Corcovado in english


pronunciation: hʌntʃbæk part of speech: noun
In gestures

corcovado = stooped ; humpbacked ; stooped-over ; hunchbacked ; slumped. 

Example: A stooped and gangling figure with a long, lugubrious face, clad in flapping trousers and deerstalker hat, he had a stammer which he exaggerated to tremendous comic effect.Example: In addition, he parodies romantic conventions by casting one of the story's lovers as a disfigured, humpbacked character reminiscent of Quasimodo in Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame of Paris.Example: There was an old woman on the sidewalk, stooped-over scrawny and dressed up in nothing but rags.Example: They came to him whole and left blind, rickety, hunchbacked, pigeon-breasted, or with arms or legs cut off short.Example: Flexion, including driving and sitting in a chair with slumped posture, will make the pain worse; extension may make the pain better.

Corcovado synonyms

unfit in spanish: impropio, pronunciation: ənfɪt part of speech: adjective humpback in spanish: jorobado, pronunciation: hʌmpbæk part of speech: noun kyphosis in spanish: cifosis, pronunciation: kɪfoʊsɪs part of speech: noun humped in spanish: jorobado, pronunciation: hʌmpt part of speech: adjective humpbacked in spanish: jorobado, pronunciation: hʌmpbækt part of speech: adjective crookback in spanish: estafador, pronunciation: krʊkbæk part of speech: noun hunchbacked in spanish: curcuncho, pronunciation: hʌntʃbækt part of speech: adjective crookbacked in spanish: estafado, pronunciation: krukbækt part of speech: adjective
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