Coqueteo in english


pronunciation: flɜrteɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

coquetear = flirt ; philander. 

Example: While many artists have flirted with technology, however, there has not been a fully committed alliance between art & technology.Example: But in my view the factor most responsible for philandering in public officials is a predisposition for risk-taking, which also happens to be an essential quality for politicians.

coqueteo = flirtation ; flirt. 

Example: The article 'The flirtation that is paying off' describes the reasons for and the steps leading up to the decision to adopt a computerised information retrieval system = The article 'The flirtation that is paying off' describes the reasons for and the steps leading up to the decision to adopt a computerised information retrieval system.Example: The paper accounts for the need to differentiate between ecology as a science and ecologism which is an ideology born out of a 'flirt' of ecology with philosophy.

Coqueteo synonyms

flirt in spanish: Ligar, pronunciation: flɜrt part of speech: verb, noun dalliance in spanish: frivolidad, pronunciation: dæliəns part of speech: noun flirting in spanish: flirteador, pronunciation: flɜrtɪŋ part of speech: noun coquetry in spanish: coquetería, pronunciation: kɑkwɪtri part of speech: noun toying in spanish: jugando, pronunciation: tɔɪɪŋ part of speech: noun
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