Corrección in english


pronunciation: kɜrekʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

corrección = amending ; amendment ; correction ; correctness ; emendation ; correctiveness ; propriety ; rectification. 

Example: Store permits the processing of the information that it contains, but, after processing, the data in the store differs from the initial content (for example, in the editing and amending of catalogue records).Example: The headings consequently correspond to current American usage in both use of terms and spelling and often need amendment to make them consistent with local usage.Example: Almost all papers, notes, reviews, corrections and correspondence published in many scientific and other journals contain citations to associated works.Example: Only entries without cross-references and notes may be changed because the system cannot judge the correctness of the cross-references and notes for the changed entry.Example: His largest group of intentional alterations consisted of 27 relatively minor emendations, mostly wrong-headed.Example: Exuberance and enthusiasm are proper to the young, as Quintillian remarked: 'The young should be daring and inventive and should rejoice in their inventions, even though correctiveness and severity are still to be acquired'.Example: Dissatisfaction is being expressed with the public library's feminised world of propriety and respectability.Example: The advantages of viewing stock verification as stock rectification are discussed.


» corrección automáticamachine-editing .

Example: The changeover has resulted in more rapid machine-editing of input and reduced costs for cataloguing.

» corrección de pruebasproofreadingproof correction .

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS then formats the information entered and displays it for proofreading.

Example: The third and final stage of proof correction was the press proof, when a sheet was read for residual blemishes.

» correcciones de autorauthor's corrections [Cambios que el autor de un manuscrito introduce él mismo] .

Example: Time hands were employed on such jobs as authors' corrections, and were paid about as much as the average piecework hand actually earned.

» corrección formalelements of due processdue processprocedural justice .

Example: To accomplish this responsibility, the elements of due process must also be applied to selection.

Example: The fact-finding team found no evidence of discrimination, or unethical behaviour, but formal due process had not been observed.

Example: Distributive justice focuses on the fairness of rewards, while procedural justice focuses on the fairness of the procedures used in allocating rewards.

» corrección ortográficaspell checking .

Example: It offers onboard spell checking.

» corrección políticapolitical correctness .

Example: It is political incorrectness, not political correctness, that has brought harm to this nation.

» departamento de corrección de menoresdepartment of corrections .

Example: This article gives a sampling of the types of data these agencies provide, covering the areas of agriculture, department of corrections, transportation and highway patrols, natural resources and revenues.

» función de correcciónediting function .

Example: The system includes some other editing functions that can save time and typing.

» programa de corrección ortográficaspelling correction program .

Example: A typical spelling correction program detects spelling errors by searching through a list of correctly spelled words.

» programa informático de correción ortográficacomputer spell-check programme .

Example: Normativity (also known as prescriptivism) is the idea that there are correct and incorrect ways of using language, and institutions to enforce the norms (schools, reference books, editors, computer spell-check programmes, language mavens..).

Corrección synonyms

discipline in spanish: disciplina, pronunciation: dɪsəplən part of speech: noun rectification in spanish: rectificación, pronunciation: rektəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun chastisement in spanish: castigo, pronunciation: tʃæstɪzmənt part of speech: noun correcting in spanish: de corrección, pronunciation: kɜrektɪŋ part of speech: verb chastening in spanish: castigo, pronunciation: tʃeɪsənɪŋ part of speech: noun fudge factor in spanish: factor de fudge, pronunciation: fʌdʒfæktɜr part of speech: noun
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