Corpus in english


pronunciation: kɔrpəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

corpus = corpus [corpora, -pl.]. 

Example: I would be inclined to go one step further and treat the entire corpus of an author's writings as his/her work.


» corpus de conocimientocorpus of knowledge .

Example: The problem arises from the fact that readers seek information which they can build into their own corpus of knowledge with the minimum of difficulty.

» corpus lingüísticotext corpuscorpus [corpora, -pl.]corpora [corpus, -sing.]language corpus .

Example: This software provides full text search for text corpora that may be garbled by OCR or transmission errors, and that may contain languages other than English = Este programa ofrece búsqueda en texto completo de corpus lingüísticos que puedan hacerse indescifrable por errores del OCR o de transmisión y que puedan contener otras lenguas diferentes al inglés.

Example: This article presents experimental data obtained from different corpora in different domains and languages.

Example: This article presents experimental data obtained from different corpora in different domains and languages.

Example: A large language corpus represents roughly the amount and variety of language that a native-speaker experiences in a whole lifetime.

» un corpus dea body of .

Example: The article 'The blooming of readers' presents a body of research that supports the notion that children can acquire reading skills without being directly taught to read.

Corpus synonyms

principal in spanish: director de escuela, pronunciation: prɪnsəpəl part of speech: noun principal sum in spanish: suma principal, pronunciation: prɪnsəpəlsʌm part of speech: noun
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