Coordinar in english

To coordinate

pronunciation: tukoʊɔrdənət part of speech: none
In gestures

coordinar = channel ; coordinate [co-ordinate] ; monitor ; liaise (with/between) ; choreograph ; synergise [synergize, -USA]. 

Example: Users make suggestions for modifications and these are then channelled through a series of committees.Example: Most recommend that once abstractors have decided which concepts to include in abstracts and in which form to represent them, their terms should be coordinated with index terms assigned from a controlled vocabulary.Example: Ideally it should be possible to include some form of student assessment or to monitor the student's progress.Example: A full-time professional librarian, who could promote the service both internally and externally and liaise with other agencies, was never appointed.Example: Response to reading room theft should be carefully choreographed but decisive.Example: Certain learner characteristics and learning contexts may synergize to override the disadvantages of a late start.


» coordinar esfuerzoscoordinate + efforts .

Example: What is required is a recognised organisation to co-ordinate all their efforts.

» coordinarlo todotie + the pieces together .

Example: The six essential planning guidelines are: identify the project, nail down the details, determine conversion methodology, develop a realistic conversion schedule, determine who is going to do your conversion, and tie the pieces together.

» coordinar una reuniónconduct + a meeting .

Example: One of the supervisor's jobs is to arrange for and conduct library staff meetings weekly.
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