Corporativo in english


pronunciation: kɔrpɜrət part of speech: adjective
In gestures

corporativo = corporate. 

Example: Added entries under corporate names are made for a prominently named corporate body, unless it functions solely as distributor or manufacturer.


» autor corporativocorporate author [Entidad responsable del contenido intelectual o artístico de un documento] .

Example: Corporate authors present difficulties essentially because a corporate body cannot think or write.

» comida corporativabunfight [bun fight] .

Example: This years bunfight was a great success and we have since welcomed many new members to our meetings, speaker events, and to our email list.

» cultura corporativacorporate culture [Conjunto de valores y normas de comportamiento de los miembros de una instutición] .

Example: Factors to be taken into consideration include: managerial style; attitude to personnel and customers; the importance of information technology; corporate culture; criteria for creativity; charisma; and the role of quality.

» encabezamiento de nombre corporativocorporate name heading .

Example: The term 'corporate name heading' is used to designate the type of heading by reference to the type of name or title on which the heading is based, without regard to its function or relationship to other headings.

» entidad corporativacorporate body [Organización o grupo de personas que se identifica con un nombre concreto y que actúa o puede actuar como una entidad]corporate entity .

Example: AACR2 defines a corporate body thus: 'a corporate body is an organisation or group of persons that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as an entity'.

Example: Note also from the definition of a corporate body that it is necessary that a corporate body has a name for it to be regarded as corporate entity.

» escalafón corporativocorporate ladder .

Example: You're four times more likely to find a psychopath at the top of the corporate ladder than you are walking around the janitor's office.

» espíritu corporativoesprit-de-corps .

Example: Mayo's conclusion was that 'the singling out of certain groups of employees for special attention had the effect of coalescing previously indifferent individuals into cohesive groups with a high degree of group ride or esprit-de-corps'.

» imagen corporativacorporate brandingcorporate imagecorporate brand .

Example: Sports promotions and sponsorship have long been a mainstay of corporate branding.

Example: Market pressures are forcing each on-line service to define its corporate image and market niche.

Example: Corporate brands rely on a combination of culture, values and images that evolve over time = Las marcas corporativas se basan en una combinación de cultura, valores e imágenes que evolucionan con el tiempo.

» Indice de Autores CorporativosCorporate Index .

Example: This article describes the 4 indexes comprising the SCI: the Source Index, the Citation Index, the Permuterm Subject Index and the Corporate Index.

» jerarquía corporativacorporate ladder .

Example: You're four times more likely to find a psychopath at the top of the corporate ladder than you are walking around the janitor's office.

» licencias corporativassite licensing .

Example: The author considers the efficacy of site licensing for electronic network dissemination of information and electronic journal publishing.

» marca corporativacorporate brandingcorporate brand .

Example: Sports promotions and sponsorship have long been a mainstay of corporate branding.

Example: Corporate brands rely on a combination of culture, values and images that evolve over time = Las marcas corporativas se basan en una combinación de cultura, valores e imágenes que evolucionan con el tiempo.

» memoria corporativacorporate memory .

Example: They are able to forge alliances between archivists and all others who have a responsibility for corporate memory and its management.

» nombre corporativocorporate name .

Example: Added entries under corporate names are made for a prominently named corporate body, unless it functions solely as distributor or manufacturer.

» socio corporativocorporate partner .

Example: Thanks to the generosity of our volunteers and corporate partners we have provided simple, decent shelter for hundreds of thousands of families in need.

» vida corporativacorporate life .

Example: Primitive war dances, fertility rites, hunting games are all rituals human beings develop in their corporate as well as their private lives.

Corporativo synonyms

joint in spanish: articulación, pronunciation: dʒɔɪnt part of speech: adjective, noun material in spanish: material, pronunciation: mətɪriəl part of speech: noun collective in spanish: colectivo, pronunciation: kəlektɪv part of speech: adjective incarnate in spanish: encarnar, pronunciation: ɪnkɑrnət part of speech: adjective corporal in spanish: corporal, pronunciation: kɔrpɜrəl part of speech: noun, adjective corporeal in spanish: corpóreo, pronunciation: kɔrpɜril part of speech: adjective incorporated in spanish: incorporado, pronunciation: ɪnkɔrpɜreɪtəd part of speech: adjective organized in spanish: organizado, pronunciation: ɔrgənaɪzd part of speech: adjective embodied in spanish: encarnado, pronunciation: ɪmbɑdid part of speech: adjective bodied in spanish: cuerpo, pronunciation: bɑdid part of speech: adjective
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