Corazón in english


pronunciation: hɑrt part of speech: noun
In gestures

corazón = core ; focal point ; heart. 

Example: The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.Example: The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.Example: A heart on a pink background thus indicates 'romance' (rather than medicine) and a magnifying glass or a gun might indicate a detective story though a gun might mean a 'western' if it is a revolver and a war story if it is a field gun.


» abrir + Posesivo + corazónbare + Posesivo + soulbare + Posesivo + heart and soulbare + Posesivo + heart and soul .

Example: She lost her son 11 years ago, but she didn't begin to heal until she bared her soul through poetry.

Example: Readers admire her ability to bare her heart and soul, but to also speak out about the world as she sees it.

Example: Readers admire her ability to bare her heart and soul, but to also speak out about the world as she sees it.

» a donde + Pronombre + llevar + el corazónwherever + Posesivo + heart + take + Pronombre .

Example: Let's just hop in a car and travel to wherever our hearts take us.

» amar con todo + Posesivo + corazónlove + Nombre + to deathlove + Nombre + to bits .

Example: I love her to death and don't know what I would do without her -- we have the craziest times together!.

Example: But it was their first car and they loved it to bits.

» arrancar el corazóntear out + Posesivo + heart [También escrito en este orden tear + Posesivo + heart out] .

Example: Bart imagines her tearing out his heart and throwing it in the garbage.

» ataque al corazónheart attack .

Example: He'll get an ulcer or a heart attack if he doesn't watch out.

» buen corazóngood nature .

Example: He adheres to traditional values, honoring his relatives, for example, even when his uncle shamelessly exploits his good nature.

» cámara del corazónheart chamber .

Example: The right ventricle is a heart chamber responsible for pumping deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

» cavidad del corazónheart chamber .

Example: The right ventricle is a heart chamber responsible for pumping deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

» cirugía a corazón abiertoopen surgeryopen heart surgery .

Example: Virtual reality can be applied successfully in high risk operations, where mistakes will lead to unacceptable consequences, e.g in open surgery, endoscopy and brain operations.

Example: All children had undergone reparative open heart surgery utilizing cardiopulmonary bypass during infancy.

» con corazón de piedrastony-hearted .

Example: In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.

» con el corazón destrozadobroken-hearted .

Example: When we feel broken-hearted it is all too easy to wallow in the emptiness and pain and forget that as with everything in life this too shall pass.

» con el corazón en la mano(straight) from the heartfrom the bottom of + Posesivo + heart .

Example: I have written screeds and screeds, straight from the heart, even voicing my opinions on close family members.

Example: He said the nations of the Middle East 'hate the United States from the bottom of their hearts'.

» con el corazón partidobroken-hearted .

Example: When we feel broken-hearted it is all too easy to wallow in the emptiness and pain and forget that as with everything in life this too shall pass.

» con el corazón rotobroken-heartedheartbroken .

Example: When we feel broken-hearted it is all too easy to wallow in the emptiness and pain and forget that as with everything in life this too shall pass.

Example: She was extremely upset and heartbroken so we think she died of a broken heart.

» con forma de corazónheart-shaped .

Example: Dress the dinner table with a nice table cloth, a candle and some napkins, sprinkle with heart-shaped sequins and get out the best wine glasses.

» conquistar el corazón de Alguienwin + Nombre + heart .

Example: Well, if you really want to know how to make a man fall in love, the following are some top tips for winning his heart.

» con un corazón grandekind-hearted .

Example: To soften the blow, a kind-hearted librarian might produce an illustrated book on ostriches, or the text of the Hippocratic oath, or a copy of the original melodrama by George Hazelton, 'Sweeney Todd: the barber of Fleet Street'.

» con un gran corazónkind-hearted .

Example: To soften the blow, a kind-hearted librarian might produce an illustrated book on ostriches, or the text of the Hippocratic oath, or a copy of the original melodrama by George Hazelton, 'Sweeney Todd: the barber of Fleet Street'.

» Posesivo + corazón + acompañarPosesivo + heart + go out to .

Example: My heart went out to the single mum chef working her proverbials off just for a chance to better herself.

» corazón bondadosokind heart .

Example: A man who described himself as a 'super racist with a kind heart' is being charged with assault after reportedly punching a hospital employee.

» corazón + dar un brincoPosesivo + heart + leap (to + Posesivo + mouth)Posesivo + heart + skip + a beatPosesivo + heart + miss + a beat .

Example: His heart leapt to his mouth, for this was none other than the great Brigham Young himself.

Example: There's nothing romantic about your heart skipping a beat, whatever the poet might say -- all hearts flutter from time to time.

Example: Her smile still makes many a heart miss a beat.

» corazón + dar un sobresaltoPosesivo + heart + jump .

Example: My heart jumped a little when I realised that the clock was slow!.

» corazón + dar un vuelcoPosesivo + heart + skip + a beatPosesivo + heart + miss + a beatPosesivo + heart + leap (to + Posesivo + mouth) .

Example: There's nothing romantic about your heart skipping a beat, whatever the poet might say -- all hearts flutter from time to time.

Example: Her smile still makes many a heart miss a beat.

Example: His heart leapt to his mouth, for this was none other than the great Brigham Young himself.

» corazón de alcachofaartichoke heartheart of artichoke .

Example: And artichoke hearts, goat cheese and walnuts are also staples at my house.

Example: For those of you who love the texture of the heart of artichoke and spicy food, have we got a dish for you.

» corazón demasiado grandeenlarged heart .

Example: An enlarged heart in dogs develops when the heart's muscles weaken, causing pressure in the heart's blood vessels to increase and, in turn, stretching the muscles.

» corazón de oroheart of gold .

Example: Hollis is an orphan who is shuffled from foster home to foster home despite her heart of gold.

» corazón de piedrastony heartheart of stonecold-hearted .

Example: In fact, then as now, a publisher, to achieve success, needed charm, financial acumen, a knowledge of the future, a stony heart, and a very rich wife.

Example: This is a film that that will melt hearts of stone, with its cast of scruffy urchins who learn both song and life lessons under the tutelage of a paternalistic mentor at a grim boarding school for 'difficult' boys .

Example: He treats others in a very callous manner, throwing in his opinion no matter how cold-hearted it is and not caring for whatever the response is.

» corazón de una regiónheartland .

Example: Somewhere out there in the heartland someone is hunched over a typewriter at this moment attempting the ultimate definition.

» corazón de un paísheartland .

Example: Somewhere out there in the heartland someone is hunched over a typewriter at this moment attempting the ultimate definition.

» corazón dilatadoenlarged heart .

Example: An enlarged heart in dogs develops when the heart's muscles weaken, causing pressure in the heart's blood vessels to increase and, in turn, stretching the muscles.

» Posesivo + corazón está conPosesivo + heart + be with + Nombre .

Example: I didn't want to even think about it but I can see your heart isn't with us.

» Posesivo + corazón + estar conPosesivo + heart + go out to .

Example: My heart went out to the single mum chef working her proverbials off just for a chance to better herself.

» corazón grandekind heart .

Example: A man who described himself as a 'super racist with a kind heart' is being charged with assault after reportedly punching a hospital employee.

» corazón + latirheart + beat .

Example: As she went up the stairs, Sisa felt her heart beating violently.

» corazón + llenarse + de alegríaPosesivo + heart + fill + with joy .

Example: This chickadee on the picture here is still fighting after going through hell and back and every time I get news of her progress, my heart fills with joy.

» corazón partidobroken heart .

Example: Falling in love for all the wrong reasons can result in a broken heart which may even affect future relationships.

» corazón rotoheartbreakbroken heart .

Example: If you're trying to get over a break-up, you're not alone -- just about everyone experiences the type of grief we call heartbreak at one time or another.

Example: Falling in love for all the wrong reasons can result in a broken heart which may even affect future relationships.

» corazón + saltarPosesivo + heart + leap (to + Posesivo + mouth)Posesivo + heart + skip + a beatPosesivo + heart + miss + a beat .

Example: His heart leapt to his mouth, for this was none other than the great Brigham Young himself.

Example: There's nothing romantic about your heart skipping a beat, whatever the poet might say -- all hearts flutter from time to time.

Example: Her smile still makes many a heart miss a beat.

» creer de todo corazónbelieve + wholeheartedly .

Example: I really do believe wholeheartedly that the middle road is the way to go -- anything extreme is not long-lasting.

» dar un ataque al corazónsuffer + a heart attacksuffer from + a heart attackhave + a coronaryhave + a heart attack .

Example: A stag party took a turn for the worst when a man suffered a heart attack after playing a soccer game.

Example: First, odds are very high that either you or someone you love will suffer from a heart attack during your lifetime.

Example: A couple of weeks ago I tried to broach the matter to my boss but he looked as if he was about to have a coronary, so I shut up.

Example: I almost had a heart attack because of cannabis, my heart rate increased to 170 while resting.

» de buen corazónkind-heartedgood-heartedbig-heartedwarm-hearted .

Example: To soften the blow, a kind-hearted librarian might produce an illustrated book on ostriches, or the text of the Hippocratic oath, or a copy of the original melodrama by George Hazelton, 'Sweeney Todd: the barber of Fleet Street'.

Example: Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.

Example: But there are many big-hearted women in South Africa who love and care for children who don't have parents of their own.

Example: Over the next few months, they will be donating thousands of pounds to help warm-hearted people and community projects.

» dedo (del) corazónmiddle finger .

Example: My daughter grabbed a hot appliance today and got a second-degree burn on her middle finger that quickly sprouted a large blister.

» de gran corazónbig-hearted .

Example: But there are many big-hearted women in South Africa who love and care for children who don't have parents of their own.

» desde el fondo del corazónfrom the bottom of + Posesivo + heart .

Example: He said the nations of the Middle East 'hate the United States from the bottom of their hearts'.

» desgarrar el corazóntug at + Posesivo + heartstringspull at + Posesivo + heartstringspluck at + Posesivo + heartstrings .

Example: Their statements were right on point and tugged at the heartstrings.

Example: Almost 20 years later, with Ireland pulling at her heartstrings, Falvey made her first journey back home.

Example:  As if that wasn't sweet enough, he plucked at her heartstrings even more when he gave her a bouquet of handpicked flowers.

» destrozar el corazónmake + Posesivo + heart ache .

Example: The idea that he was far away in more ways than just distance made her heart ache.

» de todo corazónheart-to-heartwith all + Posesivo + heartfrom the bottom of + Posesivo + heartfrom the bottom of + Posesivo + soulwholeheartedly [whole-heartedly] .

Example: Be it your sweetheart/a family member/a friend, send a heart-to-heart message and let them know how much they mean to you.

Example: Witt has always done whatever she's done with all her heart -- with passion, intelligence, and a love of perfection.

Example: He said the nations of the Middle East 'hate the United States from the bottom of their hearts'.

Example: From the bottom of her heart, from the bottom of her soul, she despised and detested people, adult people.

Example: I agree whole-heartedly that the subject approach is used chiefly by the beginner, whether it is a historical researcher or a high school student who is looking for term paper material.

» de (todo) corazón(straight) from the heart .

Example: I have written screeds and screeds, straight from the heart, even voicing my opinions on close family members.

» dolor de corazónheartache .

Example: Lovelorn staff at a Japanese company can take paid time off after an upsetting break-up with a partner, with more 'heartache leave' offered as they get older.

» duro de corazónhard-hearted .

Example: For her refusal, Isabella has received a great deal of blame from subsequent critics, who call her a hard-hearted prude.

» editorial de revistas del corazónvanity pressvanity publisher .

Example: 'Vanity' presses are not the same as small presses and are held in disrepute.

Example: An examination of the ethics of subsidies shows how thin the line is between the practices of vanity publishers and those of some scholarly presses when it comes to financing.

» el corazón dethe heart of .

Example: The schedules, or the list of subjects in a classification scheme are the heart of the scheme.

» el corazón del paísthe heart of the country .

Example: The Mississippi-Missouri River, the world's fourth longest river system, runs mainly north-south through the heart of the country.

» encogérsele el corazón a UnoPosesivo + heart + skip + a beatPosesivo + heart + miss + a beatPosesivo + heart + leap (to + Posesivo + mouth) .

Example: There's nothing romantic about your heart skipping a beat, whatever the poet might say -- all hearts flutter from time to time.

Example: Her smile still makes many a heart miss a beat.

Example: His heart leapt to his mouth, for this was none other than the great Brigham Young himself.

» en el corazón dein the heart of .

Example: Greenpeace announced on October 27th that it has set up base in the heart of the Indonesian rainforest.

» enfermedad coronaria del corazóncoronary heart disease .

Example: Second hand smokers can suffer a range of smoking related diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease and cancer.

» enfermedad del corazónheart disease .

Example: Such conditions as heart disease, cancer, and arteriosclerosis can be prevented or postponed through proper nutrition, weight control, exercise, and stress management.

» enfermedad reumática del corazónrheumatic heart disease .

Example: Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which the heart valves are damaged by rheumatic fever.

» en forma de corazónheart-shaped .

Example: Dress the dinner table with a nice table cloth, a candle and some napkins, sprinkle with heart-shaped sequins and get out the best wine glasses.

» escuchar la voz del corazónlisten to + Posesivo + (own) heart .

Example: In the face of resistance, public ridicule, or even mortal danger, these women listened to their hearts and their unshakeable faith.

» escuchar lo que dice el corazónlisten to + Posesivo + (own) heart .

Example: In the face of resistance, public ridicule, or even mortal danger, these women listened to their hearts and their unshakeable faith.

» esperar de todo corazónhope and pray .

Example: She hasn't been up to par for some time now and he's hoping and praying for a speedy recovery.

» estar con el corazón en la bocabe on tenterhooks .

Example: Homeowners are on tenterhooks today waiting for banks to announce if they are raising interest rates again.

» estar con el corazón en un puñobe on tenterhooks .

Example: Homeowners are on tenterhooks today waiting for banks to announce if they are raising interest rates again.

» ganarse el corazón de Alguienwin + Nombre + heart .

Example: Well, if you really want to know how to make a man fall in love, the following are some top tips for winning his heart.

» ganarse un lugar en el corazón de Alguienwin + a place in + Posesivo + heart .

Example: The editor must ask himor herself whether a manuscript will become a book which will survive the attacks of censors to win a place in the hearts, minds and memories of its readers.

» gran corazónkind heart .

Example: A man who described himself as a 'super racist with a kind heart' is being charged with assault after reportedly punching a hospital employee.

» hacer de tripas corazónbite + the bulletkeep + a stiff upper lipbrazen output on/up + a brave face [También se usa esta expresión colocando la partícula on al final put + a brave face on]take + heartsquare + Posesivo + shouldersput on/up + a bold face [También se usa esta expresión colocando la partícula on al final put + a brave face on]put on/up + a brave front [También se usa esta expresión colocando la partícula on al final put + a brave front on]do + the deedgrin and bear itgrit + Posesivo + teethset + Posesivo + jawsset + Posesivo + teeth .

Example: The article 'Biting the Bullet on Education' discusses the crisis in science education which reflects larger educational problems and signals a possible economic disaster.

Example: Keeping a stiff upper lip during an emotional event can impair your memory, research suggests.

Example: The way they tried to stonewall and brazen out the forged document scandal suggests that they didn't realize the extent to which their monopoly was gone.

Example: It's no secret that all Commonwealth Games sites are lagging behind schedule but the organisers are putting on a brave face.

Example: But I take heart from something that Bill Frye said when he agreed to outline a national program for preserving millions of books in danger of deterioration = Aunque me fortalezco con algo que Bill Frye dijo cuando aceptó esbozar un programa nacional para la conservación de millones de libros en peligro de deterioro.

Example: She squared her shoulders and offered to see him out.

Example: I shall put a bold face on, and if I do feel weepy, he shall never see it.

Example: Outwardly she put on a brave front so as to give her children security.

Example: Sadly, he has now come to the end of his working life and needs to be culled to make way for younger blood -- I'm trying to pluck up the courage to do the deed this week, but its going to be very hard.

Example: She wanted to tell him to mind his own business, but since she was a bit indebted to him, she just had to grin and bear it.

Example: Despite hating false flattery, she grits her teeth and bows her head to the people who think they are her social superiors because she wants the best future for her family.

Example: The odds were against her, but she set her jaw tight and looks down the road that winds through the hills, past the houses and the gas station, past it all and to what lay just past the horizon.

Example: Every time she set her teeth and clenched her hands, determined to think calmly and to reason out the 'for' and 'against,' her mind wandered away again.

» hacer lo que + dictar + el corazóndo as + Posesivo + heart + tell + Pronombre .

Example: Soon she realised she couldnt resist opening it, so she did as her heart told her even though her brain told her not to.

» hacer lo que + Pronombre + corazón + deseardo as + Posesivo + heart + desire .

Example: As long as she's performing and doing as her heart desires, I'm sure she'll be happy.

» hacer lo que + Pronombre + decir + el corazónfollow + Posesivo + heart('s desire) .

Example: Kim has revealed that the year gone by has taught her 'to always follow her heart's desire'.

» ladrón de corazoneslady-killerloverboy .

Example: He was a lady-killer -- tall, dark-haired, handsome in his army officer's uniform.

Example: She fell for a charming older guy only to discover her 'loverboy' had entrapped her in a dangerous world of sexual exploitation.

» latido del corazónheartbeatheart beating .

Example: The heartbeat began with man's search for salvation the Vedas, the Sutras, the Torah, the Koran.

Example: I can bear the heart beatings of joy, but those of sorrow are too much to bear.

» limpio de corazónpure of heart .

Example: Though the national media will ignore his candidacy, the politically pure of heart will be able to vote their conscience -- and once again have a grand old Quixotic time pissing into the wind.

» llegar al corazón dego to + the heart of .

Example: Rulemaking of this kind goes to the heart of the notion of the nation state as a sovereign entity.

» llevar cerca del corazónbe (very) close to + Posesivo + heart .

Example: Angelina found herself shocked at the images coming from New Orleans, a city she has often referred to as being very close to her heart.

» llevar en el corazónbe (very) close to + Posesivo + heart .

Example: Angelina found herself shocked at the images coming from New Orleans, a city she has often referred to as being very close to her heart.

» ocupar un lugar especial en + Posesivo + corazónhave + a special place in + Posesivo + heart .

Example: Horses have always had a special place in her heart and it gives her great pleasure to capture them.

» ojos que no ven corazón que no sienteignorance is bliss .

Example: 'Ignorance is bliss,' he liked to say, when refusing to embark upon a project that takes skills he doesn't have = "La ignorancia es felicidad," le gustaba decir, cuando rechazaba implicarse en un proyecto para el que no tenia cualidades.

» ojos que no ven, corazón que no sienteout of sight, out of mind .

Example: In the end, the company realised that being out of sight, out of mind -- especially when it came to their finances -- was not the safest or smartest route to take.

» operación de corazónheart operation .

Example: This is made possible by the use of the initial capital letter which thus acts as an indicator, e.g.: H050 G572 heart operations, E154 I222 Pruning of shrubs, I420 U505 Cotton spinning.

» palpitación del corazónheart palpitation .

Example: Heart palpitations are heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable.

» parecido a un corazónheart-shaped .

Example: Dress the dinner table with a nice table cloth, a candle and some napkins, sprinkle with heart-shaped sequins and get out the best wine glasses.

» partir el corazónbreak + Posesivo + heartwring + Posesivo + heartgo through + (a) heartbreak .

Example: You could break my heart into tiny little pieces, and I'd still pick them up and put them back in your hands.

Example: There was another thing which wrung her heart, and she could not speak of it without new floods of tears: her boy had died unreconciled to the Church.

Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.

» perder el corazón porPosesivo + heart + be + lost tolose + Posesivo + heart (to) .

Example: Her hopes are fading of ever meeting her true love so she looks to Tom, but his heart is lost to Alice, a gorgeous filly -- another impossible love.

Example: This shows how quickly he lost his heart to his beloved, and that he believes in love at first sight.

» poner el corazón enpour + Posesivo + heart intopour + Posesivo + soul into .

Example: I have stayed true to form in crafting songs that express stories from my own life experience and have poured my heart into each one.

Example: She captivated the audience and poured her soul into every song.

» prensa del corazóntattle rags .

Example: Since then, the tattle rags' coverage of these events has resembled something of a long-winded soap opera.

» puro de corazónpure of heart .

Example: Though the national media will ignore his candidacy, the politically pure of heart will be able to vote their conscience -- and once again have a grand old Quixotic time pissing into the wind.

» revista del corazónpopular magazinegossip magazinecelebrity magazineentertainment magazinetattle rags .

Example: The number of full text data bases on-line is also increasing, providing instant access to newspapers and newswires, popular magazines and scholarly journals.

Example: There is evidence that misogyny still prevails in the media, especially in entertainment gossip magazines.

Example: Nearly 3m celebrity magazines are sold each week in Britain, compared with 7.5m in America, a country with five times the population.

Example: In certain entertainment magazines there is a type of crossword puzzle where, instead. of clues for words, the cells contain positive integers.

Example: Since then, the tattle rags' coverage of these events has resembled something of a long-winded soap opera.

» robarle el corazón a Alguiensteal + Posesivo + heart .

Example: The only way you'll know if you can steal his heart is if you have a few things in common and talk together.

» romper el corazónbreak + Posesivo + heartwring + Posesivo + heartmake + Posesivo + heart achego through + (a) heartbreak .

Example: You could break my heart into tiny little pieces, and I'd still pick them up and put them back in your hands.

Example: There was another thing which wrung her heart, and she could not speak of it without new floods of tears: her boy had died unreconciled to the Church.

Example: The idea that he was far away in more ways than just distance made her heart ache.

Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.

» seguir + Posesivo + corazónfollow + Posesivo + heart('s desire) .

Example: Kim has revealed that the year gone by has taught her 'to always follow her heart's desire'.

» ser todo corazónhave + a heart of gold .

Example: Though my old man's a dustman he's got a heart of gold.

» soplo en el corazónheart murmur .

Example: More than half of all children have a heart murmur at some time in their lives and most heart murmurs don't mean anything is wrong.

» sufrir un ataque al corazónsuffer from + a heart attacksuffer + a heart attack .

Example: First, odds are very high that either you or someone you love will suffer from a heart attack during your lifetime.

Example: A stag party took a turn for the worst when a man suffered a heart attack after playing a soccer game.

» tener buen corazónbe of good naturehave + a good heartPosesivo + heart + be + in the right place .

Example: Addames specifies the commodities vendible in Japan, describes the island and the people, who he says are of good nature, courteous above measure = Addames detalla las mercancías comercializables en Japon, describe la isla y su gente y nos dice que son bondadosos e inmensamente corteses.

Example: Lawson was a quick-tempered young woman but she also had a good heart and liked to dance when the mood struck her.

Example: She realizes that while her heart is in the right place, she cannot wish away life's complications.

» tener corazónhave + a heart .

Example: Anyone who has a heart cannot help but be moved by this book.

» tener corazón parahave + the heart to .

Example: In today's society, sexual impotence can be a valid reason to file for a divorce, but this woman did not have the heart to divorce her husband.

» tener el corazón de un leónhave + the heart of a lion .

Example: My advice to young scientists: be a pest -- ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.

» tener el corazón puesto enhave + Posesivo + heart set on .

Example: If you have your heart set on an outdoor wedding ceremony, a tent is the best way to salvage the day in case of rain.

» tener un corazón de orohave + a heart of gold .

Example: Though my old man's a dustman he's got a heart of gold.

» tener un corazón grandePosesivo + heart + be + in the right place .

Example: She realizes that while her heart is in the right place, she cannot wish away life's complications.

» tener un gran corazónPosesivo + heart + be + in the right place .

Example: She realizes that while her heart is in the right place, she cannot wish away life's complications.

» transplante de corazónheart transplant .

Example: The daughter consequently had a heart transplant, finished high school, and got a job with an air company.

» una estaca en el corazóna stake in the heart .

Example: This is a stake in the heart of local newspapers.

» válvula del corazónheart valve .

Example: Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which the heart valves are damaged by rheumatic fever.

» volcar el corazón enpour + Posesivo + heart intopour + Posesivo + soul into .

Example: I have stayed true to form in crafting songs that express stories from my own life experience and have poured my heart into each one.

Example: She captivated the audience and poured her soul into every song.

Corazón synonyms

eye in spanish: ojo, pronunciation: part of speech: noun center in spanish: centrar, pronunciation: sentɜr part of speech: noun spirit in spanish: espíritu, pronunciation: spɪrət part of speech: noun core in spanish: núcleo, pronunciation: kɔr part of speech: noun nerve in spanish: nervio, pronunciation: nɜrv part of speech: noun essence in spanish: esencia, pronunciation: esəns part of speech: noun pump in spanish: bomba, pronunciation: pʌmp part of speech: noun gist in spanish: esencia, pronunciation: dʒɪst part of speech: noun substance in spanish: sustancia, pronunciation: sʌbstəns part of speech: noun meat in spanish: carne, pronunciation: mit part of speech: noun sum in spanish: suma, pronunciation: sʌm part of speech: noun centre in spanish: centrar, pronunciation: sentɜr part of speech: noun affection in spanish: afecto, pronunciation: əfekʃən part of speech: noun mettle in spanish: brío, pronunciation: metəl part of speech: noun marrow in spanish: médula, pronunciation: meroʊ part of speech: noun bosom in spanish: seno, pronunciation: bʊzəm part of speech: noun pith in spanish: médula, pronunciation: pɪθ part of speech: noun kernel in spanish: núcleo, pronunciation: kɜrnəl part of speech: noun middle in spanish: medio, pronunciation: mɪdəl part of speech: noun, adjective nub in spanish: protuberancia, pronunciation: nʌb part of speech: noun spunk in spanish: agallas, pronunciation: spʌŋk part of speech: noun nitty-gritty in spanish: meollo, pronunciation: nɪtigrɪti part of speech: noun tenderness in spanish: sensibilidad, pronunciation: tendɜrnəs part of speech: noun fondness in spanish: cariño, pronunciation: fɑndnəs part of speech: noun ticker in spanish: corazón, pronunciation: tɪkɜr part of speech: noun inwardness in spanish: espiritualidad, pronunciation: ɪnwɜrdnəs part of speech: noun warmheartedness in spanish: calidez, pronunciation: wɔrmhɑrtednəs part of speech: noun affectionateness in spanish: enamoramiento, pronunciation: əfekʃənətnəs part of speech: noun
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