Corea in english


pronunciation: kɔriə part of speech: noun
In gestures

Corea = Korea. 

Example: This article reviews some of the current developments in copyright law in the European Communities, Spain, Singapore, Korea, Chinese People's Republic, Taiwan, Australia and Canada.


» Corea del NorteNorth Korea .

Example: This article presents a Zimbabwean librarian's impressions of a cultural visit to North Korea.

» Corea del SurSouth Korea .

Example: This article discusses the influence of the USA system of representative democracy and the Library of Congress, especially on the parliamentary libraries of Japan (1948) and South Korea (1952).

» de Corea del SurSouth Korean .

Example: The author examines the increasing output of South Korean government publications in social science titles.

» República de Corea, laRepublic of Korea, the .

Example: The author discusses the states of development of such activities, highlighting the well-developed situations in India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Republic of Korea.

» República Popular Democrática de Corea, laPeople's Democratic Republic of Korea, the .

Example: This international centre pools together efforts of Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, the People's Democratic Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Rumania, the USSR and Vietnam in developing national information industries.

corear = applaud. 

Example: I'd like to applaud a great deal of the work that she and SRRT, and also Mr Berman, have done in their criticism of LC subject headings.


» corear una canciónsing along .

Example: There are songs that when played, you just can't help but sing along.

Corea synonyms

choson in spanish: Choson, pronunciation: tʃɑsən part of speech: noun korean peninsula in spanish: Península Koreana, pronunciation: kɔriənpənɪnsələ part of speech: noun
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