Copia in english


pronunciation: kɑpi part of speech: noun
In gestures

copia = copy [copies, -pl.] ; copying ; dump ; duplicate ; offloading [off-loading] ; reproduction ; single copy [multiple copies, -pl.] ; transcript ; duplicating ; download ; duplication. 

Example: Usually a central cataloguing agency is based upon a national library or copyright office, where publishers are required by law to send at least one copy of every book published in that country.Example: The copying of words and phrases from the schedules encourages the indexer to use them as they stand.Example: On The Source this can be sent from disk in one 'dump', which CompuServe accepts messages only in response to line-by-line prompts.Example: Because duplicates can be easily made, sheaf catalogues were popular in applications where multiple copies were desirable.Example: It enables easy access to on-line data bases and CD-ROM, off-loading of records, editing, and office tasks such as spreadsheets and word processing.Example: Acknowledgements: the author wishes to acknowledge her debt to the authors of the literature that has gone before, and also to the various persons and organisations that have kindly permitted the reproduction of their work.Example: As stated earlier, the main purpose of electrostatic copiers is to produce single copies, but they will produce multiple copies very rapidly.Example: The cataloguer must make an exact transcript of the title on the title page.Example: This article discusses the lifespan of photographic film and warns about processing and duplicating methods = This article discusses the lifespan of photographic film and warns about processing and duplicating methods.Example: The software enables the user to specify the entry point of the download.Example: A catalogue code is a systematic arrangement of laws and statutes so as to avoid inconsistency and duplication in catalogues.


» catalogación por copiacopy cataloguing .

Example: Results revealed that copy cataloguing from the National Union Catalogue took less time and cost less than original cataloguing.

» copia cachécaching [En Internet, réplica en un servidor Web de páginas Web que existen en otro servidor Web y que son muy frecuentadas para facilitar su acceso] .

Example: Caching involves retaining copies of Web pages that have previously been visited by customers of that service.

» copia de archivoarchival print [Generalmente reproducción en papel de una imagen] .

Example: The combination will yield an archival print that will last for many decades or up to a century without fading or degradation of colour.

» copia de catalogaciónderivative cataloguing [Copia y adaptación de los registros bibliográficos producidos por terceros] .

Example: The author recommends that judaica libraries and librarians devote greater attention to cataloguing with greater emphasis on creative rather than derivative cataloguing.

» copia de papel de calcocarbon copy [Copia obtenida al mismo tiempo que se escribe el original mediante la colocación de papel de calco en el verso del original] .

Example: An edition includes all copies produced from essentially the same original production (e.g., the original and carbon copies of a typescript).

» copia de seguridadbackup [back-up]duplicate copybackup copy .

Example: The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.

Example: Management of data bases includes such details as: keeping sufficient supplies of floppy discs, updating the data bases, keeping duplicate copies of the data bases, preparation of instruction guides and so on.

Example: As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.

» copia de seguridad del sistemasystem backup .

Example: This article discusses the production of listings, and system backup and security.

» copia digitalizadafacsimile image .

Example: The CD-ROM will contain 10000 facsimile images of the papers, indexed such that users can gain quick access to single documents = El CD-ROM contendrá 10.000 imágenes digitalizadas de los artículos, indizados de modo que los usuarios pueden acceder rápidamente a los documentos concretos.

» copia electrónicaelectrocopying [electro-copying] .

Example: The controls upon abuse of fair dealing will be complex, and I have no easy answers, but we shall have to find answers if we are not to be faced with requests from rights-holders for fees of a great magnitude for electro-copying.

» copia en papelhard copy [hardcopy] [Reproducción de un documento en papel] .

Example: The enlargement ratio is the relationship between the dimensions of a hard copy and the corresponding dimensions of the microimage.

» copia exactareplica .

Example: A facsimile reproduction is a reproduction that has as its chief purpose to simulate the physical appearance of the original work as well as to provide an exact replica of the text.

» copia ilegalillegal copy .

Example: If everyone who has an illegal copy actually bought a legitimate copy then Adobe might decide to reduce the cost to everyone.

» copia impresaprintout [print-out] [Por impresora]print copyprint-off .

Example: Libraries of the future will spend larger and larger portions of their budgets not on books, but to finance patrons' acquisitions of print-outs of desired documents located through the online catalogue.

Example: In the first phase of the project, print copies were delivered to UMI by vehicle.

Example: However, these 'libraries' also had a substantial number and apparently growing collection of materials from the U.S. and numerous website print-offs from anti-Castro groups.

» copia legallegitimate copy .

Example: If everyone who has an illegal copy actually bought a legitimate copy then Adobe might decide to reduce the cost to everyone.

» copia legítimalegitimate copy .

Example: If everyone who has an illegal copy actually bought a legitimate copy then Adobe might decide to reduce the cost to everyone.

» copia literalfair copy .

Example: This manuscript is a fair copy made either by an independent scribe or by Shakespeare himself = Este manuscrito es una copia literal realizada por un copista independiente o por el mismo Shakespeare.

» copia mecanografiadatypescript [Documento escrito a máquina a diferencia de su versión impresa o escrita a mano] .

Example: A manuscript is a writing made by hand (including musical scores), typescripts, and inscriptions on clay tablets, stone, etc.

» copia piratapirated copy .

Example: In the months that followed pirated copies of the film were downloaded by millions of people.

» copia por ciclostilcyclostyling .

Example: One may occasionally hear it referred to as cyclostyling or mimeographing.

» copiasmultiple copies [single copy, -sing.] .

Example: The supply would need to be replenished when the multiple copies had been used, so a master would be kept - usually for offset litho reproduction or for cutting a stencil on an electronic scanner.

» era de la copia electrónica, laelectrocopying era, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: We argue strongly for the continuation into the electro-copying era of the fair dealing provisions in legislation designed for the photocopying era.

» error de copiaclerical errorclerical mistake .

Example: Equally important, the cataloger can be assured that changes will be applied with mechanical consistency, without any possibility of clerical error or oversights.

Example: Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.

» hacer copiasmake + multiple copies .

Example: The search results can be edited, possibly to eliminate unwanted references, to make multiple copies, or perhaps to make a more impressive-looking report.

» hacer copias mediante multicopista por disolventespirit duplication .

Example: One of the advantages of spirit duplication is that errors on the master can be erased by gently removing the layer of dye with a razor blade.

» hacer más copias de Algoproduce + additional copies .

Example: A line printer can only produce about four readable copies using carbon interleaved paper, so additional copies must either be produced by photocopying or by rerunning the computer, both of which are relatively costly.

» hacer una copiamake + a duplicatemake + a copy .

Example: You should make a duplicate of your project in progress so you don't do something stupid like delete it by mistake.

Example: If you want to make a copy on the machine, insert the document into the front slot face down until you hear a beep.

» hacer varias copias de Algoreproduce in + multiple copiesproduce + multiple copies .

Example: It is a contradiction in terms to refer to something which has been written and reproduced in multiple copies as 'unpublished'.

Example: Multiple copies of entries cannot be produced with carbons and a typewriter due to the thickness of the card, but small duplicating machines and photocopiers can be utilized.

» libertad de copiacopyleft [Concepto opuesto a 'copyright' por el cual cualquier persona puede hacer uso libre de un material, generalmente informático] .

Example: Some non-profit organizations encourage translation of their material with 'copyleft' statements which allow free non-commercial dissemination.

» sacar una copiamake + a duplicatemake + a copy .

Example: You should make a duplicate of your project in progress so you don't do something stupid like delete it by mistake.

Example: If you want to make a copy on the machine, insert the document into the front slot face down until you hear a beep.

» ser una copia exacta debe a dead ringer for .

Example: The final photocopy was a dead ringer for the PDF files downloaded from the CBS website.

» sistema de copias de seguridadbackup system .

Example: Steps were taken to assure that a backup system would be in place should the system fail again.

copiar = copy down ; load into ; parallel ; transcribe ; transfer ; translate ; mimic ; copy ; pull down ; shadow ; pull off ; take + a clue from ; take + a lead from ; crib ; follow along. 

Example: Then, consulting his notes again, he said that the only other thing he had copied down was the name of Rosemary Stewart.Example: Multiple copies of the catalogue or index in the conventional sense are not required, but the data base can be copied and loaded into various computer systems.Example: It directly or indirectly incorporated or paralleled several prevailing objectives and concepts of the communication and behavioral sciences and other contributory disciplines.Example: With a limited number of exceptions the title proper is transcribed exactly as to order, wording and spelling.Example: Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.Example: The structure outlined in the guidelines is not intended to translate directly into a structure for machine-readable authority records.Example: These variations mimic the changes in air pressure at the microphone.Example: Shareware, public domain software, and demos can legally be copied and distributed.Example: It allows users to access categories of relevant information at the desktop that have been organized and pulled down from appropriate Web sites by the program.Example: This shadowing project encourages children to read the books shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal, to 'shadow' it and decide on their own choice of winner.Example: One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.Example: Taking a clue from the video-game arcades, the scores of the top 10 players are stored and displayed to later players.Example: Scotland should take a lead from Irish on gun control.Example: The problem is that if the student is accused of cribbing the faculty member can be threatened with a lawsuit.Example: In this video the instrutor moves slowly through the different yoga poses, so even inexperienced children can follow along well.


» copiar aupload [Enviar datos de un ordenador personal a otro ordenador para integrarlos en una base de datos, en línea o en CD-ROM, catálogo u otro depósito de datos mayor] .

Example: Once the data has been edited, the user can go online again to upload this amended file to the host computer.

» copiar dedownload [Coger datos de una base de datos, en línea o en CD-ROM, y transferirlos a otro ordenador para procesarlos y/o integrarlos en otra aplicación] .

Example: To download is to capture data online from a remote host computer and transfer it to the store of an in-house standalone system, eg a microcomputer, for processing.

» copiar registrosdownload + records [En la recuperación de información, operación por la cual ciertos registros de una base de datos se copian a un fichero para su posterior utilización]capture + records .

Example: Records for the stock of a specific library are downloaded from the national data bases and added to the data base of catalogue records for the individual library.

Example: This type of search strategy may help capture relevant records. copiarsecheatingcribcheat [Usado específicamente en el contexto educativo para los exámenes y/o trabajos de clase] .

Example: The author discerns 3 levels of cheating and deceit and examines why scientists stoop to bias and fraud, particularly in trials for new treatments.

Example: The problem is that if the student is accused of cribbing the faculty member can be threatened with a lawsuit.

Example: If you are caught cheating, you may be banned from the university for a year.

» copiar tal cuallift + wholesale and unmodifiedlift out .

Example: The terms in the source will already be in a standard form ready for lifting wholesale and unmodified into a thesaurus.

Example: They are one-sidedly ransacking his writings to 'cherry-pick' and string together whatever can possibly be lifted out and turned against him.

» copiar un ficheroload + a file .

Example: The Library set out to compare the relative merits of remote access, CD-ROM access, and locally loaded data files.

» copiar y pegarcopy and paste .

Example: Users browse the weekly new books Web page, and copy and paste citations into e-mail messages to the library with recommendations for purchases.

» volver a copiarrecopy  .

Example: Obviating the need to recopy citations not only saves time, but also reduces the opportunities for introducing errors.

Copia synonyms

emulate in spanish: emular, pronunciation: emjəleɪt part of speech: verb ape in spanish: mono, pronunciation: eɪp part of speech: noun transcript in spanish: transcripción, pronunciation: trænskrɪpt part of speech: noun imitate in spanish: imitar, pronunciation: ɪməteɪt part of speech: verb simulate in spanish: simular, pronunciation: sɪmjələt part of speech: verb re-create in spanish: recrear, pronunciation: rikrieɪt part of speech: verb written matter in spanish: materia escrita, pronunciation: rɪtənmætɜr part of speech: noun
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