Corregible in english


pronunciation: kɔrədʒəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

corregible = correctable ; fixable ; amendable. 

Example: This article considers the questions of planning the ideal library building and examines correctable design faults which occur time and time again.Example: A broken computer, though annoying, is a fixable or preventable catastrophe.Example: Files are amendable in real time throughout library opening hours.


» auntocorregibleself-correctable  .

Example: Self-government became self-correctable and federal officials accountable largely thanks to the First Amendment guarantees.

» corregible por uno mismoself-marking .

Example: Just to make sure you pay attention to these e-lessons; each e-lesson will include a self-marking quiz.

Corregible synonyms

amendable in spanish: enmendable, pronunciation: əmendəbəl part of speech: adjective redeemable in spanish: redimible, pronunciation: rɪdiməbəl part of speech: adjective improvable in spanish: mejorable, pronunciation: ɪmpruvəbəl part of speech: adjective correctable in spanish: corregible, pronunciation: kɜrektəbəl part of speech: adjective reformable in spanish: reformable, pronunciation: rɪfɔrməbəl part of speech: adjective
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