Corchete in english

Square bracket

pronunciation: skwerbrækɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

corchete = bracket. 

Example: Further complex search strategies are possible with the intercession of other kinds of logic (see below) and the use of brackets.


» corchetes [ ]square brackets [ ] .

Example: These words are usually enclosed in square brackets ([]) in order to distinguish them from the authentic title.

» entre corchetesin brackets [Usado indistintamente para 'paréntesis' y 'corchetes'] .

Example: If the book has no printed pagination or foliation, the total number of pages is added in brackets : 92 leaves, unnumbered [pp 1-184].

» poner entre corchetesbracket .

Example: It would be useful to have at least optional, bracketed, supplied, possible subject tracings with the FICTION subhead, whereas now these are almost never, or at least most sparsely, supplied.
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