Copón in english


pronunciation: pɪks part of speech: noun
In gestures

copón = goblet ; chalice ; pix. 

Example: The author discusses the historical significance of the goblets, identified as chalices, which were found in late Byzantine graves.Example: The author discusses the historical significance of the goblets, identified as chalices, which were found in late Byzantine graves.Example: After a fire that engulfed the church for seven hours, a consecrated host was found intact in a pix which was completely burned except for the lid.


» del copónhumongous [humungous] [Compuesto formado por la síntesis de huge y enormous]gianormous [Formado por la combinación de giant y enormous]whopping .

Example: The word 'humongous' first darted onto the linguistic stage only about 1968 but hit the big time almost immediately and has been with us ever since.

Example: The upside, and its a gianormous upside, is that there is so much variety.

Example: Further developments in application techniques have enabled a whopping increase in power and speed ratings of up to 50%.

» el copónthe dog's bollocksthe bee's kneesthe cat's meowthe cat's pyjamasthe cat's whiskers .

Example: For reasons that aren't clear 'the dog's bollocks,' which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.

Example: By the 1930s, 'cool as a cucumber' was 'the bee's knees,' slang of the era for 'excellent'.

Example: Both are considered to be the cat's meow but in different fields of machining.

Example: He's supposed to be the cat's pyjamas in modern classical music today.

Example: And if its wines are no longer considered the cat's whiskers, you should not let that prevent you from visiting Sydney.

» ser el copónbe the last straw .

Example: She said they've tolerated his moods, his viciousness -- everything else -- but that this was the last straw.

Copón synonyms

pix in spanish: pix, pronunciation: pɪks part of speech: noun pix chest in spanish: pix pecho, pronunciation: pɪkstʃest part of speech: noun pyx chest in spanish: cofre pyx, pronunciation: pɪkstʃest part of speech: noun
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