Correctamente in english


pronunciation: kɜrektli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

correctamente = accurately ; correctly ; properly ; successfully ; rightly ; aright ; with due process ; rightfully ; just right. 

Example: Headings tend to be broad and cannot represent complex or specific subjects accurately.Example: Computers are reliable, and less prone to error provided they are instructed or programmed appropriately and correctly.Example: This group of fields should be completed before the fixed fields are entered, because the record type is needed for handling these fields properly.Example: Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully.Example: Democracy, rightly understood, is a positive creed and its political and social values would be greatly strengthened if the library service was planned on national lines to support them.Example: Another wise precaution at this preliminary stage is to make sure that he has heard aright.Example: One must be able to prove that a new staff member was selected with due process and with clearly delineated criteria.Example: It must be remembered that AACR does not follow the Paris Principles completely, as Mr. Lubetzky quite rightfully and disappointedly pointed out.Example: If you don't say the magic word just right, the door won't open.


» actuar correctamentedo + the right thingget on + the right side of .

Example: Vendors should take this trouble not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it is a safeguard against consumer litigation.

Example: There's a growing understanding that it's largely an opportunity for profit and growth for the companies that get on the right side of things and get ahead.

» comportarse correctamenteget on + the right side of .

Example: There's a growing understanding that it's largely an opportunity for profit and growth for the companies that get on the right side of things and get ahead.

» funcionar correctamentework + finework + well .

Example: After unattaching all three and then reattaching them, everything worked fine.

Example: She said previous boards have decided as they went along, and that policy seemed to work well for them.

» hacer Algo correctamentedo + Algo + right .

Example: As an association, we feel that doing it right is offering support to people affected by aphasia.

» no actuar correctamentebe remiss .

Example: Yet readers would be remiss to rely solely on any single source for handling such sensitive and critical situations.

Correctamente synonyms

right in spanish: Correcto, pronunciation: raɪt part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb aright in spanish: rectamente, pronunciation: ɜraɪt part of speech: adverb
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