Corno in english


pronunciation: hɔrn part of speech: noun
In gestures

corno = dogwood. 

Example: The azaleas are popping, the redbuds are in their finest attire, and the dogwoods are lacy jewels at the edge of the wood.

Corno synonyms

trumpet in spanish: trompeta, pronunciation: trʌmpət part of speech: noun cornet in spanish: cucurucho, pronunciation: kɔrnet part of speech: noun tusk in spanish: colmillo, pronunciation: tʌsk part of speech: noun french horn in spanish: cuerno francés, pronunciation: frentʃhɔrn part of speech: noun motor horn in spanish: bocina del motor, pronunciation: moʊtɜrhɔrn part of speech: noun car horn in spanish: bocina, pronunciation: kɑrhɔrn part of speech: noun automobile horn in spanish: bocina de automóvil, pronunciation: ɔtəmoʊbilhɔrn part of speech: noun
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