Copiar in english


pronunciation: kɑpi part of speech: noun
In gestures

copiarse = crib ; cheat. 

Example: The problem is that if the student is accused of cribbing the faculty member can be threatened with a lawsuit.Example: If you are caught cheating, you may be banned from the university for a year.

copiar = copy down ; load into ; parallel ; transcribe ; transfer ; translate ; mimic ; copy ; pull down ; shadow ; pull off ; take + a clue from ; take + a lead from ; crib ; follow along. 

Example: Then, consulting his notes again, he said that the only other thing he had copied down was the name of Rosemary Stewart.Example: Multiple copies of the catalogue or index in the conventional sense are not required, but the data base can be copied and loaded into various computer systems.Example: It directly or indirectly incorporated or paralleled several prevailing objectives and concepts of the communication and behavioral sciences and other contributory disciplines.Example: With a limited number of exceptions the title proper is transcribed exactly as to order, wording and spelling.Example: Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.Example: The structure outlined in the guidelines is not intended to translate directly into a structure for machine-readable authority records.Example: These variations mimic the changes in air pressure at the microphone.Example: Shareware, public domain software, and demos can legally be copied and distributed.Example: It allows users to access categories of relevant information at the desktop that have been organized and pulled down from appropriate Web sites by the program.Example: This shadowing project encourages children to read the books shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal, to 'shadow' it and decide on their own choice of winner.Example: One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.Example: Taking a clue from the video-game arcades, the scores of the top 10 players are stored and displayed to later players.Example: Scotland should take a lead from Irish on gun control.Example: The problem is that if the student is accused of cribbing the faculty member can be threatened with a lawsuit.Example: In this video the instrutor moves slowly through the different yoga poses, so even inexperienced children can follow along well.


» copiar aupload [Enviar datos de un ordenador personal a otro ordenador para integrarlos en una base de datos, en línea o en CD-ROM, catálogo u otro depósito de datos mayor] .

Example: Once the data has been edited, the user can go online again to upload this amended file to the host computer.

» copiar dedownload [Coger datos de una base de datos, en línea o en CD-ROM, y transferirlos a otro ordenador para procesarlos y/o integrarlos en otra aplicación] .

Example: To download is to capture data online from a remote host computer and transfer it to the store of an in-house standalone system, eg a microcomputer, for processing.

» copiar registrosdownload + records [En la recuperación de información, operación por la cual ciertos registros de una base de datos se copian a un fichero para su posterior utilización]capture + records .

Example: Records for the stock of a specific library are downloaded from the national data bases and added to the data base of catalogue records for the individual library.

Example: This type of search strategy may help capture relevant records. copiarsecheatingcribcheat [Usado específicamente en el contexto educativo para los exámenes y/o trabajos de clase] .

Example: The author discerns 3 levels of cheating and deceit and examines why scientists stoop to bias and fraud, particularly in trials for new treatments.

Example: The problem is that if the student is accused of cribbing the faculty member can be threatened with a lawsuit.

Example: If you are caught cheating, you may be banned from the university for a year.

» copiar tal cuallift + wholesale and unmodifiedlift out .

Example: The terms in the source will already be in a standard form ready for lifting wholesale and unmodified into a thesaurus.

Example: They are one-sidedly ransacking his writings to 'cherry-pick' and string together whatever can possibly be lifted out and turned against him.

» copiar un ficheroload + a file .

Example: The Library set out to compare the relative merits of remote access, CD-ROM access, and locally loaded data files.

» copiar y pegarcopy and paste .

Example: Users browse the weekly new books Web page, and copy and paste citations into e-mail messages to the library with recommendations for purchases.

» volver a copiarrecopy  .

Example: Obviating the need to recopy citations not only saves time, but also reduces the opportunities for introducing errors.

Copiar synonyms

emulate in spanish: emular, pronunciation: emjəleɪt part of speech: verb ape in spanish: mono, pronunciation: eɪp part of speech: noun transcript in spanish: transcripción, pronunciation: trænskrɪpt part of speech: noun imitate in spanish: imitar, pronunciation: ɪməteɪt part of speech: verb simulate in spanish: simular, pronunciation: sɪmjələt part of speech: verb re-create in spanish: recrear, pronunciation: rikrieɪt part of speech: verb written matter in spanish: materia escrita, pronunciation: rɪtənmætɜr part of speech: noun
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