Corporal in english


pronunciation: bɑdəli part of speech: adjective, adverb
In gestures

corporal = bodily ; somatic ; corporeal ; body. 

Example: His bodily frame, verging on obesity, appeared to have fallen into disrepair, as though he had ceased to be interested in it.Example: Research has also found that the fair skinned Eurocentric model is the somatic norm for advertising.Example: In particular, body piercings, tattoos, self-mutilation, cosmetic surgery and eating disorders all form part of American culture's obsession with corporeal malleability and the body as a form of adornment.Example: Ramberg depicts women's torsos clad in ultrafeminine undergarments and creates body metaphors from jackets, vests, breastplates, and fur pieces.


» bienestar corporalbodily comfort .

Example: Thirdly, the basic of survival having been secured, like most animal species, human society needs and seeks bodily comfort, closely followed by the fourth need, safety.

» cámara corporalbody camera .

Example: Should the federal government provide funds to buy body cameras for local police officers?.

» cambio corporalbody change .

Example: Adrenarche is the onset of androgen-dependent body changes such as growth of axillary and pubic hair, body odor, and acne.

» castigos corporalescorporal punishment .

Example: Corporal punishment, the act of disciplining students by inflicting physical pain (usually paddling the child's backside), has recently come under fire due to the public's growing concern over child abuse = El castigo corporal, acto de disciplinar a los estudiantes infligiendo dolor físico (por lo general azotando el trasero de los niños), ha sido criticado debido a la creciente preocupación de la sociedad sobre el maltrato infantil.

» causar daño corporalcause + an injuryinflict + injury .

Example: When purchasing computer equipment and furniture, little consideration is given to ergonomic aspects and this gives rise to wrong posture causing unnecessary injuries.

Example: Armed violence -- the use of arms to inflict death or injury -- is an epidemic of global proportions.

» contacto corporalbody contact .

Example: Any sport that involves a stick or racket, a ball or other projectile, or body contact presents a risk of serious eye injury.

» crecimiento corporalbody growth .

Example: Body growth in men occurs till the age of 25.

» daño corporalbodily injurybodily harmphysical injury .

Example: This includes the liability for all bodily injury, material or immaterial damage, caused to any third party within the framework of their commercial activity.

Example: A singer from a girl band has been charged with causing bodily harm for failing to inform partners she was HIV positive.

Example: The first thing you want to do at the scene of the accident is to make sure that you and any passengers you have in your vehicle have no physical injuries.

» daños corporalespersonal injury .

Example: The resources provided are to assist the personal injury attorneys litigating medical malpractice claims.

» fluido corporalbody fluid .

Example: The human tissues and body fluids found to be contaminated by these chemicals are listed.

» forma corporalbody form .

Example: The familiar 'roly-polies' that are often found under logs and other areas of damp soil are isopods and have typically segmented and flattened body forms.

» grasa corporalbody fat .

Example: By limiting carbohydrates, dieters will decrease levels of insulin and body fat, and weight loss is the result of fat loss.

» humor corporalbody fluid .

Example: The human tissues and body fluids found to be contaminated by these chemicals are listed.

» índice de masa corporal (IMC)body mass index (BMI) .

Example: The purpose of this analysis was to document the change in body mass index (BMI) over a two-year period in poor women from urban Mexico.

» lenguaje corporalbody language .

Example: It has been discovered that head-nods, gaze-shifts, physical posture, and most of all facial expression, do make up in fact a patterned body-language.

» lesión corporalbodily harm .

Example: A singer from a girl band has been charged with causing bodily harm for failing to inform partners she was HIV positive.

» loción corporalbody lotion .

Example: Be the centre of attention and make heads turn at any red carpet event with this new body lotion!.

» mal olor corporalbody odour [A veces abreviado a BO]BO (body odour) .

Example: Adrenarche is the onset of androgen-dependent body changes such as growth of axillary and pubic hair, body odor, and acne.

Example: There was only one thing I couldn't stand about her and that was her BO (body odor)!.

» masa corporalbody mass .

Example: Variables such as age, gender, body mass and social status were not predictive of fatigue.

» necesidad corporalbodily function .

Example: We also spend a certain amount of time each day dealing with our bodily functions, bathing, washing, brushing our teeth and so on.

» ocasionar daño corporalinflict + injurycause + an injury .

Example: Armed violence -- the use of arms to inflict death or injury -- is an epidemic of global proportions.

Example: When purchasing computer equipment and furniture, little consideration is given to ergonomic aspects and this gives rise to wrong posture causing unnecessary injuries.

» olor corporalbody scentbody odour [A veces abreviado a BO]BO (body odour) .

Example: While menstruating, female body scents often become stronger as well.

Example: Adrenarche is the onset of androgen-dependent body changes such as growth of axillary and pubic hair, body odor, and acne.

Example: There was only one thing I couldn't stand about her and that was her BO (body odor)!.

» placer corporalbodily pleasure .

Example: Though the modern use of the term 'epicurean' is associated with the saying, 'Eat, drink and be merry,' epicureanism did not advocate simple pursuit of bodily pleasure.

» proceso corporalbody process .

Example: Our body needs adequate amount of dietary minerals for vital body processes and body developments.

» ruido corporalbodily noise .

Example: Viola's visage stares at the monitor as the headphone provides a stream-of-consciousness sound track of bodily noises.

» salud corporalbodily health .

Example: The circulation of large numbers of books regardless of their worth to multitudes of people is no better criterion of mental health than is the profitable sale of quack medicines evidence of bodily health.

» tejido corporalbody tissue .

Example: Corrosives can burn and destroy body tissues on contact = Los corrosivos pueden quemar y destruir los tejidos del cuerpo, si entran en contacto con ellos.

» terapia corporalbodywork .

Example: ABMP is a professional massage association representing massage, bodywork, somatics practitioners, and estheticians.

» tiña corporaltinea corporis .

Example: Both tinea corporis, also referred to as 'ringworm' and tinea cruris or 'jock itch' are conditions frequently seen by primary care doctors and dermatologists.

» vello corporalvellus hair .

Example: Vellus hair is easy to ignore but it does more than you might imagine helping to regulate body temperature and protect the skin from infection.

Corporal synonyms

material in spanish: material, pronunciation: mətɪriəl part of speech: noun physical in spanish: físico, pronunciation: fɪzɪkəl part of speech: adjective somatic in spanish: somático, pronunciation: səmætɪk part of speech: adjective carnal in spanish: carnal, pronunciation: kɑrnəl part of speech: adjective corporal in spanish: corporal, pronunciation: kɔrpɜrəl part of speech: noun, adjective corporeal in spanish: corpóreo, pronunciation: kɔrpɜril part of speech: adjective
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