Coordinador in english


pronunciation: koʊɔrdəneɪtɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

coordinador = coordinator [co-ordinator] ; liaison ; liaison person ; orchestrator ; liaison officer ; channelling [channeling, -USA] ; convener [convenor]. 

Example: The Library of Congress has assumed the role of network co-ordinator in the United States.Example: This person acted as the liaison with the former UNIMARC Working Group.Example: Often one of them is designated as a liaison person for the library staff.Example: The library manager is the 'orchestrator' of strategies in the political arena.Example: Each assistant librarian serves as a liaison officer with one1 or more departments, thus keeping users up to date with new developments in the library.Example: In 1970, when multiregional networks were begun, even the smallest public library became an important channeling agency for its area.Example: The author of this article is the convener of the Canadian Library Association Copyright Committee.


» centro coordinadorhubcoordinating centre .

Example: And since the main entry is the hub and most exacting aspect of our cataloging process, its replacement by a title-unit entry would greatly simplify the problem and expedite the operation of cataloging.

Example: The network has 4 centres: coordinating centres; regional centres; sectional centres; pilot centres.

» centro coordinador de informaciónclearinghouse [clearing house] [Organismo cuya tarea es la de recoger, conservar, difundir y hacer disponible documentos e información sobre estudios e investigaciones completadas, propuestas o en curso así como enviar a los usuarios a otras fuentes de información]clearinghouse [clearing house] [Organismo cuya tarea es la de recoger, conservar, difundir y hacer disponible documentos e información sobre estudios e investigaciones completadas, propuestas o en curso así como enviar a los usuarios a otras fuentes de información] .

Example: A clearing house is an organization with the tasks of collecting, preserving and making known and available documents and data relating to studies and research projects either completed, proposed or in progress as well as for guiding users to other sources of information.

Example: A clearing house is an organization with the tasks of collecting, preserving and making known and available documents and data relating to studies and research projects either completed, proposed or in progress as well as for guiding users to other sources of information.

» comité coordinadorcoordinating committee .

Example: Libraries can cooperate closely with advice agencies through local coordinating committees, shared premises, joint publicity, referral and the sharing of professional expertise.

» grupo coordinadorsteering group .

Example: A steering group was established earlier this year to oversee the development of the format, and detailed work has already begun.

» junta coordinadoracoordinating board .

Example: This project is being run by staff members from the coordinating board for Higher Education and was initiated in May 86.
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