Cordial in english


pronunciation: kɔrdʒəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cordial = cordial ; convivial ; welcoming ; hearty ; neighbourly [neighborly, -USA] ; genial ; sweet-tempered. 

Example: The librarian's response should always be cordial and positive in style.Example: Conversely, the faculty and administrators, free from obstacles and frustrations, are able to see the library as the convivial institution = Conversely, the faculty and administrators, free from obstacles and frustrations, are able to see the library as the convivial institution.Example: Libraries of today look very attractive and welcoming, unlike the libraries which served previous generations.Example: Replies indicated a hearty support for the role of the library but little knowledge of its importance to them.Example: Some may be surprised to know that Glasgow has been named the most neighbourly city in Britain.Example: This is but brief thanks for providing such ready help and with such genial civility in these testing days of general difficulty.Example: She was as pretty as a flower and as sweet-tempered as well.


» ambiente cordialconvivial atmosphere .

Example: This was not meant to be a piece of puffery designed to provide an ego boost for Balzac: the convivial atmosphere was contagious and he spoke with complete sincerity.

» atmósfera cordialconvivial atmosphere .

Example: This was not meant to be a piece of puffery designed to provide an ego boost for Balzac: the convivial atmosphere was contagious and he spoke with complete sincerity.

» Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuenaPosesivo + heartiest congratulations .

Example: Our heartiest congratulations on this well deserved honor!.

» poco cordialunneighbourly [unneighborly, -USA] .

Example: Unneighbourly neighbours complaints have risen by a third in the last two years, now accounting for 1 in 3 of us having had some kind of disagreement with our neighbour.

» relaciones cordiales + terminarglove + come offgloves + be off .

Example: Now, the gloves have come off and communities all around America are openly protesting against Islam itself.

Example: As far as she's concerned the gloves are off and it's either them or us.

» risa cordialhearty laugh .

Example: Uncle Tony was always jovial and cracking jokes with his hearty laugh.

» saludos cordialesBest regardsKind regards .

Example: 'Best regards' seems to be quite a popular valediction used in business emails, along with variants 'Kind regards', or just 'Regards'.

Example: 'Best regards' seems to be quite a popular valediction used in business emails, along with variants 'Kind regards', or just 'Regards'.

Cordial synonyms

amiable in spanish: amable, pronunciation: eɪmiəbəl part of speech: adjective affable in spanish: afable, pronunciation: æfəbəl part of speech: adjective warm in spanish: calentar, pronunciation: wɔrm part of speech: adjective friendly in spanish: simpático, pronunciation: frendli part of speech: adjective sincere in spanish: sincero, pronunciation: sɪnsɪr part of speech: adjective fervent in spanish: ferviente, pronunciation: fɜrvənt part of speech: adjective hearty in spanish: abundante, pronunciation: hɑrti part of speech: adjective genial in spanish: genial, pronunciation: dʒinjəl part of speech: adjective liqueur in spanish: licor, pronunciation: lɪkɜr part of speech: noun
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