Correduría in english


pronunciation: broʊkɜrɪdʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

correduría = brokering ; brokerage ; broking. 

Example: One of the company's services is the brokering of on-line data base searches.Example: If you're not a financial expert, just choosing the brokerage that best suits your needs can be a difficult task.Example: A career in broking can be very exciting and rewarding for the right person.


» correduría de apuestasbookmaking .

Example: The income helped support illegal gambling, bookmaking, loan sharking, and labor rackets in northern Ohio.

» correduría de segurosinsurance broking .

Example: Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.

Correduría synonyms

brokerage house in spanish: casa de corredores de Bolsa, pronunciation: broʊkɜrɪdʒhaʊs part of speech: noun brokerage firm in spanish: firma de corretaje, pronunciation: broʊkɜrɪdʒfɜrm part of speech: noun securities firm in spanish: firma de valores, pronunciation: sɪkjʊrətizfɜrm part of speech: noun
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