Copyright in english


pronunciation: kɑpɪraɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures



» biblioteca de copyrightcopyright library [Biblioteca de depósito legal en donde el derecho de autor deriva o derivaba anteriormente del acto formal del depósito del documento en la biblioteca] .

Example: A copyright library is a legal deposit library in which copyright depends or formerly depended upon the formal act of deposit in the library.

» con copyrightcopyright-protected .

Example: A licence is a legal agreement that gives permission to use a copyright-protected work.

» fecha del copyrightcopyright date [Fecha en que se registró una publicación como propiedad] .

Example: If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.

» identificación bibliográfica y de copyright de la contribucióncatch line [Datos bibliográficos (título completo o abreviado de la revista, volumen, número, año y páginas) y de copyright que aparecen en la cabecera o el pie de la primera página de una contribución con objeto de facilitar la identificación de la contribución en caso de reproducción] .

Example: A catch line (which should not be confused with a running head) should be printed in small type in a consistent position on the first page of each article in a journal.

» ley de copyrightcopyright law .

Example: It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.

» material con copyrightcopyright materialcopyrighted material .

Example: Problems of controlling the reproduction of copyright material are increasing with the development of new technology.

Example: A solution needs to be developed for solving the problem of making copyrighted material available over the Internet.

» mención de copyrightstatement of copyright [En catalogación, indicación que aparece en un documento de la persona que posee el derecho de autor del mismo y el año en que se obtuvo] .

Example: The statement of copyright is an indication of the holder of the copyright of that work and of the year in which this right was obtained.

» titular del copyrightcopyright holdercopyright owner .

Example: This has implications for the potential income of copyright holders such as publishers and authors.

Example: Fair use is a privilege or a right in someone other than the copyright owner to use protected works in certain ways such as researching, teaching, quoting, etc = El uso razonable es un privilegio o un derecho de una persona diferente del titular del copyright para usar los trabajos protegidos en ciertos casos como, por ejemplo, para la investigación, la enseñanza, la cita, etc.

Copyright synonyms

proprietary in spanish: propiedad, pronunciation: prəpraɪəteri part of speech: adjective copyrighted in spanish: con derechos de autor, pronunciation: kɑpɪraɪtɪd part of speech: adjective right of first publication in spanish: derecho de primera publicación, pronunciation: raɪtʌvfɜrstpəblɪkeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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