Corrector in english


pronunciation: kənsilɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

corrector1 = corrector. 

Example: The corrector preferred to have the copy read aloud to him by a reading-boy while he followed the proof and marked the mistakes.


» borrar con líquido correctorwhite out .

Example: He whited out my name on the check, signed the check with his own signature, and then deposited it into his bank account.

» corrector de estilostyle checkercopy editor [copyeditor]subeditor .

Example: Additional results using the RightWriter style checker are also reported.

Example: The relationship between author and copy editor is not always smooth because their needs and wants are different.

Example: Newspapers have found it difficult to recruit subeditors over the last few years.

» corrector de exámenesexaminer  .

Example: There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year = Existe una vieja broma que dice que los profesores de económicas nunca necesitan ponerle a los alumnos nuevas preguntas de examen ya que las respuestas cambian cada año.

» corrector de pruebasproofreader  ; corrector .

Example: Overlooking a correction may completely nullify the proofreader's work and make him a malpractitioner.

Example: The corrector preferred to have the copy read aloud to him by a reading-boy while he followed the proof and marked the mistakes.

» corrector ortográficospelling checkerspelling correctorspell checker .

Example: The feasibility of using spelling checkers and other correction techniques to reduce errors is investigated.

Example: This article examines the effect of increasing word list size on the error rate of spelling correctors.

Example: Most services offer additional features, including spell checkers, the ability to create folders for different types of mail and address books.

» corrector ortográfico automáticocomputer spell-check programme .

Example: Normativity (also known as prescriptivism) is the idea that there are correct and incorrect ways of using language, and institutions to enforce the norms (schools, reference books, editors, computer spell-check programmes, language mavens..).

» corrector ortográfico informatizadocomputer spell-check programme .

Example: Normativity (also known as prescriptivism) is the idea that there are correct and incorrect ways of using language, and institutions to enforce the norms (schools, reference books, editors, computer spell-check programmes, language mavens..).

» líquido correctorerasing fluidwhite-outliquid paper .

Example: Obviously this gives a much more satisfactory result than that achieved by the use of erasers or erasing fluid.

Example: If you make a mistake on the forms can you use white-out to correct it.

Example: When you use liquid paper on legal documents, they will become invalid.

corrector2 = remedial ; corrective. 

Example: Secondly, the admission of rules incompatible with the general ideology adopted inevitably entails subsequent remedial revision.Example: Students should study the readings given at the end of this chapter as a necessary corrective to the dangers inherent in extreme simplification.


» líquido correctorerasing fluidwhite-outliquid paper .

Example: Obviously this gives a much more satisfactory result than that achieved by the use of erasers or erasing fluid.

Example: If you make a mistake on the forms can you use white-out to correct it.

Example: When you use liquid paper on legal documents, they will become invalid.

» medida correctoracorrective measure .

Example: As for corrective measures having been taken, we'll believe it when we see it.

» medidas correctorascorrective action .

Example: Furthermore, if the library 's governance system is guilty of poor performance, it is more difficult to induce corrective action from a committee than from one person, who can be more easily removed for just cause.
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