Coro in english


pronunciation: kɔrəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

coro = chorus ; choir. 

Example: A chorus score is a score of a vocal work showing only the chorus parts, with accompaniment, if any, arranged for keyboard instrument.Example: This article deals with the adaptation of churches as a whole, the choir or nave to library use, not single rooms or chapels for this purpose.


» a corowith one voicein unison .

Example: There is something depressing about people demonstrating solidarity for ethnic separation with 'one voice'.

Example: Macaronic poetry is often used as a vehicle for humorous social criticism, but also as a ludic exercise and linguistic challenge, or simply for the delight of hearing different languages in unison.

» canción cantada a corosingalong .

Example: Turning almost every tune into a loud singalong, the crowd drowned out the band at times.

» coro del alba de los pájarosmorning chorus [También denominado dawn chorus]dawn chorus [También llamado morning chorus] .

Example: Every location in the world has a morning chorus and a different bird begins it, depending on the geographical location.

Example: Birds have different threshold of light intensity at which they begin to sing in the morning and that is why the same bird always begins the dawn chorus.

» coro matinal de los pájarosmorning chorus [También denominado dawn chorus]dawn chorus [También llamado morning chorus] .

Example: Every location in the world has a morning chorus and a different bird begins it, depending on the geographical location.

Example: Birds have different threshold of light intensity at which they begin to sing in the morning and that is why the same bird always begins the dawn chorus.

» director de corochoirmaster .

Example: Our Choral Society was created when a group of singers persuaded the gifted choirmaster and music director Edward Tripton to lead them on an adventure in music and voice.

» maestro de corochoirmaster .

Example: Our Choral Society was created when a group of singers persuaded the gifted choirmaster and music director Edward Tripton to lead them on an adventure in music and voice.

» partitura de corochorus score [Notación musical de una obra vocal en la que solamente aparecen las voces del coro, sin acompañamiento instrumental] .

Example: A chorus score is a score of a vocal work showing only the chorus part, with accompaniment, if any, arranged for keyboard instrument.

Coro synonyms

refrain in spanish: estribillo, pronunciation: rɪfreɪn part of speech: verb, noun choir in spanish: coro, pronunciation: kwaɪɜr part of speech: noun chorus line in spanish: línea de coro, pronunciation: kɔrəslaɪn part of speech: noun greek chorus in spanish: coro griego, pronunciation: grikkɔrəs part of speech: noun
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