Corazonada in english


pronunciation: hʌntʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

corazonada = hunch ; gut feeling ; gut instinct ; feelings in + Posesivo + bones ; wild guess ; presentiment. 

Example: Choice of manual or automated solution to a search problem depends mainly on the questions' complexity, but also on the librarian's hunch.Example: There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.Example: There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.Example: But the people's justice is hasty, mean-spirited and based on vague feelings in the bones and we need the cold hand of the law to save us from ourselves.Example: A group of NASA scientists employed a dartboard to reach a wild guess on the possible composition of Mars.Example: The images and sensations which produce a presentiment, are sometimes so obscure, and so closely concealed in the recesses of the soul, that we are not conscious of them ourselves.


» seguir la corazonada de unoplay + Posesivo + hunches .

Example: As Mearns puts it, he will 'play his hunches, break over or through the likely sources, reverse and alter his procedures'.

» tener una corazonadahave + a hunch .

Example: I had a hunch then and I have a hunch now that he was an American agent of some sort.

Corazonada synonyms

intuition in spanish: intuición, pronunciation: ɪntuɪʃən part of speech: noun hump in spanish: joroba, pronunciation: hʌmp part of speech: noun suspicion in spanish: sospecha, pronunciation: səspɪʃən part of speech: noun hunch over in spanish: encorvarse, pronunciation: hʌntʃoʊvɜr part of speech: verb hunch forward in spanish: corazon hacia adelante, pronunciation: hʌntʃfɔrwɜrd part of speech: verb
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