Copa in english


pronunciation: kʌp part of speech: noun
In gestures

Comité de las Organizaciones de Productores Agrícolas (COPA) = Committee of Agricultural Producer Organizations (COPA). 

Example: Pride of place must go to the Committee of Agricultural Produce Organizations (COPA) of which the United Kingdom member is the National Farmer's Union (NFU).

copa1 = cup ; glass ; goblet ; wine glass ; stemmed glass. 

Example: The usual culprit in this case is the cup of coffee placed on top of the drive unit.Example: This city tour will end at the TV tower of Berlin to watch the colours of the city changing when the sun sets while enjoying a glass of German sparkling wine.Example: The author discusses the historical significance of the goblets, identified as chalices, which were found in late Byzantine graves.Example: He obviously said something offensive because she then glassed him in the face with her wine glass.Example: Let's imagine a drink consisting of two main ingredients, gin and vermouth, served chilled and with a garnish -- say, an olive -- in a stemmed glass.


» copa de cóctelcocktail glass .

Example: Rub the rim of cocktail glass with a rind of lime and dip in salt.

» copa de coñacballoon glass .

Example: Inspiration is easily found by the light of a fire with a balloon glass of red wine.

» copa de heladoice cream sundaesundae .

Example: He has eaten so many ice cream sundaes the last few weeks, he has gone up a belt size.

Example: Let guests decorate their sundaes with toppings of their choice.

» copa de succiónsuction cup .

Example: Sink plungers are simple tools with a stick to hold them and suction cups at their bottom.

» copa para el vinowine glass .

Example: He obviously said something offensive because she then glassed him in the face with her wine glass.

» entrechocar copasclink + glasses .

Example: Champagne was pouring and glasses were clinking as dozens of women gathered for a cocktail party.

» ir de copasgo for + a drinkbar-hoppub crawlgo on + a bar hopgo + bar-hoppinggo on + a pub crawl .

Example: Equally the housewife happily crossing off her numbers in the bingo hall is just as much at leisure as is her husband painting his pigeon loft and then going for a drink with his mates at the pub.

Example: Our goal is to bar-hop all day Friday... and likely do the same after the game Saturday.

Example: The aim of pub crawl for most is to get absolutely plastered/drunk/sloshed/smashed (you get the idea).

Example: It's not a place that I would stay at all night, but a good place to get it started on a bar hop.

Example: The ambience was great and the roast suckling pig was heavenly and after dinner we went bar-hopping.

Example: People at my work go on a pub crawl almost every month.

» tamaño de la copacup size .

Example: A nip and a tuck here and there, an increase in cup size or a smaller nose, are procedures that some say can improve confidence.

copa2 = tipple ; tot ; shot ; snifter ; alcoholic drink ; alcoholic beverage ; bevvy ; long drink ; mixed drink. 

Example: Anybody who enjoys a tipple will love a hip flask -- a real winter warmer!.Example: So if you want to take a tot or two of tequila or several margaritas with your meals, you now have a scientific excuse.Example: The guy/girl ratio was 3:2, so needless to say, after a few shots of alcohol, there were a lot of flirting going around.Example: If you would like this cocktail to be sweeter it is not uncommon to sugar the rim of the snifter.Example: The library holds 4,500 volumes on various types of alcoholic drinks.Example: North Americans spend more on chewing gum, tobacco, and alcoholic beverages each year than the entire annual budgets of many poor countries.Example: And when you achieve those goals, we'll be happy to help you celebrate your success with a few bevvies at the local.Example: The future of cognac may lie in cocktails and long drinks.Example: She came out of the kitchen with a mixed drink and thanked him again for saving her bacon, and he downplayed the whole thing and said that anyone would've done the same.


» bar de copasmartini bar .

Example: Sitting on a tailgate drinking a beer with a good friend can be better than going to a swanky martini bar, especially if you know where the good country roads are.

» con otra copa de lo mismo se te cura la resacaa hair of the dog that bit you .

Example: In its current usage, the phrase hair of the dog that bit you (or its shortened form, hair of the dog) is an allusion to the practice of drinking some of whatever it was that put you in that state in the first place, as an antidote to its ill effects.

» copa de bienvenidawelcome drink .

Example: Tickets include welcome drink, 3 course meal and table wine.

» copa de vinoglass of wine .

Example: Staying out late, lots of glasses of wine and having way too much fun has resulted in us both feeling under the weather all weekend long.

» de copasout for a social drink .

Example: The Government has been accused of allowing the capital to become subject to gun law following the outrage in which three men out for a social drink have been gunned down.

» estar de copasbe out drinking .

Example: if you are out drinking, book a taxi, grab a lift or even walk home -- it's not worth the risk.

» ir de copasgo for + a drinkbar-hoppub crawlgo on + a bar hopgo + bar-hoppinggo on + a pub crawl .

Example: Equally the housewife happily crossing off her numbers in the bingo hall is just as much at leisure as is her husband painting his pigeon loft and then going for a drink with his mates at the pub.

Example: Our goal is to bar-hop all day Friday... and likely do the same after the game Saturday.

Example: The aim of pub crawl for most is to get absolutely plastered/drunk/sloshed/smashed (you get the idea).

Example: It's not a place that I would stay at all night, but a good place to get it started on a bar hop.

Example: The ambience was great and the roast suckling pig was heavenly and after dinner we went bar-hopping.

Example: People at my work go on a pub crawl almost every month.

» salir a tomar una copago out for + a drink .

Example: The most popular activities are either those involving little physical effort (eg, listening to records), looking after the house & garden, or gregarious activities like going out for a drink.

» salir de copasgo out for + a drinkgo on + a pub crawlgo on + a bar hoppub crawlbar-hopbe out drinkinggo out + drinking .

Example: The most popular activities are either those involving little physical effort (eg, listening to records), looking after the house & garden, or gregarious activities like going out for a drink.

Example: People at my work go on a pub crawl almost every month.

Example: It's not a place that I would stay at all night, but a good place to get it started on a bar hop.

Example: The aim of pub crawl for most is to get absolutely plastered/drunk/sloshed/smashed (you get the idea).

Example: Our goal is to bar-hop all day Friday... and likely do the same after the game Saturday.

Example: if you are out drinking, book a taxi, grab a lift or even walk home -- it's not worth the risk.

Example: I get really upset when my husband goes out drinking with his friends.

» tomar copastipplebevvy .

Example: She was beginning to suspect that perhaps Ashenden had tippled one too many.

Example: If you're going to start talking sense then don't expect me to bevvy with you on Sunday.

» tomarse una copahave + a drink .

Example: It's a perfect bar to meet up and have a drink and a natter or simply chill and relax whilst watching the world go by in the park below.

copa3 = championship. 

Example: This sports complex was extensively altered for the 1990 World Cup soccer championships.


» Copa Africana de Naciones, laAfrica(n) Cup of Nations, the (CAN) .

Example: This year's African Cup of Nations is now over, with Cameroon taking the title after a victory over Egypt in the final.

» eliminatoria de copacup tie .

Example: Unfortunately when we arrived at the football ground for our cup tie, it was pelting it down and the referee called the match off.

» encuentro de copacup tie .

Example: Unfortunately when we arrived at the football ground for our cup tie, it was pelting it down and the referee called the match off.

» final de copacup final .

Example: It's been too long for a major cup final for this club so I'm really happy for our supporters.

copa4 = top. 

Example: They all have space at the top for a key word and the index is arranged in alphabetical order by keyword.


» cubierta formada por las copas de los árbolescanopyoverstorey [overstory, -USA] .

Example: Canopy light penetration and overstorey tree density were measured in both burned and unburned forests.

Example: Canopy light penetration and overstorey tree density were measured in both burned and unburned forests.

» en la copa del árbolat the top of the tree .

Example: The best apples were at the top of the tree but they didn't want to reach for them because they were afraid of falling and getting hurt.

» la copa del árbolthe top of the tree .

Example: The height of a tree is measured from the top of the tree to the ground.

» sombrero de copatop hat .

Example: They were all decked out in top hat and tails, sipping champagne and preparing to shout their horse all the way home to the finishing post.

COPA (Comité de las Organizaciones de Productores Agrícolas)5 = Committee of Agricultural Producer Organizations (COPA). 

Example: Pride of place must go to the Committee of Agricultural Produce Organizations (COPA) of which the United Kingdom member is the National Farmer's Union (NFU).

copar = overtax. 

Example: Currently, they are trying to charge Internet providers more because Internet use is overtaxing the telephone networks.

Copa synonyms

transfuse in spanish: transfundir, pronunciation: trænsfjuz part of speech: verb cupful in spanish: taza, pronunciation: kʌpfəl part of speech: noun loving cup in spanish: taza amorosa, pronunciation: lʌvɪŋkʌp part of speech: noun
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