Coronaria in english


pronunciation: kɔrəneri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

coronar1 = enthrone ; crown. 

Example: Modern life 'enthrones reason over impulse'.Example: Duc was dethroned three days after he was crowned, he was then jailed and died seven days later of starvation.


» coronar campeóncrown + Nombre + champion .

Example: In 2001-02 they finished runners-up and the following season they were crowned champions.

» coronar concrown with .

Example: It is a small town of unfailing charm, surrounded by fantastic mountains crowned with the picturesque ruins of a medieval fortress.

coronar2 = crest. 

Example: Rivers in southern Minnesota are expected to crest lower than previously forecast within the next week.

coronario = coronary. 

Example: The advisability of increased amounts of fish in the diet and low doses of aspirin to reduce coronary risk factors are discussed.


» angioplastia coronariacoronary angioplasty .

Example: Self-control was assessed in seventy-eight patients following myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty = Se evaluó el autocontrol en setenta y ocho pacientes tras un infarto de miocardio, cirugía de bypass de la arteria coronaria o angioplastia coronaria.

» arteria coronariacoronary artery .

Example: Results failed to confirm previous findings of coronary artery constriction while reliving an angry experience, yet are consistent with other studies utilizing mental arithmetic.

» cirugía coronariacoronary surgery .

Example: Coronary surgery accounts for over 70% of cardiac surgery = La cirugía coronaria representa más del 70% de la cirugía cardíaca.

» cirugía de bypass de arteria coronariacoronary artery bypass surgery .

Example: Few rural hospitals were capable of emergent catheterization, angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass surgery; cardiologists, though readily available by phone, were rarely available on-site.

» enfermedad coronariacoronary disease .

Example: Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease are discussed, as well as how development of coronary disease can be attenuated or arrested by a prolonged routine of jogging.

» enfermedad coronaria del corazóncoronary heart disease .

Example: Second hand smokers can suffer a range of smoking related diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease and cancer.

» enfermedad de arteria coronariacoronary artery disease .

Example: Modest regular exercise can substantially lower the risk of death from coronary artery disease, colon cancer, and complications from diabetes.

» trombosis coronariacoronary thrombosis .

Example: He was found dead in bed due to a coronary thrombosis.

» válvula coronariaheart valve .

Example: Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which the heart valves are damaged by rheumatic fever.

Coronaria synonyms

coronary thrombosis in spanish: Trombosis coronaria, pronunciation: kɔrəneriθrɑmboʊsəs part of speech: noun
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