Corona in english


pronunciation: kraʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

corona1 = crown. 

Example: Undaunted, they have risen again and their leader continues to wear the crown of world's best player with some ease.


» abogado de la coronaQueen's Counsel (QC) .

Example: Queen's Counsels have been around for the past 400 years, since Sir Francis Bacon became the first counsel to the Sovereign during the reign of Elizabeth I.

» corona de floreswreathflower garlandflower wreath .

Example: She sat in the meadow by the river in her bridal robes and white veil and the wreath on her head, and from her thousand tears sprang the little brooks in the valley.

Example: Sometimes the winner of an event would receive a garland of laurels -- even graves were adorned with flower garlands.

Example: I made myself a flower wreath out of peonies, so now I'm ready for the celebration of midsummer!.

» corona de laurelesgarland of laurels .

Example: Sometimes the winner of an event would receive a garland of laurels -- even graves were adorned with flower garlands.

» derecho de autor de la CoronaCrown copyright [En Canadá, nombre dado al derecho de autor que el estado tiene sobre toda la información producida por un organismo oficial] .

Example: In the first instance, Crown copyright in Canada reserves copyright of government information to the government, while in the USA there is no copyright of federal government information.

» joyas de la coronacrown jewels .

Example: So it is by no means uncommon to find a book being published about the person who, for example, stole the British crown jewels which is described as 'in collaboration with' or 'assisted by' a professional writer, usually a journalist.

» llevarse la coronatake + the crown .

Example: If there is one place that takes the crown for being the best holiday destination in the world, then it is definitely going to be Europe for sure.

corona2 = Krone [Kroner, -pl.] ; crown. 

Example: Only with a turnover of 1 million Kroner annually will the courses be self-financing.Example: This article discusses the economic aspects of the work of libraries and shows that the Slovak Library Network (i.e. 9,118 libraries) cost 364,778,546 Kcs (Czechoslovak crowns) in 1988.


» media coronahalf-crown monthly magazine [Revista publicada en Inglaterra en el siglo XIX] .

Example: The serialization of new fiction in half-crown monthly magazines such as Blackwood's started in a small way in the 1820s, and grew in importance during the following decade.

» revista de media coronahalf-crown magazine [Revista mensual publicada en Inglaterra en el siglo XIX] .

Example: The success of the shilling part-issues of the 1840s, however, which seemed better value than half-crown magazines or three-deckers, prompted the appearance of shilling magazines carrying two or three serialized novels in each monthly number.

corona3 = corona [coronae/coronas, -pl] ; cusp. 

Example: Coronae are circular to elliptical features marked by a ring of concentric ridges, and are thought to result from the flow of heat in the planet's interior = Coronae are circular to elliptical features marked by a ring of concentric ridges, and are thought to result from the flow of heat in the planet's interior.Example: Canine teeth, otherwise known as cuspids, each possess a single cusp, while premolars, otherwise known as bicuspids, possess two each.

coronar1 = enthrone ; crown. 

Example: Modern life 'enthrones reason over impulse'.Example: Duc was dethroned three days after he was crowned, he was then jailed and died seven days later of starvation.


» coronar campeóncrown + Nombre + champion .

Example: In 2001-02 they finished runners-up and the following season they were crowned champions.

» coronar concrown with .

Example: It is a small town of unfailing charm, surrounded by fantastic mountains crowned with the picturesque ruins of a medieval fortress.

coronar2 = crest. 

Example: Rivers in southern Minnesota are expected to crest lower than previously forecast within the next week.

Corona synonyms

top in spanish: parte superior, pronunciation: tɑp part of speech: noun, adjective tip in spanish: propina, pronunciation: tɪp part of speech: noun peak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective crest in spanish: cresta, pronunciation: krest part of speech: noun poll in spanish: encuesta, pronunciation: poʊl part of speech: noun summit in spanish: cumbre, pronunciation: sʌmət part of speech: noun pate in spanish: coronilla, pronunciation: peɪt part of speech: noun diadem in spanish: diadema, pronunciation: daɪədem part of speech: noun pennant in spanish: banderín, pronunciation: penənt part of speech: noun treetop in spanish: copa del árbol, pronunciation: tritɔp part of speech: noun capitulum in spanish: capitulo, pronunciation: kəpɪtʃələm part of speech: noun coronate in spanish: coronar, pronunciation: kɔrəneɪt part of speech: verb
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