Copión in english


pronunciation: kɑpi part of speech: noun
In gestures

copión = copycat. 

Example: The article 'Library programmers: creators or copycats?' argues that attitudes to developing and marketing library software need changing.

Copión synonyms

emulate in spanish: emular, pronunciation: emjəleɪt part of speech: verb ape in spanish: mono, pronunciation: eɪp part of speech: noun transcript in spanish: transcripción, pronunciation: trænskrɪpt part of speech: noun imitate in spanish: imitar, pronunciation: ɪməteɪt part of speech: verb simulate in spanish: simular, pronunciation: sɪmjələt part of speech: verb re-create in spanish: recrear, pronunciation: rikrieɪt part of speech: verb written matter in spanish: materia escrita, pronunciation: rɪtənmætɜr part of speech: noun
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