Coronilla in english


pronunciation: kraʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

coronilla = crown. 

Example: There was a small bald spot on the crown of his head, and his chin was covered with a short graying beard.


» estar hasta la coronillabe at the end of + Posesivo + tethercome to + the end of + Posesivo + tetherbe at the end of + Posesivo + ropebe at the end of + Posesivo + leashreach + the end of + Posesivo + tetherreach + the end of + Posesivo + rope .

Example: She says she's at the end of her tether waiting for the arrival of her baby.

Example: Mr James, who served 13 years of his 30-year sentence for the train robbery, said that he had come to the end of his tether and 'flipped his lid'.

Example: Frustrations mounting, sweat dripping, and steam coming out of my ears like a raging bull, I have again found myself at the end of my rope.

Example: Both my husband and I are at the end of our leash with our four-year-old daughter -- she pretty well does what she wants when she wants.

Example: Before she reaches the end of her tether and does something she may later regret, she knows she has to make a decision -- it's crunch time in their relationship.

Example: He was continuing to make problems for her and her family and she had reached the end of her rope.

» estar hasta la coronilla debe sick and tired ofhave had it up to here withbe sick to death ofbe (pretty) browned offbe cheesed off withbe brassed off withbe browned off withhave had it withbe absolutely fed up withbe sick to the (back) teeth ofhave had + a bellyful ofhave + Posesivo + fill of/withhave had + Posesivo + bellyful of .

Example: I am sick and tired of how Win 2000 runs DOS apps, but I need Windows for other reasons.

Example: The king had had it up to here with the court jester's puns, so he ordered him to be locked in a closet.

Example: I'm sick of it, and everyone else in this room is fucking sick to death of it, and you need to shut the fuck up now.

Example: She was pretty browned off about this but decided not to say anything until later.

Example: In a statement that took about 20 seconds, he told a news conference that he was cheesed off with boxing and would quit after his next fight .

Example: The next time you're brassed off with the weather and looking for somewhere offering a lot more than sun, sea and sand, head to this fascinating country.

Example: I know we Brits like a good old whinge about the weather but everyone is truly browned off with it now.

Example: Angelus has had it with her insolence and is determined to 'bring her to heel' no matter what it takes.

Example: She is absolutely fed up with these rumours people are spreading.

Example: I'm an adult, and I'm sick to the teeth of you bossing me around as if I'm some sort of half-wit.

Example: A large portion of American people have had a bellyful of left-wing demagogues like him, incessantly insisting the United States has failed.

Example: In this rollicking, inspirational tale, a kid has his fill of back-breaking work in the steel mill, thumbs his nose at college and sets off to seek his fortune.

Example: Indeed, most would welcome it as they have had their bellyful of cant, hypocrisy and bluster and most, again, can see through it.

» estar hasta la coronilla (de)be fed up (with)be fed up to the back teeth (with) .

Example: It goes without saying that not every situation is the same, but a lot of people are fed up with our current tax structure.

Example: I am a smoker and I am just about fed up to the back teeth with people banning this and banning that, and of course treating me like a leper.

» estar hasta la coronilla debe sick and tired ofhave had it up to here withbe sick to death ofbe (pretty) browned offbe cheesed off withbe brassed off withbe browned off withhave had it withbe absolutely fed up withbe sick to the (back) teeth ofhave had + a bellyful ofhave + Posesivo + fill of/withhave had + Posesivo + bellyful of .

Example: I am sick and tired of how Win 2000 runs DOS apps, but I need Windows for other reasons.

Example: The king had had it up to here with the court jester's puns, so he ordered him to be locked in a closet.

Example: I'm sick of it, and everyone else in this room is fucking sick to death of it, and you need to shut the fuck up now.

Example: She was pretty browned off about this but decided not to say anything until later.

Example: In a statement that took about 20 seconds, he told a news conference that he was cheesed off with boxing and would quit after his next fight .

Example: The next time you're brassed off with the weather and looking for somewhere offering a lot more than sun, sea and sand, head to this fascinating country.

Example: I know we Brits like a good old whinge about the weather but everyone is truly browned off with it now.

Example: Angelus has had it with her insolence and is determined to 'bring her to heel' no matter what it takes.

Example: She is absolutely fed up with these rumours people are spreading.

Example: I'm an adult, and I'm sick to the teeth of you bossing me around as if I'm some sort of half-wit.

Example: A large portion of American people have had a bellyful of left-wing demagogues like him, incessantly insisting the United States has failed.

Example: In this rollicking, inspirational tale, a kid has his fill of back-breaking work in the steel mill, thumbs his nose at college and sets off to seek his fortune.

Example: Indeed, most would welcome it as they have had their bellyful of cant, hypocrisy and bluster and most, again, can see through it.

» estar hasta la mismísima coronilla debe utterly fed up with .

Example: We were utterly fed up with the crime and feeling of insecurity that surrounded us and it was precisely for that reason that we moved away.

» tener hasta la coronillahave + Nombre + at the end of + Posesivo + tetherhave + Nombre + at the end of + Posesivo + rope .

Example: My beautiful toddler has me at the end of my tether -- his night-time screaming has left me with a right shoulder that has seized up from lying in the fetal position in my son's tiny bed trying to get him to sleep.

Example: She really has him at the end of his rope and just wants her to get the hell out of his house and out of his life.

Coronilla synonyms

top in spanish: parte superior, pronunciation: tɑp part of speech: noun, adjective tip in spanish: propina, pronunciation: tɪp part of speech: noun peak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective crest in spanish: cresta, pronunciation: krest part of speech: noun poll in spanish: encuesta, pronunciation: poʊl part of speech: noun summit in spanish: cumbre, pronunciation: sʌmət part of speech: noun pate in spanish: coronilla, pronunciation: peɪt part of speech: noun diadem in spanish: diadema, pronunciation: daɪədem part of speech: noun pennant in spanish: banderín, pronunciation: penənt part of speech: noun treetop in spanish: copa del árbol, pronunciation: tritɔp part of speech: noun capitulum in spanish: capitulo, pronunciation: kəpɪtʃələm part of speech: noun coronate in spanish: coronar, pronunciation: kɔrəneɪt part of speech: verb
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