Corral in english


pronunciation: kɜræl part of speech: noun
In gestures

corral = corral ; kraal ; fold ; pen ; farmyard. 

Example: All animals lived in large social groups in outdoor corrals.Example: Folds for animals and enclosures made specially for defensive purposes are also called kraals.Example: Folds for animals and enclosures made specially for defensive purposes are also called kraals.Example: One day she indulged in her habit of swigging too much gin before going to feed the porker and after opening its pen she slumped in a heap.Example: The path led to a cluster of buildings similar in outward appearances to those found in farmyards and stables.


» amo del corralking of the roostruler of the roost .

Example: Ten years ago Yahoo was king of the roost.

Example: I think she may have given Frittata a run for her money as ruler of the roost.

» animal de corralfarmyard animal .

Example: Adding a touch of fish oil to farmyard animals' food could help cut gases they emit with their noxious belches = Añadiendo un poquito de aceite de pescado a los alimentos de los animales de granja se podría contribuir a disminuir los gases que emiten con sus eructos nocivos.

» aves de corralpoultry  .

Example: Attention has focussed on the marketing of dangerous substances, safety standards for the slaughter of meat and poultry, and control of dangerous cosmetics.

» cría en corralfree-range farming .

Example: But any criticism that free range farming provides an ideal breeding ground for avian disease has its fair share of counterarguments.

» de corralfree-rangefree-ranging .

Example: An inherent problem with all egg production, whether free-range or battery-caged, is the disposal of unwanted male chicks at the hatchery.

Example: In a few cases, exposure to chicken faeces in an area frequented by free-ranging poultry is thought to have been the source of infection.

» gallina de corralfree-range hen .

Example: But even if free-range hens were given all the space they could use, they will still be killed for meat when their egg production wanes.

» gallito del corral, elcock-of-the-walk .

Example: As far as he could see, he was cock of the walk: many of the men in Sunset suffered from diseases that Horace had so far escaped.

» pollo de corralfree-range chicken .

Example: Free-range chickens must be allowed outside for at least half their lives and are grown more slowly, to be killed at eight weeks.

Corral synonyms

cattle pen in spanish: pluma de ganado, pronunciation: kætəlpen part of speech: noun cow pen in spanish: pluma de vaca, pronunciation: kaʊpen part of speech: noun
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