug .

Example: In computer science, debug is the term used to locate and remove errors from a program.

» corregir exámenesmark + exam(ination)sgrade + exam(ination)s .

Example: Teachers might mark exams themselves, rather than simply sending tests to the examining board.

Example: It turns out that she was the only faculty member using graduate assistants to grade exams.

» corregir inexactitudesset + the record straightput + the record straight .

Example: This article is a response to 'Preservation of slide libraries' by Ann Cinlar in which an attempt is made to set the record straight.

Example: When your backs are against the wall and everyone's raising questions, a performance like that puts the record straight.

» corregir la gramáticacorrect + the grammar .

Example: People who feel superior by correcting the spelling and grammar of others really piss me off.

» corregir la ortografíacorrect + the spelling .

Example: People who feel superior by correcting the spelling and grammar of others really piss me off.

» corregir la planafind + fault with .

Example: I will add that since I have been working with the access LC provides to materials on women, a basic fault that I have found with LC subject cataloging is the absence of specificity.

» corregirloput + matters right .

Example: Thirdly, because it is the socializing that goes on in preschool years that matters above all we must do more to put matters right at this stage.

» corregir pruebasproofproofread [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio proofread] .

Example: This is not to say that every book was proofed in three definable stages, for some books were less proofed than others.

Example: After the entry is complete, the full bibliographic information is then displayed, proofread, and, if is necessary, changed before filing it in the catalogs.

» corregirseclean up + Posesivo + actright + Reflexivochange + Posesivo + waysmend + Posesivo + waysmend + Posesivo + ways .

Example: The article 'NYPL cleans up its act' describes the 4 phases of a project conducted by the Conservation Division of the New York Public Library to improve its collections.

Example: From potentate to prisoner: Laurent Gbagbo, the former president, is at last taken out of action but will his country right itself?.

Example: I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.

Example: The film tells the story of a manipulative schoolgirl who mends her ways when she falls for an older professor.

Example: The film tells the story of a manipulative schoolgirl who mends her ways when she falls for an older professor.

» corregir una pruebacorrect + a proof .

Example: That night I was correcting a proof at about eleven o'clock when Balthasar began needling me.

» corregir una situaciónput + right a situationcorrect + a situationredress + a situation .

Example: Every effort will be made to put right the situation leading to the complaint.

Example: Although a reference librarian may exercise superb diplomatic skills, such a situation may be corrected only when the bottleneck boss leaves.

Example: Increased dissemination of information at the local level is one way of redressing the situation.

» corregir un errorcorrect + an erroramend + a mistakecorrect + a wrongcorrect + Posesivo + mistakeamend + an error .

Example: When the error is corrected, a valid match is found and the text replaced by the heading's control number.

Example: One the questions that has to be answered regarding this software is how easy it is to make amendments, for example to go back to amend a mistake in an earlier field.

Example: This book is highly recommended for all types of libraries, and it should be required reading for librarians who want to correct the wrongs in their chosen profession = Este libro es muy recomendado para todo tipo de bibliotecas y debería ser de lectura obligatoria para aquellos bibliotecarios que quieran corregir los errores de su profesión.

Example: They want to know how people learn to use computers, how they modify their input, and how they identify and correct their mistakes.

Example: We will amend the error and provide a revised document as soon as possible and at no further cost if the error is on our part.

» corregir un malcorrect + a wrong .

Example: This book is highly recommended for all types of libraries, and it should be required reading for librarians who want to correct the wrongs in their chosen profession = Este libro es muy recomendado para todo tipo de bibliotecas y debería ser de lectura obligatoria para aquellos bibliotecarios que quieran corregir los errores de su profesión.

» corregir un problemacorrect + a problem .

Example: Foreign disc in CD-ROM player, correct the problem and press any key to continue.

» sin corregirunamendeduncorrectedunrevised .

Example: Short abstracts are generally preferred, but there are instances where the most effective approach is to cite the original unamended, and to state that this is what has been done.

Example: Sometimes references cited have never been read so incorrect versions go uncorrected.

Example: The second part, Sociology, including Socialism, Communism and Anarchism, was published in an unrevised cumulation as the fourth edition, 1981.
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