Cope in english


pronunciation: koʊp part of speech: verb
In gestures

copar = overtax. 

Example: Currently, they are trying to charge Internet providers more because Internet use is overtaxing the telephone networks.

Cope synonyms

deal in spanish: acuerdo, pronunciation: dil part of speech: noun, verb manage in spanish: gestionar, pronunciation: mænədʒ part of speech: verb contend in spanish: contender, pronunciation: kəntend part of speech: verb grapple in spanish: luchar, pronunciation: græpəl part of speech: verb coping in spanish: albardilla, pronunciation: koʊpɪŋ part of speech: noun header in spanish: encabezamiento, pronunciation: hedɜr part of speech: noun make out in spanish: dar a entender, pronunciation: meɪkaʊt part of speech: verb get by in spanish: arreglárselas, pronunciation: getbaɪ part of speech: verb make do in spanish: arreglarse con lo que hay, pronunciation: meɪkdu part of speech: verb
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